Browse Source

Adapting code to merge of simple_convex_hull and code cleanup.

Johan Kristensen 8 years ago

+ 18 - 27

@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class Layer:
             result_index_offset += polygon.lineMeshElementCount()
             self._element_count += polygon.elementCount
-        return (result_vertex_offset,result_index_offset)
+        return (result_vertex_offset, result_index_offset)
     def createMesh(self):
         return self.createMeshOrJumps(True)
@@ -68,56 +68,47 @@ class Layer:
         return self.createMeshOrJumps(False)
     def createMeshOrJumps(self, make_mesh):
-        builder = MeshBuilder() # This is never really used, only the mesh_data inside
-        index_pattern = numpy.array([[0,3,2,0,1,3]],dtype = numpy.int32 )
+        builder = MeshBuilder()
+        index_pattern = numpy.array([[0, 3, 2, 0, 1, 3]], dtype = numpy.int32 )
         line_count = 0
         if make_mesh:
             for polygon in self._polygons:
-                line_count += polygon._mesh_line_count
+                line_count += polygon.meshLineCount
             for polygon in self._polygons:
-                line_count += polygon._jump_count
+                line_count += polygon.jumpCount
         # Reserve the neccesary space for the data upfront
-        builder.reserveFaceAndVerticeCount( 2*line_count, 4*line_count )
+        builder.reserveFaceAndVertexCount(2 * line_count, 4 * line_count)
         for polygon in self._polygons:
-            #if make_mesh and (polygon.type == LayerPolygon.MoveCombingType or polygon.type == LayerPolygon.MoveRetractionType):
-            #    continue
-            #if not make_mesh and not (polygon.type == LayerPolygon.MoveCombingType or polygon.type == LayerPolygon.MoveRetractionType):
-            #    continue
-            index_mask = numpy.logical_not(polygon._jump_mask) if make_mesh else polygon._jump_mask
+            # Filter out the types of lines we are not interesed in depending on whether we are drawing the mesh or the jumps.
+            index_mask = numpy.logical_not(polygon.jumpMask) if make_mesh else polygon.jumpMask
-            # Create an array with rows [p p+1] and only save those we whant to draw based on make_mesh
-            points = numpy.concatenate(([:-1],[1:]),1)[index_mask.ravel()]
+            # Create an array with rows [p p+1] and only keep those we whant to draw based on make_mesh
+            points = numpy.concatenate(([:-1],[1:]), 1)[index_mask.ravel()]
             # Line types of the points we want to draw
-            line_types = polygon._types[index_mask]
+            line_types = polygon.types[index_mask]
-            #if polygon.type == LayerPolygon.InfillType or polygon.type == LayerPolygon.SkinType or polygon.type == LayerPolygon.SupportInfillType:
-            #    points[:,1] -= 0.01
-            #if polygon.type == LayerPolygon.MoveCombingType or polygon.type == LayerPolygon.MoveRetractionType:
-            #    points[:,1] += 0.01
-            # Shift the z-axis according to previous implementation. 
+             # Shift the z-axis according to previous implementation. 
             if make_mesh:
-                points[polygon._orInfillSkin[line_types],1::3] -= 0.01
+                points[polygon.isInfillOrSkinType(line_types), 1::3] -= 0.01
-                points[:,1::3] += 0.01
+                points[:, 1::3] += 0.01
             # Create an array with normals and tile 2 copies to match size of points variable
-            normals = numpy.tile( polygon.getNormals()[index_mask.ravel()], (1,2))
+            normals = numpy.tile( polygon.getNormals()[index_mask.ravel()], (1, 2))
             # Scale all normals by the line width of the current line so we can easily offset.
             normals *= (polygon.lineWidths[index_mask.ravel()] / 2)
             # Create 4 points to draw each line segment, points +- normals results in 2 points each. Reshape to one point per line
-            f_points = numpy.concatenate((points-normals,points+normals),1).reshape((-1,3))
+            f_points = numpy.concatenate((points-normals, points+normals), 1).reshape((-1, 3))
             # index_pattern defines which points to use to draw the two faces for each lines egment, the following linesegment is offset by 4 
-            f_indices = ( index_pattern + numpy.arange(0,4*len(normals),4,dtype=numpy.int32).reshape((-1,1)) ).reshape((-1,3))
-            f_colors = numpy.repeat(polygon._color_map[line_types], 4, 0)
+            f_indices = ( index_pattern + numpy.arange(0, 4 * len(normals), 4, dtype=numpy.int32).reshape((-1, 1)) ).reshape((-1, 3))
+            f_colors = numpy.repeat(polygon.mapLineTypeToColor(line_types), 4, 0)
             builder.addFacesWithColor(f_points, f_indices, f_colors)

+ 0 - 1

@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ class LayerDataBuilder(MeshBuilder):
             ( vertex_offset, index_offset ) = vertex_offset, index_offset, vertices, colors, indices)
             self._element_counts[layer] = data.elementCount
-        self.clear()

+ 42 - 17

@@ -38,25 +38,24 @@ class LayerPolygon:
         self._colors = self.__color_map[self._types]
         self._color_map = self.__color_map
-        # type == LayerPolygon.InfillType or type == LayerPolygon.SkinType or type == LayerPolygon.SupportInfillType
+        # When type is used as index returns true if type == LayerPolygon.InfillType or type == LayerPolygon.SkinType or type == LayerPolygon.SupportInfillType
         # Should be generated in better way, not hardcoded.
-        self._orInfillSkin = numpy.array([0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0],dtype=numpy.bool)
+        self._isInfillOrSkinTypeMap = numpy.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0], dtype=numpy.bool)
         self._build_cache_line_mesh_mask = None
         self._build_cache_needed_points = None
-    def build_cache(self):
-        #if polygon.type == LayerPolygon.InfillType or polygon.type == LayerPolygon.MoveCombingType or polygon.type == LayerPolygon.MoveRetractionType:
-        #    continue
-        self._build_cache_line_mesh_mask = numpy.logical_not(numpy.logical_or(self._jump_mask,self._types == LayerPolygon.InfillType ))
+    def buildCache(self):
+        # For the line mesh we do not draw Infill or Jumps. Therefore those lines are filtered out.
+        self._build_cache_line_mesh_mask = numpy.logical_not(numpy.logical_or(self._jump_mask, self._types == LayerPolygon.InfillType ))
         mesh_line_count = numpy.sum(self._build_cache_line_mesh_mask)
         self._index_begin = 0
         self._index_end = mesh_line_count
-        self._build_cache_needed_points = numpy.ones((len(self._types),2), dtype=numpy.bool)
+        self._build_cache_needed_points = numpy.ones((len(self._types), 2), dtype=numpy.bool)
         # Only if the type of line segment changes do we need to add an extra vertex to change colors
-        self._build_cache_needed_points[1:,0][:,numpy.newaxis] = self._types[1:] != self._types[:-1]
-        # Remove points of types we don't want in the line mesh
+        self._build_cache_needed_points[1:, 0][:, numpy.newaxis] = self._types[1:] != self._types[:-1]
+        # Mark points as unneeded if they are of types we don't want in the line mesh according to the calculated mask
         numpy.logical_and(self._build_cache_needed_points, self._build_cache_line_mesh_mask, self._build_cache_needed_points )
         self._vertex_begin = 0
@@ -65,29 +64,36 @@ class LayerPolygon:
     def build(self, vertex_offset, index_offset, vertices, colors, indices):
         if (self._build_cache_line_mesh_mask == None) or (self._build_cache_needed_points == None ):
-            self.build_cache()
+            self.buildCache()
         line_mesh_mask = self._build_cache_line_mesh_mask
         needed_points_list = self._build_cache_needed_points
-        index_list = ( numpy.arange(len(self._types)).reshape((-1,1)) + numpy.array([[0,1]]) ).reshape((-1,1))[needed_points_list.reshape((-1,1))]
+        # Index to the points we need to represent the line mesh. This is constructed by generating simple
+        # start and end points for each line. For line segment n these are points n and n+1. Row n reads [n n+1] 
+        # Then then the indices for the points we don't need are thrown away based on the pre-calculated list. 
+        index_list = ( numpy.arange(len(self._types)).reshape((-1, 1)) + numpy.array([[0, 1]]) ).reshape((-1, 1))[needed_points_list.reshape((-1, 1))]
+        # The relative values of begin and end indices have already been set in buildCache, so we only need to offset them to the parents offset.
         self._vertex_begin += vertex_offset
         self._vertex_end += vertex_offset
+        # Points are picked based on the index list to get the vertices needed. 
         vertices[self._vertex_begin:self._vertex_end, :] = self._data[index_list, :]
-        colors[self._vertex_begin:self._vertex_end, :] = numpy.tile(self._colors,(1,2)).reshape((-1,4))[needed_points_list.ravel()] 
+        # Create an array with colors for each vertex and remove the color data for the points that has been thrown away. 
+        colors[self._vertex_begin:self._vertex_end, :] = numpy.tile(self._colors, (1, 2)).reshape((-1, 4))[needed_points_list.ravel()] 
         colors[self._vertex_begin:self._vertex_end, :] *= numpy.array([[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]], numpy.float32)
+        # The relative values of begin and end indices have already been set in buildCache, so we only need to offset them to the parents offset.
         self._index_begin += index_offset
         self._index_end += index_offset
-        indices[self._index_begin:self._index_end,:] = numpy.arange(self._index_end-self._index_begin, dtype=numpy.int32).reshape((-1,1))
+        indices[self._index_begin:self._index_end, :] = numpy.arange(self._index_end-self._index_begin, dtype=numpy.int32).reshape((-1, 1))
         # When the line type changes the index needs to be increased by 2.
-        indices[self._index_begin:self._index_end,:] += numpy.cumsum(needed_points_list[line_mesh_mask.ravel(),0],dtype=numpy.int32).reshape((-1,1))
+        indices[self._index_begin:self._index_end, :] += numpy.cumsum(needed_points_list[line_mesh_mask.ravel(), 0], dtype=numpy.int32).reshape((-1, 1))
         # Each line segment goes from it's starting point p to p+1, offset by the vertex index. 
         # The -1 is to compensate for the neccecarily True value of needed_points_list[0,0] which causes an unwanted +1 in cumsum above.
-        indices[self._index_begin:self._index_end,:] += numpy.array([self._vertex_begin - 1,self._vertex_begin])
+        indices[self._index_begin:self._index_end, :] += numpy.array([self._vertex_begin - 1, self._vertex_begin])
         self._build_cache_line_mesh_mask = None
         self._build_cache_needed_points = None
@@ -95,6 +101,12 @@ class LayerPolygon:
     def getColors(self):
         return self._colors
+    def mapLineTypeToColor(self, line_types):
+        return self._color_map[line_types]
+    def isInfillOrSkinType(self, line_types):
+        return self._isInfillOrSkinTypeMap[line_types]
     def lineMeshVertexCount(self):
         return (self._vertex_end - self._vertex_begin)
@@ -116,6 +128,18 @@ class LayerPolygon:
     def lineWidths(self):
         return self._line_widths
+    @property
+    def jumpMask(self):
+        return self._jump_mask
+    @property
+    def meshLineCount(self):
+        return self._mesh_line_count
+    @property
+    def jumpCount(self):
+        return self._jump_count
     # Calculate normals for the entire polygon using numpy.
     def getNormals(self):
@@ -166,4 +190,5 @@ class LayerPolygon:
         [1.0, 0.74, 0.0, 1.0],
         [0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
         [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0],
-        [0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0]])
+        [0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0]
+    ])

+ 1 - 1

@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class ProcessSlicedLayersJob(Job):
                 new_points /= 1000
                 this_poly = LayerPolygon.LayerPolygon(layer_data, line_types, new_points, line_widths)
-                this_poly.build_cache()
+                this_poly.buildCache()

+ 4 - 4

@@ -259,12 +259,12 @@ class _CreateTopLayersJob(Job):
             # Scale layer color by a brightness factor based on the current layer number
             # This will result in a range of 0.5 - 1.0 to multiply colors by.
-            brightness = numpy.ones((1,4),dtype=numpy.float32) * (2.0 - (i / self._solid_layers)) / 2.0
-            brightness[0,3] = 1.0;
-            layer_mesh.addColors(layer.getColors() * brightness )
+            brightness = numpy.ones((1,4), dtype=numpy.float32) * (2.0 - (i / self._solid_layers)) / 2.0
+            brightness[0, 3] = 1.0;
+            layer_mesh.addColors(layer.getColors() * brightness)
             if self._cancel: