@@ -88,6 +88,25 @@ class VersionUpgrade462to47(VersionUpgrade):
script_parser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None)
script_parser.optionxform = str # type: ignore # Don't transform the setting keys as they are case-sensitive.
+ # Unify all Pause at Height
+ script_id = script_parser.sections()[0]
+ if script_id in ["BQ_PauseAtHeight", "PauseAtHeightRepRapFirmwareDuet", "PauseAtHeightforRepetier"]:
+ script_settings = script_parser.items(script_id)
+ script_settings.append(("pause_method", {
+ "BQ_PauseAtHeight": "bq",
+ "PauseAtHeightforRepetier": "repetier",
+ "PauseAtHeightRepRapFirmwareDuet": "reprap"
+ }[script_id]))
+ # Since we cannot rename a section, we remove the original section and create a new section with the new script id.
+ script_parser.remove_section(script_id)
+ script_id = "PauseAtHeight"
+ script_parser.add_section(script_id)
+ for setting_tuple in script_settings:
+ script_parser.set(script_id, setting_tuple[0], setting_tuple[1])
+ # Update redo_layers to redo_layer
if "PauseAtHeight" in script_parser:
if "redo_layers" in script_parser["PauseAtHeight"]:
script_parser["PauseAtHeight"]["redo_layer"] = str(int(script_parser["PauseAtHeight"]["redo_layers"]) > 0)