@@ -655,8 +655,12 @@ class Toolbox(QObject, Extension):
# Check if the download was sucessfull
if self._download_reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) != 200:
- Logger.log("w", "Failed to download package. The following error was returned: %s", json.loads(bytes(self._download_reply.readAll()).decode("utf-8")))
- return
+ try:
+ Logger.log("w", "Failed to download package. The following error was returned: %s", json.loads(bytes(self._download_reply.readAll()).decode("utf-8")))
+ except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
+ Logger.logException("w", "Failed to download package and failed to parse a response from it")
+ finally:
+ return
# Must not delete the temporary file on Windows
self._temp_plugin_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode = "w+b", suffix = ".curapackage", delete = False)
file_path = self._temp_plugin_file.name