@@ -18,10 +18,12 @@ class GridArrange:
_nodes_to_arrange: List["SceneNode"]
_fixed_nodes: List["SceneNode"]
- _build_volume_bounding_box = AxisAlignedBox
+ _build_volume: "BuildVolume"
+ _build_volume_bounding_box: AxisAlignedBox
def __init__(self, nodes_to_arrange: List["SceneNode"], build_volume: "BuildVolume", fixed_nodes: List["SceneNode"] = []):
self._nodes_to_arrange = nodes_to_arrange
+ self._build_volume = build_volume
self._build_volume_bounding_box = build_volume.getBoundingBox()
self._fixed_nodes = fixed_nodes
@@ -39,7 +41,6 @@ class GridArrange:
self._initial_leftover_grid_y = math.floor(self._initial_leftover_grid_y)
def arrange(self)-> bool:
grouped_operation, not_fit_count = self.createGroupOperationForArrange()
return not_fit_count == 0
@@ -51,6 +52,11 @@ class GridArrange:
fixed_nodes_grid_ids = fixed_nodes_grid_ids.union(self.intersectingGridIdxInclusive(node.getBoundingBox()))
build_plate_grid_ids = self.intersectingGridIdxExclusive(self._build_volume_bounding_box)
+ # Filter out the corner grid squares if the build plate shape is elliptic
+ if self._build_volume.getShape() == "elliptic":
+ build_plate_grid_ids = set(filter(lambda grid_id: self.checkGridUnderDiscSpace(grid_id[0], grid_id[1]), build_plate_grid_ids))
allowed_grid_idx = build_plate_grid_ids.difference(fixed_nodes_grid_ids)
# Find the sequence in which items are placed
@@ -86,7 +92,6 @@ class GridArrange:
operation = self.moveNodeOnGrid(node, self._initial_leftover_grid_x, left_over_grid_y)
left_over_grid_y = left_over_grid_y - 1
return grouped_operation, len(leftover_nodes)
def moveNodeOnGrid(self, node: "SceneNode", grid_x: int, grid_y: int) -> "Operation.Operation":
@@ -138,6 +143,35 @@ class GridArrange:
coord_y = (grid_y - self._build_volume_bounding_box.back) / (self._grid_height + self.offset_y)
return coord_x, coord_y
+ def checkGridUnderDiscSpace(self, grid_x: int, grid_y: int) -> bool:
+ left, back = self.gridSpaceToCoordSpace(grid_x, grid_y)
+ right, front = self.gridSpaceToCoordSpace(grid_x + 1, grid_y + 1)
+ corners = [(left, back), (right, back), (right, front), (left, front)]
+ return all([self.checkPointUnderDiscSpace(x, y) for x, y in corners])
+ def checkPointUnderDiscSpace(self, x: float, y: float) -> bool:
+ disc_x, disc_y = self.coordSpaceToDiscSpace(x, y)
+ distance_to_center_squared = disc_x ** 2 + disc_y ** 2
+ return distance_to_center_squared <= 1.0
+ def coordSpaceToDiscSpace(self, x: float, y: float) -> Tuple[float, float]:
+ # Transform coordinate system to
+ #
+ # coord_build_plate_left = -1
+ # | coord_build_plate_right = 1
+ # v (0,1) v
+ # ┌───────┬───────┐ < coord_build_plate_back = -1
+ # │ │ │
+ # │ │(0,0) │
+ # (-1,0)│───────o───────┤(1,0)
+ # │ │ │
+ # │ │ │
+ # └───────┴───────┘ < coord_build_plate_front = +1
+ # (0,-1)
+ disc_x = ((x - self._build_volume_bounding_box.left) / self._build_volume_bounding_box.width) * 2.0 - 1.0
+ disc_y = ((y - self._build_volume_bounding_box.back) / self._build_volume_bounding_box.depth) * 2.0 - 1.0
+ return disc_x, disc_y
def drawDebugSvg(self):
with open("Builvolume_test.svg", "w") as f:
build_volume_bounding_box = self._build_volume_bounding_box
@@ -145,25 +179,39 @@ class GridArrange:
f"<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='{build_volume_bounding_box.left - 100} {build_volume_bounding_box.back - 100} {build_volume_bounding_box.width + 200} {build_volume_bounding_box.depth + 200}'>\n")
- f.write(
- f"""
- <rect
- x='{build_volume_bounding_box.left}'
- y='{build_volume_bounding_box.back}'
- width='{build_volume_bounding_box.width}'
- height='{build_volume_bounding_box.depth}'
- fill=\"lightgrey\"
- />
- """)
+ ellipse = True
+ if ellipse:
+ f.write(
+ f"""
+ <ellipse
+ cx='{(build_volume_bounding_box.left + build_volume_bounding_box.right) * 0.5}'
+ cy='{(build_volume_bounding_box.back + build_volume_bounding_box.front) * 0.5}'
+ rx='{build_volume_bounding_box.width * 0.5}'
+ ry='{build_volume_bounding_box.depth * 0.5}'
+ fill=\"blue\"
+ />
+ """)
+ else:
+ f.write(
+ f"""
+ <rect
+ x='{build_volume_bounding_box.left}'
+ y='{build_volume_bounding_box.back}'
+ width='{build_volume_bounding_box.width}'
+ height='{build_volume_bounding_box.depth}'
+ fill=\"lightgrey\"
+ />
+ """)
- for grid_x in range(-10, 10):
- for grid_y in range(-10, 10):
+ for grid_x in range(0, 100):
+ for grid_y in range(0, 100):
# if (grid_x, grid_y) in intersecting_grid_idx:
# fill_color = "red"
# elif (grid_x, grid_y) in build_plate_grid_idx:
# fill_color = "green"
# else:
# fill_color = "orange"
coord_grid_x, coord_grid_y = self.gridSpaceToCoordSpace(grid_x, grid_y)
@@ -172,12 +220,13 @@ class GridArrange:
- fill="green"
+ fill="#ff00ff88"
+ font-size="8"
x="{coord_grid_x + self._grid_width * 0.5}"
y="{coord_grid_y + self._grid_height * 0.5}"
@@ -208,4 +257,11 @@ class GridArrange:
- f.write(f"</svg>")
+ for x in range(math.floor(self._build_volume_bounding_box.left), math.floor(self._build_volume_bounding_box.right), 50):
+ for y in range(math.floor(self._build_volume_bounding_box.back), math.floor(self._build_volume_bounding_box.front), 50):
+ color = "green" if self.checkPointUnderDiscSpace(x, y) else "red"
+ f.write(f"""
+ <circle cx="{x}" cy="{y}" r="10" fill="{color}" />
+ """)
+ f.write(f"</svg>")