@@ -301,6 +301,19 @@ class StartSliceJob(Job):
for extruder_stack in global_stack.extruderList:
+ for plugin in CuraApplication.getInstance().getBackendPlugins():
+ for slot in plugin.getSupportedSlots():
+ # Right now we just send the message for every slot that we support. A single plugin can support
+ # multiple slots
+ # In the future the frontend will need to decide what slots that a plugin actually supports should
+ # also be used. For instance, if you have two plugins and each of them support a_generate and b_generate
+ # only one of each can actually be used (eg; plugin 1 does both, plugin 1 does a_generate and 2 does
+ # b_generate, etc).
+ plugin_message = self._slice_message.addRepeatedMessage("engine_plugins")
+ plugin_message.id = slot
+ plugin_message.address = plugin.getAddress()
+ plugin_message.port = plugin.getPort()
for group in filtered_object_groups:
group_message = self._slice_message.addRepeatedMessage("object_lists")
parent = group[0].getParent()