@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
+# Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
+from UM.Job import Job
+from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
+from UM.Math.Vector import Vector
+from UM.Operations.SetTransformOperation import SetTransformOperation
+from UM.Operations.TranslateOperation import TranslateOperation
+from UM.Operations.GroupedOperation import GroupedOperation
+from UM.Logger import Logger
+from UM.Message import Message
+from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
+i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
+from cura.ZOffsetDecorator import ZOffsetDecorator
+from cura.Arrange import Arrange
+from cura.ShapeArray import ShapeArray
+from typing import List
+class ArrangeArray:
+ def __init__(self, x, y, fixed_nodes):
+ self._x = x
+ self._y = y
+ self._fixed_nodes = fixed_nodes
+ self._count = 0
+ self._first_empty = None
+ self._has_empty = False
+ self._arrange = []
+ def _update_first_empty(self):
+ for i, a in enumerate(self._arrange):
+ if a.isEmpty:
+ self._first_empty = i
+ self._has_empty = True
+ Logger.log("d", "lala %s %s", self._first_empty, self._has_empty)
+ return
+ self._first_empty = None
+ self._has_empty = False
+ def add(self):
+ new_arrange = Arrange.create(x = self._x, y = self._y, fixed_nodes = self._fixed_nodes)
+ self._arrange.append(new_arrange)
+ self._count += 1
+ self._update_first_empty()
+ def count(self):
+ return self._count
+ def get(self, index):
+ return self._arrange[index]
+ def getFirstEmpty(self):
+ if not self._is_empty:
+ self.add()
+ return self._arrange[self._first_empty]
+class ArrangeObjectsAllBuildPlatesJob(Job):
+ def __init__(self, nodes: List[SceneNode], min_offset = 8):
+ super().__init__()
+ self._nodes = nodes
+ self._min_offset = min_offset
+ def run(self):
+ status_message = Message(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Finding new location for objects"),
+ lifetime = 0,
+ dismissable=False,
+ progress = 0,
+ title = i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Finding Location"))
+ status_message.show()
+ # Collect nodes to be placed
+ nodes_arr = [] # fill with (size, node, offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr)
+ for node in self._nodes:
+ offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr = ShapeArray.fromNode(node, min_offset = self._min_offset)
+ nodes_arr.append((offset_shape_arr.arr.shape[0] * offset_shape_arr.arr.shape[1], node, offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr))
+ # Sort the nodes with the biggest area first.
+ nodes_arr.sort(key=lambda item: item[0])
+ nodes_arr.reverse()
+ x, y = 200, 200
+ arrange_array = ArrangeArray(x = x, y = y, fixed_nodes = [])
+ arrange_array.add()
+ # Place nodes one at a time
+ start_priority = 0
+ grouped_operation = GroupedOperation()
+ found_solution_for_all = True
+ left_over_nodes = [] # nodes that do not fit on an empty build plate
+ for idx, (size, node, offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr) in enumerate(nodes_arr):
+ # For performance reasons, we assume that when a location does not fit,
+ # it will also not fit for the next object (while what can be untrue).
+ # We also skip possibilities by slicing through the possibilities (step = 10)
+ try_placement = True
+ current_build_plate_number = 0 # always start with the first one
+ # # Only for first build plate
+ # if last_size == size and last_build_plate_number == current_build_plate_number:
+ # # This optimization works if many of the objects have the same size
+ # # Continue with same build plate number
+ # start_priority = last_priority
+ # else:
+ # start_priority = 0
+ while try_placement:
+ Logger.log("d", "start_priority %s", start_priority)
+ # make sure that current_build_plate_number is not going crazy or you'll have a lot of arrange objects
+ while current_build_plate_number >= arrange_array.count():
+ arrange_array.add()
+ arranger = arrange_array.get(current_build_plate_number)
+ best_spot = arranger.bestSpot(offset_shape_arr, start_prio=start_priority, step=10)
+ x, y = best_spot.x, best_spot.y
+ node.removeDecorator(ZOffsetDecorator)
+ if node.getBoundingBox():
+ center_y = node.getWorldPosition().y - node.getBoundingBox().bottom
+ else:
+ center_y = 0
+ if x is not None: # We could find a place
+ arranger.place(x, y, hull_shape_arr) # place the object in the arranger
+ node.callDecoration("setBuildPlateNumber", current_build_plate_number)
+ grouped_operation.addOperation(TranslateOperation(node, Vector(x, center_y, y), set_position = True))
+ try_placement = False
+ else:
+ # very naive, because we skip to the next build plate if one model doesn't fit.
+ if arranger.isEmpty:
+ # apparently we can never place this object
+ left_over_nodes.append(node)
+ try_placement = False
+ else:
+ # try next build plate
+ current_build_plate_number += 1
+ try_placement = True
+ status_message.setProgress((idx + 1) / len(nodes_arr) * 100)
+ Job.yieldThread()
+ for node in left_over_nodes:
+ node.callDecoration("setBuildPlateNumber", -1) # these are not on any build plate
+ found_solution_for_all = False
+ grouped_operation.push()
+ status_message.hide()
+ if not found_solution_for_all:
+ no_full_solution_message = Message(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"),
+ title = i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Can't Find Location"))
+ no_full_solution_message.show()