@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ datas += tmp_ret[0]; binaries += tmp_ret[1]; hiddenimports += tmp_ret[2]
# Add dynamic libs in the venv bin/Script Path. This is needed because we might copy some additional libs
# e.q.: OpenSSL 1.1.1l in that directory with a separate:
# `conan install openssl@1.1.1l -g deploy && cp openssl/bin/*.so cura_inst/bin`
-binaries.extend([(str(bin), ".") for bin in Path("{{ venv_script_path }}").glob("*.so*")])
-binaries.extend([(str(bin), ".") for bin in Path("{{ venv_script_path }}").glob("*.dll")])
-binaries.extend([(str(bin), ".") for bin in Path("{{ venv_script_path }}").glob("*.dylib")])
+binaries.extend([(str(bin), ".") for bin in Path(r"{{ venv_script_path }}").glob("*.so*")])
+binaries.extend([(str(bin), ".") for bin in Path(r"{{ venv_script_path }}").glob("*.dll")])
+binaries.extend([(str(bin), ".") for bin in Path(r"{{ venv_script_path }}").glob("*.dylib")])
block_cipher = None