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Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura

Jaime van Kessel 9 лет назад

+ 24 - 229

@@ -26,240 +26,35 @@
         "machine_gcode_flavor": { "default": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)" },
         "machine_start_gcode": {
-            "default": ";Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}\n;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {fill_density}\n;Print time: {print_time}\n;Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g\n;Filament cost: {filament_cost}\n;M190 S{print_bed_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own bed temperature line\n;M109 S{print_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line\nG21 ;metric values\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops\nM205 X8 ;X/Y Jerk settings\nG1 Z15.0 F{travel_speed} ;move the platform down 15mm\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG1 F200 E7 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F{travel_speed}\n;Put printing message on LCD screen\nM117 Rigibot Printing..."
+            "default": ";Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}\n;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {infill_density}\n;Print time: {print_time}\n;Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g\n;Filament cost: {filament_cost}\n;M190 S{print_bed_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own bed temperature line\n;M109 S{print_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line\nG21 ;metric values\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops\nM205 X8 ;X/Y Jerk settings\nG1 Z15.0 F{travel_speed} ;move the platform down 15mm\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG1 F200 E7 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F{travel_speed}\n;Put printing message on LCD screen\nM117 Rigibot Printing..."
         "machine_end_gcode": {
             "default": ";End GCode\nM104 S0 ;extruder heater off\nM140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+10 E-1 X-20 Y-20 F{travel_speed} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way\nG1 Y230 F3000 ;move Y so the head is out of the way and Plate is moved forward\nM84 ;steppers off\nG90 ;absolute positioning\n;{profile_string}"
-    "categories": {
-		"resolution": {
-		"label": "Quality",
-            "settings": {
-                "layer_height": {
-                    "label": "Layer Height",
-                    "description": "The height of each layer, in mm. Normal quality prints are 0.1mm, high quality is 0.06mm. You can go up to 0.25mm with an Ultimaker for very fast prints at low quality. For most purposes, layer heights between 0.1 and 0.2mm give a good tradeoff of speed and surface finish.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 0.2
-                },
-                "shell_thickness": {
-                    "label": "Shell Thickness",
-                    "description": "The thickness of the outside shell in the horizontal and vertical direction. This is used in combination with the nozzle size to define the number of perimeter lines and the thickness of those perimeter lines. This is also used to define the number of solid top and bottom layers.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 0.8,
-                    "children": {
-                        "wall_thickness": {
-                            "label": "Wall Thickness",
-                            "description": "The thickness of the outside walls in the horizontal direction. This is used in combination with the nozzle size to define the number of perimeter lines and the thickness of those perimeter lines.",
-                            "unit": "mm",
-                            "default": 0.8              
-                        },
-                        "top_bottom_thickness": {
-                            "label": "Bottom/Top Thickness",
-                            "description": "This controls the thickness of the bottom and top layers, the amount of solid layers put down is calculated by the layer thickness and this value. Having this value a multiple of the layer thickness makes sense. And keep it near your wall thickness to make an evenly strong part.",
-                            "unit": "mm",
-							"type": "float",
-                            "default": 0.3,
-							"visible": true   
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-		},
-        "material": {
-		    "label": "Material",
-            "visible": true,
-            "icon": "category_material",
-            "settings": {
-                "material_print_temperature": {
-                    "label": "Printing Temperature",
-                    "description": "The temperature used for printing. Set at 0 to pre-heat yourself. For PLA a value of 210C is usually used.\nFor ABS a value of 230C or higher is required.",
-                    "unit": "°C",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 195,
-					"visible": true
-                },
-                "material_bed_temperature": {
-                    "label": "Bed Temperature",
-                    "description": "The temperature used for the heated printer bed. Set at 0 to pre-heat it yourself.",
-                    "unit": "°C",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 60,
-					"visible": true
-                },
-                "material_diameter": {
-                    "label": "Diameter",
-                    "description": "The diameter of your filament needs to be measured as accurately as possible.\nIf you cannot measure this value you will have to calibrate it, a higher number means less extrusion, a smaller number generates more extrusion.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 1.75,
-					"visible": true
-                },
-                "retraction_enable": {
-                    "label": "Enable Retraction",
-                    "description": "Retract the filament when the nozzle is moving over a non-printed area. Details about the retraction can be configured in the advanced tab.",
-                    "type": "boolean",
-                    "default": true,
-                    "always_visible": true,
-                    "children": {
-                        "retraction_speed": {
-                            "label": "Retraction Speed",
-                            "description": "The speed at which the filament is retracted. A higher retraction speed works better, but a very high retraction speed can lead to filament grinding.",
-                            "unit": "mm/s",
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "default": 50.0,
-							"visible": false
-                        },
-                        "retraction_amount": {
-                            "label": "Retraction Distance",
-                            "description": "The amount of retraction: Set at 0 for no retraction at all. A value of 4.5mm seems to generate good results for 3mm filament in Bowden-tube fed printers.",
-                            "unit": "mm",
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "default": 0.8,
-							"visible": false
-                        },
-                        "retraction_hop": {
-                            "label": "Z Hop when Retracting",
-                            "description": "Whenever a retraction is done, the head is lifted by this amount to travel over the print. A value of 0.075 works well. This feature has a lot of positive effect on delta towers.",
-                            "unit": "mm",
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "default": 0.075,
-							"visible": false
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "speed": {
-            "label": "Speed",
-            "visible": true,
-            "icon": "category_speed",
-            "settings": {
-                "speed_print": {
-                    "label": "Print Speed",
-                    "description": "The speed at which printing happens. A well-adjusted Ultimaker can reach 150mm/s, but for good quality prints you will want to print slower. Printing speed depends on a lot of factors, so you will need to experiment with optimal settings for this.",
-                    "unit": "mm/s",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 60.0,
-					"visible": true,
-                    "children": {
-                        "speed_infill": {
-                            "label": "Infill Speed",
-                            "description": "The speed at which infill parts are printed. Printing the infill faster can greatly reduce printing time, but this can negatively affect print quality.",
-                            "unit": "mm/s",
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "default": 100.0,
-							"visible": true
-                        },
-                        "speed_topbottom": {
-                            "label": "Top/Bottom Speed",
-                            "description": "Speed at which top/bottom parts are printed. Printing the top/bottom faster can greatly reduce printing time, but this can negatively affect print quality.",
-                            "unit": "mm/s",
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "default": 15.0,
-							"visible": true
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                "speed_travel": {
-                    "label": "Travel Speed",
-                    "description": "The speed at which travel moves are done. A well-built Ultimaker can reach speeds of 250mm/s. But some machines might have misaligned layers then.",
-                    "unit": "mm/s",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 150.0,
-					"visible": true
-                },
-                "speed_layer_0": {
-                    "label": "Bottom Layer Speed",
-                    "description": "The print speed for the bottom layer: You want to print the first layer slower so it sticks to the printer bed better.",
-                    "unit": "mm/s",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "min_value": 0.1,
-                    "default": 15.0,
-                    "visible": true
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "infill": {
-            "label": "Infill",
-            "visible": true,
-            "icon": "category_infill",
-            "settings": {
-                "fill_overlap": {
-                    "label": "Infill Overlap",
-                    "description": "The amount of overlap between the infill and the walls. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the infill.",
-                    "unit": "%",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 10.0
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "cooling": {
-            "label": "Cooling",
-            "visible": true,
-            "icon": "category_cool",
-            "settings": {
-                "cool_fan_enabled": {
-                    "label": "Enable Cooling Fan",
-                    "description": "Enable the cooling fan during the print. The extra cooling from the cooling fan helps parts with small cross sections that print each layer quickly.",
-                    "type": "boolean",
-                    "default": false,
-                    "visible": true,
-                    "children": {
-                        "cool_fan_speed": {
-                            "label": "Fan Speed",
-                            "description": "Fan speed used for the print cooling fan on the printer head. Set to 0% to disable or if you do not have a cooling fan.",
-                            "unit": "%",
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "default": 0.0,
-                            "visible": true
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "platform_adhesion": {
-            "label": "Platform Adhesion",
-            "visible": true,
-            "icon": "category_adhesion",
-            "settings": {
-                "skirt_line_count": {
-                    "label": "Skirt Line Count",
-                    "description": "The skirt is a line drawn around the first layer of the. This helps to prime your extruder, and to see if the object fits on your platform. Setting this to 0 will disable the skirt. Multiple skirt lines can help to prime your extruder better for small objects.",
-                    "type": "int",
-                    "default": 3,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "adhesion_type",
-                        "value": "None"
-                    }
-                },
-                "skirt_gap": {
-                    "label": "Skirt Distance",
-                    "description": "The horizontal distance between the skirt and the first layer of the print.\nThis is the minimum distance, multiple skirt lines will extend outwards from this distance.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 4.0,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "adhesion_type",
-                        "value": "None"
-                    }
-                },
-                "skirt_minimal_length": {
-                    "label": "Skirt Minimum Length",
-                    "description": "The minimum length of the skirt. If this minimum length is not reached, more skirt lines will be added to reach this minimum length. Note: If the line count is set to 0 this is ignored.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 200.0,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "adhesion_type",
-                        "value": "None"
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
+    "overrides": { 
+        "layer_height": { "default": 0.2 },
+        "shell_thickness": { "default": 0.8 },
+        "wall_thickness": { "default": 0.8 },
+        "top_bottom_thickness": { "default": 0.3, "visible": true },
+        "material_print_temperature": { "default": 195, "visible": true },
+        "material_bed_temperature": { "default": 60, "visible": true },
+        "material_diameter": { "default": 1.75, "visible": true },
+        "retraction_enable": { "default": true, "always_visible": true },
+        "retraction_speed": { "default": 50.0, "visible": false },
+        "retraction_amount": { "default": 0.8, "visible": false },
+        "retraction_hop": { "default": 0.075, "visible": false },
+        "speed_print": { "default": 60.0, "visible": true }, 
+        "speed_infill": { "default": 100.0, "visible": true },
+        "speed_topbottom": { "default": 15.0, "visible": true },
+        "speed_travel": { "default": 150.0, "visible": true },
+        "speed_layer_0": { "min_value": 0.1, "default": 15.0, "visible": true },
+        "infill_overlap": { "default": 10.0 },
+        "cool_fan_enabled": { "default": false, "visible": true }, 
+        "cool_fan_speed": { "default": 0.0, "visible": true },
+        "skirt_line_count": { "default": 3, "active_if": { "setting": "adhesion_type", "value": "None" } },
+        "skirt_gap": { "default": 4.0, "active_if": { "setting": "adhesion_type", "value": "None" } },
+        "skirt_minimal_length": { "default": 200.0, "active_if": { "setting": "adhesion_type", "value": "None" } }

+ 24 - 229

@@ -24,240 +24,35 @@
         "machine_gcode_flavor": { "default": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)" },
         "machine_start_gcode": {
-            "default": ";Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}\n;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {fill_density}\n;Print time: {print_time}\n;Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g\n;Filament cost: {filament_cost}\n;M190 S{print_bed_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own bed temperature line\n;M109 S{print_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line\nG21 ;metric values\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops\nM205 X8 ;X/Y Jerk settings\nG1 Z15.0 F{travel_speed} ;move the platform down 15mm\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG1 F200 E7 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F{travel_speed}\n;Put printing message on LCD screen\nM117 Rigibot Printing..."
+            "default": ";Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}\n;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {infill_density}\n;Print time: {print_time}\n;Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g\n;Filament cost: {filament_cost}\n;M190 S{print_bed_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own bed temperature line\n;M109 S{print_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line\nG21 ;metric values\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops\nM205 X8 ;X/Y Jerk settings\nG1 Z15.0 F{travel_speed} ;move the platform down 15mm\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG1 F200 E7 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F{travel_speed}\n;Put printing message on LCD screen\nM117 Rigibot Printing..."
         "machine_end_gcode": {
             "default": ";End GCode\nM104 S0 ;extruder heater off\nM140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+10 E-1 X-20 Y-20 F{travel_speed} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way\nG1 Y230 F3000 ;move Y so the head is out of the way and Plate is moved forward\nM84 ;steppers off\nG90 ;absolute positioning\n;{profile_string}"
-    "categories": {
-		"resolution": {
-		"label": "Quality",
-            "settings": {
-                "layer_height": {
-                    "label": "Layer Height",
-                    "description": "The height of each layer, in mm. Normal quality prints are 0.1mm, high quality is 0.06mm. You can go up to 0.25mm with an Ultimaker for very fast prints at low quality. For most purposes, layer heights between 0.1 and 0.2mm give a good tradeoff of speed and surface finish.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 0.2
-                },
-                "shell_thickness": {
-                    "label": "Shell Thickness",
-                    "description": "The thickness of the outside shell in the horizontal and vertical direction. This is used in combination with the nozzle size to define the number of perimeter lines and the thickness of those perimeter lines. This is also used to define the number of solid top and bottom layers.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 0.8,
-                    "children": {
-                        "wall_thickness": {
-                            "label": "Wall Thickness",
-                            "description": "The thickness of the outside walls in the horizontal direction. This is used in combination with the nozzle size to define the number of perimeter lines and the thickness of those perimeter lines.",
-                            "unit": "mm",
-                            "default": 0.8              
-                        },
-                        "top_bottom_thickness": {
-                            "label": "Bottom/Top Thickness",
-                            "description": "This controls the thickness of the bottom and top layers, the amount of solid layers put down is calculated by the layer thickness and this value. Having this value a multiple of the layer thickness makes sense. And keep it near your wall thickness to make an evenly strong part.",
-                            "unit": "mm",
-							"type": "float",
-                            "default": 0.3,
-							"visible": true   
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-		},
-        "material": {
-		    "label": "Material",
-            "visible": true,
-            "icon": "category_material",
-            "settings": {
-                "material_print_temperature": {
-                    "label": "Printing Temperature",
-                    "description": "The temperature used for printing. Set at 0 to pre-heat yourself. For PLA a value of 210C is usually used.\nFor ABS a value of 230C or higher is required.",
-                    "unit": "°C",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 195,
-					"visible": true
-                },
-                "material_bed_temperature": {
-                    "label": "Bed Temperature",
-                    "description": "The temperature used for the heated printer bed. Set at 0 to pre-heat it yourself.",
-                    "unit": "°C",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 60,
-					"visible": true
-                },
-                "material_diameter": {
-                    "label": "Diameter",
-                    "description": "The diameter of your filament needs to be measured as accurately as possible.\nIf you cannot measure this value you will have to calibrate it, a higher number means less extrusion, a smaller number generates more extrusion.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 1.75,
-					"visible": true
-                },
-                "retraction_enable": {
-                    "label": "Enable Retraction",
-                    "description": "Retract the filament when the nozzle is moving over a non-printed area. Details about the retraction can be configured in the advanced tab.",
-                    "type": "boolean",
-                    "default": true,
-                    "always_visible": true,
-                    "children": {
-                        "retraction_speed": {
-                            "label": "Retraction Speed",
-                            "description": "The speed at which the filament is retracted. A higher retraction speed works better, but a very high retraction speed can lead to filament grinding.",
-                            "unit": "mm/s",
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "default": 50.0,
-							"visible": false
-                        },
-                        "retraction_amount": {
-                            "label": "Retraction Distance",
-                            "description": "The amount of retraction: Set at 0 for no retraction at all. A value of 4.5mm seems to generate good results for 3mm filament in Bowden-tube fed printers.",
-                            "unit": "mm",
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "default": 0.8,
-							"visible": false
-                        },
-                        "retraction_hop": {
-                            "label": "Z Hop when Retracting",
-                            "description": "Whenever a retraction is done, the head is lifted by this amount to travel over the print. A value of 0.075 works well. This feature has a lot of positive effect on delta towers.",
-                            "unit": "mm",
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "default": 0.075,
-							"visible": false
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "speed": {
-            "label": "Speed",
-            "visible": true,
-            "icon": "category_speed",
-            "settings": {
-                "speed_print": {
-                    "label": "Print Speed",
-                    "description": "The speed at which printing happens. A well-adjusted Ultimaker can reach 150mm/s, but for good quality prints you will want to print slower. Printing speed depends on a lot of factors, so you will need to experiment with optimal settings for this.",
-                    "unit": "mm/s",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 60.0,
-					"visible": true,
-                    "children": {
-                        "speed_infill": {
-                            "label": "Infill Speed",
-                            "description": "The speed at which infill parts are printed. Printing the infill faster can greatly reduce printing time, but this can negatively affect print quality.",
-                            "unit": "mm/s",
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "default": 100.0,
-							"visible": true
-                        },
-                        "speed_topbottom": {
-                            "label": "Top/Bottom Speed",
-                            "description": "Speed at which top/bottom parts are printed. Printing the top/bottom faster can greatly reduce printing time, but this can negatively affect print quality.",
-                            "unit": "mm/s",
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "default": 15.0,
-							"visible": true
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                "speed_travel": {
-                    "label": "Travel Speed",
-                    "description": "The speed at which travel moves are done. A well-built Ultimaker can reach speeds of 250mm/s. But some machines might have misaligned layers then.",
-                    "unit": "mm/s",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 150.0,
-					"visible": true
-                },
-                "speed_layer_0": {
-                    "label": "Bottom Layer Speed",
-                    "description": "The print speed for the bottom layer: You want to print the first layer slower so it sticks to the printer bed better.",
-                    "unit": "mm/s",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "min_value": 0.1,
-                    "default": 15.0,
-                    "visible": true
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "infill": {
-            "label": "Infill",
-            "visible": true,
-            "icon": "category_infill",
-            "settings": {
-                "fill_overlap": {
-                    "label": "Infill Overlap",
-                    "description": "The amount of overlap between the infill and the walls. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the infill.",
-                    "unit": "%",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 10.0
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "cooling": {
-            "label": "Cooling",
-            "visible": true,
-            "icon": "category_cool",
-            "settings": {
-                "cool_fan_enabled": {
-                    "label": "Enable Cooling Fan",
-                    "description": "Enable the cooling fan during the print. The extra cooling from the cooling fan helps parts with small cross sections that print each layer quickly.",
-                    "type": "boolean",
-                    "default": false,
-                    "visible": true,
-                    "children": {
-                        "cool_fan_speed": {
-                            "label": "Fan Speed",
-                            "description": "Fan speed used for the print cooling fan on the printer head. Set to 0% to disable or if you do not have a cooling fan.",
-                            "unit": "%",
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "default": 0.0,
-                            "visible": true
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "platform_adhesion": {
-            "label": "Platform Adhesion",
-            "visible": true,
-            "icon": "category_adhesion",
-            "settings": {
-                "skirt_line_count": {
-                    "label": "Skirt Line Count",
-                    "description": "The skirt is a line drawn around the first layer of the. This helps to prime your extruder, and to see if the object fits on your platform. Setting this to 0 will disable the skirt. Multiple skirt lines can help to prime your extruder better for small objects.",
-                    "type": "int",
-                    "default": 3,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "adhesion_type",
-                        "value": "None"
-                    }
-                },
-                "skirt_gap": {
-                    "label": "Skirt Distance",
-                    "description": "The horizontal distance between the skirt and the first layer of the print.\nThis is the minimum distance, multiple skirt lines will extend outwards from this distance.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 4.0,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "adhesion_type",
-                        "value": "None"
-                    }
-                },
-                "skirt_minimal_length": {
-                    "label": "Skirt Minimum Length",
-                    "description": "The minimum length of the skirt. If this minimum length is not reached, more skirt lines will be added to reach this minimum length. Note: If the line count is set to 0 this is ignored.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 200.0,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "adhesion_type",
-                        "value": "None"
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
+    "overrides": { 
+        "layer_height": { "default": 0.2 },
+        "shell_thickness": { "default": 0.8},
+        "wall_thickness": { "default": 0.8 },
+        "top_bottom_thickness": { "default": 0.3, "visible": true },
+        "material_print_temperature": { "default": 195, "visible": true },
+        "material_bed_temperature": { "default": 60, "visible": true },
+        "material_diameter": { "default": 1.75, "visible": true },
+        "retraction_enable": { "default": true, "always_visible": true},
+        "retraction_speed": { "default": 50.0, "visible": false },
+        "retraction_amount": { "default": 0.8, "visible": false },
+        "retraction_hop": { "default": 0.075, "visible": false },
+        "speed_print": { "default": 60.0, "visible": true},
+        "speed_infill": { "default": 100.0, "visible": true },
+        "speed_topbottom": { "default": 15.0, "visible": true },
+        "speed_travel": { "default": 150.0, "visible": true },
+        "speed_layer_0": { "min_value": 0.1, "default": 15.0, "visible": true },
+        "infill_overlap": { "default": 10.0 },
+        "cool_fan_enabled": { "default": false, "visible": true},
+        "cool_fan_speed": { "default": 0.0, "visible": true },
+        "skirt_line_count": { "default": 3, "active_if": { "setting": "adhesion_type", "value": "None" } },
+        "skirt_gap": { "default": 4.0, "active_if": { "setting": "adhesion_type", "value": "None" } },
+        "skirt_minimal_length": { "default": 200.0, "active_if": { "setting": "adhesion_type", "value": "None" } }

+ 280 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+    "version": 1, 
+    "inherits": "fdmprinter.json",
+    "machine_settings": {
+        "extruder_nr": { "default": 0 },
+        "machine_use_extruder_offset_to_offset_coords": { "default": false },
+        "machine_nozzle_offset_x": { "default": 0, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true },
+        "machine_nozzle_offset_y": { "default": 0, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true  },
+        "machine_extruder_start_code": { "default": "", "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true  },
+        "machine_extruder_start_pos_abs": { "default": false, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true   },
+        "machine_extruder_start_pos_x": { "default": 0, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true   },
+        "machine_extruder_start_pos_y": { "default": 0, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true   },
+        "machine_extruder_end_pos_abs": { "default": false, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true   },
+        "machine_extruder_end_pos_x": { "default": 0, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true   },
+        "machine_extruder_end_pos_y": { "default": 0, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true   },
+        "machine_extruder_end_code": { "default": "", "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true  }
+    },
+    "overrides": {
+        "speed_print": {
+            "children": {
+                "speed_prime_tower": {
+                    "label": "Prime Tower Speed",
+                    "description": "The speed at which the prime tower is printed. Printing the prime tower slower can make it more stable when the adhesion between the different filaments is suboptimal.",
+                    "unit": "mm/s",
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "min_value": 0.1,
+                    "max_value_warning": 150,
+                    "default": 50,
+                    "visible": false,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "prime_tower_enable",
+                        "value": true
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        "line_width": {
+            "children": {
+                "prime_tower_line_width": {
+                    "label": "Prime Tower Line Width",
+                    "description": "Width of a single prime tower line.",
+                    "unit": "mm",
+                    "min_value": 0.0001,
+                    "min_value_warning": 0.2,
+                    "max_value_warning": 5,
+                    "default": 0.4,
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "visible": false,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "prime_tower_enable",
+                        "value": true
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    "categories": {
+        "dual": {
+            "label": "Dual Extrusion",
+            "visible": false,
+            "icon": "category_dual",
+            "settings": {
+                "prime_tower_enable": {
+                    "label": "Enable Prime Tower",
+                    "description": "Print a tower next to the print which serves to prime the material after each nozzle switch.",
+                    "type": "boolean",
+                    "default": false
+                },
+                "prime_tower_size": {
+                    "label": "Prime Tower Size",
+                    "description": "The width of the prime tower.",
+                    "visible": false,
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "unit": "mm",
+                    "default": 15,
+                    "min_value": 0,
+                    "max_value_warning": 20,
+                    "inherit_function": "0 if prime_tower_enable else 15",
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "prime_tower_enable",
+                        "value": true
+                    }
+                },
+                "prime_tower_position_x": {
+                    "label": "Prime Tower X Position",
+                    "description": "The x position of the prime tower.",
+                    "visible": false,
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "unit": "mm",
+                    "default": 200,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "prime_tower_enable",
+                        "value": true
+                    }
+                },
+                "prime_tower_position_y": {
+                    "label": "Prime Tower Y Position",
+                    "description": "The y position of the prime tower.",
+                    "visible": false,
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "unit": "mm",
+                    "default": 200,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "prime_tower_enable",
+                        "value": true
+                    }
+                },
+                "prime_tower_flow": {
+                    "label": "Prime Tower Flow",
+                    "description": "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value.",
+                    "visible": false,
+                    "unit": "%",
+                    "default": 100,
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "min_value": 5,
+                    "min_value_warning": 50,
+                    "max_value_warning": 150,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "prime_tower_enable",
+                        "value": true
+                    }
+                },
+                "prime_tower_wipe_enabled": {
+                    "label": "Wipe Nozzle on Prime tower",
+                    "description": "After printing the prime tower with the one nozzle, wipe the oozed material from the other nozzle off on the prime tower.",
+                    "type": "boolean",
+                    "default": false,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "prime_tower_enable",
+                        "value": true
+                    }
+                },
+                "ooze_shield_enabled": {
+                    "label": "Enable Ooze Shield",
+                    "description": "Enable exterior ooze shield. This will create a shell around the object which is likely to wipe a second nozzle if it's at the same height as the first nozzle.",
+                    "type": "boolean",
+                    "default": false
+                },
+                "ooze_shield_angle": {
+                    "label": "Ooze Shield Angle",
+                    "description": "The maximum angle a part in the ooze shield will have. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. A smaller angle leads to less failed ooze shields, but more material.",
+                    "unit": "°",
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "min_value": 0,
+                    "max_value": 90,
+                    "default": 60,
+                    "visible": false,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "ooze_shield_enabled",
+                        "value": true
+                    }
+                },
+                "ooze_shield_dist": {
+                    "label": "Ooze Shields Distance",
+                    "description": "Distance of the ooze shield from the print, in the X/Y directions.",
+                    "unit": "mm",
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "min_value": 0,
+                    "max_value_warning": 30,
+                    "default": 2,
+                    "visible": false,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "ooze_shield_enabled",
+                        "value": true
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        "platform_adhesion": {
+            "settings": {
+                "adhesion_extruder_nr": {
+                    "label": "Platform Adhesion Extruder",
+                    "description": "The extruder train to use for printing the skirt/brim/raft. This is used in multi-extrusion.",
+                    "type": "int",
+                    "default": 0,
+                    "min_value": 0,
+                    "max_value": 16,
+                    "inherit_function": "extruder_nr"
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        "material": {
+            "settings": {
+                "switch_extruder_retraction_amount": {
+                    "label": "Nozzle Switch Retraction Distance",
+                    "description": "The amount of retraction: Set at 0 for no retraction at all. This should generally be the same as the length of the heat zone.",
+                    "unit": "mm",
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "default": 16,
+                    "visible": false,
+                    "inherit_function": "machine_heat_zone_length",
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "retraction_enable",
+                        "value": true
+                    }
+                },
+                "switch_extruder_retraction_speeds": {
+                    "label": "Nozzle Switch Retraction Speed",
+                    "description": "The speed at which the filament is retracted. A higher retraction speed works better, but a very high retraction speed can lead to filament grinding.",
+                    "unit": "mm/s",
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "default": 20,
+                    "visible": false,
+                    "inherit": false,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "retraction_enable",
+                        "value": true
+                    },
+                    "children": {
+                        "switch_extruder_retraction_speed": {
+                            "label": "Nozzle Switch Retract Speed",
+                            "description": "The speed at which the filament is retracted during a nozzle switch retract. ",
+                            "unit": "mm/s",
+                            "type": "float",
+                            "default": 20,
+                            "visible": false,
+                            "active_if": {
+                                "setting": "retraction_enable",
+                                "value": true
+                            }
+                        },
+                        "switch_extruder_prime_speed": {
+                            "label": "Nozzle Switch Prime Speed",
+                            "description": "The speed at which the filament is pushed back after a nozzle switch retraction.",
+                            "unit": "mm/s",
+                            "type": "float",
+                            "default": 20,
+                            "visible": false,
+                            "active_if": {
+                                "setting": "retraction_enable",
+                                "value": true
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        "support": {
+            "settings": {
+                "support_extruder_nr": {
+                    "label": "Support Extruder",
+                    "description": "The extruder train to use for printing the support. This is used in multi-extrusion.",
+                    "type": "int",
+                    "default": 0,
+                    "min_value": 0,
+                    "max_value": 16,
+                    "inherit_function": "extruder_nr",
+                    "children": {
+                        "support_extruder_nr_layer_0": {
+                            "label": "First Layer Support Extruder",
+                            "description": "The extruder train to use for printing the first layer of support. This is used in multi-extrusion.",
+                            "type": "int",
+                            "default": 0,
+                            "min_value": 0,
+                            "max_value": 16,
+                            "inherit": true
+                        },
+                        "support_roof_extruder_nr": {
+                            "label": "Hammock Extruder",
+                            "description": "The extruder train to use for printing the hammock. This is used in multi-extrusion.",
+                            "type": "int",
+                            "default": 0,
+                            "min_value": 0,
+                            "max_value": 16,
+                            "inherit": true,
+                            "active_if": {
+                                "setting": "support_roof_enable",
+                                "value": true
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }

+ 359 - 613

@@ -46,25 +46,11 @@
         "machine_extruder_count": {
             "default": 1
-        "machine_use_extruder_offset_to_offset_coords": { "default": false },
-        "extruder_nr": { "default": 0 },
-        "machine_nozzle_offset_x": { "default": 0, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true },
-        "machine_nozzle_offset_y": { "default": 0, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true  },
         "machine_nozzle_size": { "default": 0.4, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true  },
         "machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter": { "default": 1, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true  },
         "machine_nozzle_head_distance": { "default": 3, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true  },
         "machine_nozzle_expansion_angle": { "default": 45, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true  },
         "machine_heat_zone_length": { "default": 16, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true  },
-        "machine_extruder_start_code": { "default": "", "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true  },
-        "machine_extruder_start_pos_abs": { "default": false, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true   },
-        "machine_extruder_start_pos_x": { "default": 0, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true   },
-        "machine_extruder_start_pos_y": { "default": 0, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true   },
-        "machine_extruder_end_pos_abs": { "default": false, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true   },
-        "machine_extruder_end_pos_x": { "default": 0, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true   },
-        "machine_extruder_end_pos_y": { "default": 0, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true   },
-        "machine_extruder_end_code": { "default": "", "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true  },
         "machine_gcode_flavor": {
             "default": "RepRap"
@@ -125,8 +111,8 @@
     "categories": {
-        "layer_height": {
-            "label": "Line dimensions",
+        "resolution": {
+            "label": "Quality",
             "visible": true,
             "icon": "category_layer_height",
             "settings": {
@@ -258,103 +244,11 @@
                                 "setting": "support_roof_enable",
                                 "value": true
-                        },
-                        "prime_tower_line_width": {
-                            "label": "Prime Tower Line Width",
-                            "description": "Width of a single prime tower line.",
-                            "unit": "mm",
-                            "min_value": 0.0001,
-                            "min_value_warning": 0.2,
-                            "max_value_warning": 5,
-                            "default": 0.4,
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "visible": false,
-                            "active_if": {
-                                "setting": "prime_tower_enable",
-                                "value": true
-                            }
-        "dual": {
-            "label": "Dual Extrusion",
-            "visible": false,
-            "icon": "category_dual",
-            "settings": {
-                "prime_tower_enable": {
-                    "label": "Enable Prime Tower",
-                    "description": "Print a tower next to the print which serves to prime the material after each nozzle switch.",
-                    "type": "boolean",
-                    "default": false
-                },
-                "prime_tower_size": {
-                    "label": "Prime Tower Size",
-                    "description": "The width of the prime tower.",
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "default": 15,
-                    "min_value": 0,
-                    "max_value_warning": 20,
-                    "inherit_function": "0 if prime_tower_enable else 15",
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "prime_tower_enable",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                },
-                "prime_tower_position_x": {
-                    "label": "Prime Tower X Position",
-                    "description": "The x position of the prime tower.",
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "default": 200,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "prime_tower_enable",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                },
-                "prime_tower_position_y": {
-                    "label": "Prime Tower Y Position",
-                    "description": "The y position of the prime tower.",
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "default": 200,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "prime_tower_enable",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                },
-                "prime_tower_flow": {
-                    "label": "Prime Tower Flow",
-                    "description": "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value.",
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "unit": "%",
-                    "default": 100,
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "min_value": 5,
-                    "min_value_warning": 50,
-                    "max_value_warning": 150,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "prime_tower_enable",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                },
-                "prime_tower_wipe_enabled": {
-                    "label": "Wipe Nozzle on Prime tower",
-                    "description": "After printing the prime tower with the one nozzle, wipe the oozed material from the other nozzle off on the prime tower.",
-                    "type": "boolean",
-                    "default": false,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "prime_tower_enable",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        },
         "shell": {
             "label": "Shell",
             "visible": true,
@@ -406,7 +300,7 @@
                             "default": 0.8,
                             "min_value": 0,
                             "max_value": 5,
-                            "min_value_warning": 0.4,
+                            "min_value_warning": 0.6,
                             "max_value_warning": 1,
                             "type": "float",
                             "visible": false,
@@ -424,7 +318,7 @@
                                             "label": "Top Layers",
                                             "description": "This controls the amount of top layers.",
                                             "min_value": 0,
-                                            "default": 8,
+                                            "default": 6,
                                             "type": "int",
                                             "visible": false,
                                             "inherit_function": "math.ceil(parent_value / layer_height)"
@@ -436,7 +330,7 @@
                                     "description": "This controls the thickness of the bottom layers. The number of solid layers printed is calculated from the layer thickness and this value. Having this value be a multiple of the layer thickness makes sense. And keep it near to your wall thickness to make an evenly strong part.",
                                     "unit": "mm",
                                     "min_value": 0,
-                                    "default": 0.8,
+                                    "default": 0.6,
                                     "type": "float",
                                     "visible": false,
                                     "children": {
@@ -444,7 +338,7 @@
                                             "label": "Bottom Layers",
                                             "description": "This controls the amount of bottom layers.",
                                             "min_value": 0,
-                                            "default": 8,
+                                            "default": 6,
                                             "type": "int",
                                             "visible": false,
                                             "inherit_function": "math.ceil(parent_value / layer_height)"
@@ -547,14 +441,14 @@
             "visible": true,
             "icon": "category_infill",
             "settings": {
-                "fill_sparse_density": {
+                "infill_sparse_density": {
                     "label": "Infill Density",
                     "description": "This controls how densely filled the insides of your print will be. For a solid part use 100%, for an hollow part use 0%. A value around 20% is usually enough. This won't affect the outside of the print and only adjusts how strong the part becomes.",
                     "unit": "%",
                     "type": "float",
                     "default": 20,
                     "children": {
-                        "fill_pattern": {
+                        "infill_pattern": {
                             "label": "Infill Pattern",
                             "description": "Cura defaults to switching between grid and line infill. But with this setting visible you can control this yourself. The line infill swaps direction on alternate layers of infill, while the grid prints the full cross-hatching on each layer of infill.",
                             "type": "enum",
@@ -579,12 +473,13 @@
-                "fill_overlap": {
+                "infill_overlap": {
                     "label": "Infill Overlap",
                     "description": "The amount of overlap between the infill and the walls. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the infill.",
                     "unit": "%",
                     "type": "float",
                     "default": 10,
+                    "inherit_function": "10 if infill_sparse_density < 95 else 0",
                     "visible": false
                 "infill_wipe_dist": {
@@ -595,7 +490,7 @@
                     "default": 0.04,
                     "visible": false
-                "fill_sparse_thickness": {
+                "infill_sparse_thickness": {
                     "label": "Infill Thickness",
                     "description": "The thickness of the sparse infill. This is rounded to a multiple of the layerheight and used to print the sparse-infill in fewer, thicker layers to save printing time.",
                     "unit": "mm",
@@ -603,7 +498,7 @@
                     "default": 0.1,
                     "visible": false,
                     "children": {
-                        "fill_sparse_combine": {
+                        "infill_sparse_combine": {
                             "label": "Infill Layers",
                             "description": "Amount of layers that are combined together to form sparse infill.",
                             "type": "int",
@@ -778,58 +673,6 @@
                         "setting": "retraction_enable",
                         "value": true
-                },
-                "switch_extruder_retraction_amount": {
-                    "label": "Nozzle Switch Retraction Distance",
-                    "description": "The amount of retraction: Set at 0 for no retraction at all. This should generally be the same as the length of the heat zone.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 16,
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "inherit_function": "machine_heat_zone_length",
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "retraction_enable",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                },
-                "switch_extruder_retraction_speeds": {
-                    "label": "Nozzle Switch Retraction Speed",
-                    "description": "The speed at which the filament is retracted. A higher retraction speed works better, but a very high retraction speed can lead to filament grinding.",
-                    "unit": "mm/s",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 20,
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "inherit": false,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "retraction_enable",
-                        "value": true
-                    },
-                    "children": {
-                        "switch_extruder_retraction_speed": {
-                            "label": "Nozzle Switch Retract Speed",
-                            "description": "The speed at which the filament is retracted during a nozzle switch retract. ",
-                            "unit": "mm/s",
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "default": 20,
-                            "visible": false,
-                            "active_if": {
-                                "setting": "retraction_enable",
-                                "value": true
-                            }
-                        },
-                        "switch_extruder_prime_speed": {
-                            "label": "Nozzle Switch Prime Speed",
-                            "description": "The speed at which the filament is pushed back after a nozzle switch retraction.",
-                            "unit": "mm/s",
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "default": 20,
-                            "visible": false,
-                            "active_if": {
-                                "setting": "retraction_enable",
-                                "value": true
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
@@ -941,20 +784,6 @@
-                        },
-                        "speed_prime_tower": {
-                            "label": "Prime Tower Speed",
-                            "description": "The speed at which the prime tower is printed. Printing the prime tower slower can make it more stable when the adhesion between the different filaments is suboptimal.",
-                            "unit": "mm/s",
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "min_value": 0.1,
-                            "max_value_warning": 150,
-                            "default": 50,
-                            "visible": false,
-                            "active_if": {
-                                "setting": "prime_tower_enable",
-                                "value": true
-                            }
@@ -1268,93 +1097,372 @@
-        "platform_adhesion": {
-            "label": "Platform Adhesion",
+        "support": {
+            "label": "Support",
             "visible": true,
-            "icon": "category_adhesion",
+            "icon": "category_support",
             "settings": {
-                "adhesion_type": {
-                    "label": "Type",
-                    "description": "Different options that help in preventing corners from lifting due to warping. Brim adds a single-layer-thick flat area around your object which is easy to cut off afterwards, and it is the recommended option. Raft adds a thick grid below the object and a thin interface between this and your object. (Note that enabling the brim or raft disables the skirt.)",
+                "support_enable": {
+                    "label": "Enable Support",
+                    "description": "Enable exterior support structures. This will build up supporting structures below the model to prevent the model from sagging or printing in mid air.",
+                    "type": "boolean",
+                    "default": true
+                },
+                "support_type": {
+                    "label": "Placement",
+                    "description": "Where to place support structures. The placement can be restricted such that the support structures won't rest on the model, which could otherwise cause scarring.",
                     "type": "enum",
                     "options": [
-                        "Skirt",
-                        "Brim",
-                        "Raft"
+                        "Touching Buildplate",
+                        "Everywhere"
-                    "default": "Skirt"
+                    "default": "Everywhere",
+                    "visible": true,
+                    "inherit_function": "'Everywhere' if support_enable else 'None'",
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "support_enable",
+                        "value": true
+                    }
-                "adhesion_extruder_nr": {
-                    "label": "Platform Adhesion Extruder",
-                    "description": "The extruder train to use for printing the skirt/brim/raft. This is used in multi-extrusion.",
-                    "type": "int",
-                    "default": 0,
+                "support_angle": {
+                    "label": "Overhang Angle",
+                    "description": "The maximum angle of overhangs for which support will be added. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. A smaller overhang angle leads to more support.",
+                    "unit": "°",
+                    "type": "float",
                     "min_value": 0,
-                    "max_value": 16,
-                    "inherit_function": "extruder_nr"
-                },
-                "skirt_line_count": {
-                    "label": "Skirt Line Count",
-                    "description": "The skirt is a line drawn around the first layer of the. This helps to prime your extruder, and to see if the object fits on your platform. Setting this to 0 will disable the skirt. Multiple skirt lines can help to prime your extruder better for small objects.",
-                    "type": "int",
-                    "default": 1,
+                    "max_value": 90,
+                    "default": 60,
+                    "visible": false,
                     "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "adhesion_type",
-                        "value": "Skirt"
+                        "setting": "support_enable",
+                        "value": true
-                "skirt_gap": {
-                    "label": "Skirt Distance",
-                    "description": "The horizontal distance between the skirt and the first layer of the print.\nThis is the minimum distance, multiple skirt lines will extend outwards from this distance.",
+                "support_xy_distance": {
+                    "label": "X/Y Distance",
+                    "description": "Distance of the support structure from the print, in the X/Y directions. 0.7mm typically gives a nice distance from the print so the support does not stick to the surface.",
                     "unit": "mm",
                     "type": "float",
-                    "default": 3,
+                    "min_value": 0,
+                    "max_value_warning": 10,
+                    "default": 0.7,
+                    "visible": false,
                     "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "adhesion_type",
-                        "value": "Skirt"
+                        "setting": "support_enable",
+                        "value": true
-                "skirt_minimal_length": {
-                    "label": "Skirt Minimum Length",
-                    "description": "The minimum length of the skirt. If this minimum length is not reached, more skirt lines will be added to reach this minimum length. Note: If the line count is set to 0 this is ignored.",
+                "support_z_distance": {
+                    "label": "Z Distance",
+                    "description": "Distance from the top/bottom of the support to the print. A small gap here makes it easier to remove the support but makes the print a bit uglier. 0.15mm allows for easier separation of the support structure.",
                     "unit": "mm",
                     "type": "float",
-                    "default": 250,
+                    "min_value": 0,
+                    "max_value_warning": 10,
+                    "default": 0.15,
+                    "visible": false,
                     "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "adhesion_type",
-                        "value": "Skirt"
+                        "setting": "support_enable",
+                        "value": true
+                    },
+                    "children": {
+                        "support_top_distance": {
+                            "label": "Top Distance",
+                            "description": "Distance from the top of the support to the print.",
+                            "unit": "mm",
+                            "min_value": 0,
+                            "max_value_warning": 10,
+                            "default": 0.15,
+                            "type": "float",
+                            "visible": false
+                        },
+                        "support_bottom_distance": {
+                            "label": "Bottom Distance",
+                            "description": "Distance from the print to the bottom of the support.",
+                            "unit": "mm",
+                            "min_value": 0,
+                            "max_value_warning": 10,
+                            "default": 0.15,
+                            "type": "float",
+                            "visible": false
+                        }
-                "brim_line_count": {
-                    "label": "Brim Line Count",
-                    "description": "The amount of lines used for a brim: More lines means a larger brim which sticks better, but this also makes your effective print area smaller.",
-                    "type": "int",
-                    "default": 10,
+                "support_conical_enabled": {
+                    "label": "Conical Support",
+                    "description": "Experimental feature: Make support areas smaller at the bottom than at the overhang.",
+                    "type": "boolean",
+                    "default": false,
+                    "visible": false,
                     "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "adhesion_type",
-                        "value": "Brim"
+                        "setting": "support_enable",
+                        "value": true
-                "raft_margin": {
-                    "label": "Raft Extra Margin",
-                    "description": "If the raft is enabled, this is the extra raft area around the object which is also given a raft. Increasing this margin will create a stronger raft while using more material and leaving less area for your print.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
+                "support_conical_angle": {
+                    "label": "Cone Angle",
+                    "description": "The angle of the tilt of conical support. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. Smaller angles cause the support to be more sturdy, but consist of more material. Negative angles cause the base of the support to be wider than the top.",
+                    "unit": "°",
                     "type": "float",
-                    "default": 5,
+                    "min_value": -90,
+                    "max_value": 90,
+                    "default": 30,
+                    "visible": false,
                     "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "adhesion_type",
-                        "value": "Raft"
+                        "setting": "support_conical_enabled",
+                        "value": true
-                "raft_airgap": {
-                    "label": "Raft Air-gap",
-                    "description": "The gap between the final raft layer and the first layer of the object. Only the first layer is raised by this amount to lower the bonding between the raft layer and the object. Makes it easier to peel off the raft.",
+                "support_conical_min_width": {
+                    "label": "Minimal Width",
+                    "description": "Minimal width to which conical support reduces the support areas. Small widths can cause the base of the support to not act well as fundament for support above.",
                     "unit": "mm",
+                    "min_value": 0,
+                    "default": 3.0,
                     "type": "float",
-                    "default": 0.22,
+                    "visible": false,
                     "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "adhesion_type",
-                        "value": "Raft"
+                        "setting": "support_conical_enabled",
+                        "value": true
+                    }
+                },
+                "support_bottom_stair_step_height": {
+                    "label": "Stair Step Height",
+                    "description": "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. Small steps can cause the support to be hard to remove from the top of the model.",
+                    "unit": "mm",
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "default": 2,
+                    "visible": false,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "support_type",
+                        "value": "Everywhere"
+                    }
+                },
+                "support_join_distance": {
+                    "label": "Join Distance",
+                    "description": "The maximum distance between support blocks, in the X/Y directions, such that the blocks will merge into a single block.",
+                    "unit": "mm",
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "default": 2,
+                    "visible": false
+                },
+                "support_offset": {
+                    "label": "Horizontal Expansion",
+                    "description": "Amount of offset applied to all support polygons in each layer. Positive values can smooth out the support areas and result in more sturdy support.",
+                    "unit": "mm",
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "default": 0.2,
+                    "visible": false
+                },
+                "support_area_smoothing": {
+                    "label": "Area Smoothing",
+                    "description": "Maximal distance in the X/Y directions of a line segment which is to be smoothed out. Ragged lines are introduced by the join distance and support bridge, which cause the machine to resonate. Smoothing the support areas won't cause them to break with the constraints, except it might change the overhang.",
+                    "unit": "mm",
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "default": 0.6,
+                    "visible": false
+                },
+                "support_roof_enable": {
+                    "label": "Enable Hammock",
+                    "description": "Generate a solid support roof on which the model sits.",
+                    "type": "boolean",
+                    "default": false,
+                    "visible": true
+                },
+                "support_roof_height": {
+                    "label": "Hammock Thickness",
+                    "description": "The height of the support roofs. ",
+                    "unit": "mm",
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "default": 1,
+                    "visible": false,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "support_roof_enable",
+                        "value": true
+                    }
+                },
+                "support_use_towers": {
+                    "label": "Use towers.",
+                    "description": "Use specialized towers to support tiny overhang areas. These towers have a larger diameter than the region they support. Near the overhang the towers' diameter decreases, forming a roof.",
+                    "type": "boolean",
+                    "default": true,
+                    "visible": true
+                },
+                "support_minimal_diameter": {
+                    "label": "Minimal Diameter",
+                    "description": "Maximal diameter in the X/Y directions of a small area which is to be supported by a specialized support tower. ",
+                    "unit": "mm",
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "default": 1,
+                    "visible": false,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "support_use_towers",
+                        "value": true
+                    }
+                },
+                "support_tower_diameter": {
+                    "label": "Tower Diameter",
+                    "description": "The diameter of a special tower. ",
+                    "unit": "mm",
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "default": 1,
+                    "visible": false,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "support_use_towers",
+                        "value": true
+                    }
+                },
+                "support_tower_roof_angle": {
+                    "label": "Tower Roof Angle",
+                    "description": "The angle of the rooftop of a tower. Larger angles mean more pointy towers. ",
+                    "unit": "°",
+                    "type": "int",
+                    "min_value": 0,
+                    "max_value": 90,
+                    "default": 65,
+                    "visible": false,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "support_use_towers",
+                        "value": true
+                    }
+                },
+                "support_pattern": {
+                    "label": "Pattern",
+                    "description": "Cura supports 3 distinct types of support structure. First is a grid based support structure which is quite solid and can be removed as 1 piece. The second is a line based support structure which has to be peeled off line by line. The third is a structure in between the other two; it consists of lines which are connected in an accordeon fashion.",
+                    "type": "enum",
+                    "options": [
+                        "Grid",
+                        "Lines",
+                        "ZigZag"
+                    ],
+                    "default": "ZigZag",
+                    "visible": true,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "support_enable",
+                        "value": true
+                    }
+                },
+                "support_connect_zigzags": {
+                    "label": "Connect ZigZags",
+                    "description": "Connect the ZigZags. Makes them harder to remove, but prevents stringing of disconnected zigzags.",
+                    "type": "boolean",
+                    "default": true,
+                    "visible": false,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "support_pattern",
+                        "value": "ZigZag"
+                    }
+                },
+                "support_infill_rate": {
+                    "label": "Fill Amount",
+                    "description": "The amount of infill structure in the support, less infill gives weaker support which is easier to remove.",
+                    "unit": "%",
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "min_value": 0,
+                    "max_value": 100,
+                    "default": 15,
+                    "visible": false,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "support_enable",
+                        "value": true
+                    },
+                    "children": {
+                        "support_line_distance": {
+                            "label": "Line distance",
+                            "description": "Distance between the printed support lines.",
+                            "unit": "mm",
+                            "type": "float",
+                            "min_value": 0,
+                            "default": 2.66,
+                            "visible": false,
+                            "active_if": {
+                                "setting": "support_enable",
+                                "value": true
+                            },
+                            "inherit_function": "(support_line_width * 100) / parent_value"
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        "platform_adhesion": {
+            "label": "Platform Adhesion",
+            "visible": true,
+            "icon": "category_adhesion",
+            "settings": {
+                "adhesion_type": {
+                    "label": "Type",
+                    "description": "Different options that help in preventing corners from lifting due to warping. Brim adds a single-layer-thick flat area around your object which is easy to cut off afterwards, and it is the recommended option. Raft adds a thick grid below the object and a thin interface between this and your object. (Note that enabling the brim or raft disables the skirt.)",
+                    "type": "enum",
+                    "options": [
+                        "Skirt",
+                        "Brim",
+                        "Raft"
+                    ],
+                    "default": "Skirt"
+                },
+                "skirt_line_count": {
+                    "label": "Skirt Line Count",
+                    "description": "The skirt is a line drawn around the first layer of the. This helps to prime your extruder, and to see if the object fits on your platform. Setting this to 0 will disable the skirt. Multiple skirt lines can help to prime your extruder better for small objects.",
+                    "type": "int",
+                    "default": 1,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "adhesion_type",
+                        "value": "Skirt"
+                    }
+                },
+                "skirt_gap": {
+                    "label": "Skirt Distance",
+                    "description": "The horizontal distance between the skirt and the first layer of the print.\nThis is the minimum distance, multiple skirt lines will extend outwards from this distance.",
+                    "unit": "mm",
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "default": 3,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "adhesion_type",
+                        "value": "Skirt"
+                    }
+                },
+                "skirt_minimal_length": {
+                    "label": "Skirt Minimum Length",
+                    "description": "The minimum length of the skirt. If this minimum length is not reached, more skirt lines will be added to reach this minimum length. Note: If the line count is set to 0 this is ignored.",
+                    "unit": "mm",
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "default": 250,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "adhesion_type",
+                        "value": "Skirt"
+                    }
+                },
+                "brim_line_count": {
+                    "label": "Brim Line Count",
+                    "description": "The amount of lines used for a brim: More lines means a larger brim which sticks better, but this also makes your effective print area smaller.",
+                    "type": "int",
+                    "default": 10,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "adhesion_type",
+                        "value": "Brim"
+                    }
+                },
+                "raft_margin": {
+                    "label": "Raft Extra Margin",
+                    "description": "If the raft is enabled, this is the extra raft area around the object which is also given a raft. Increasing this margin will create a stronger raft while using more material and leaving less area for your print.",
+                    "unit": "mm",
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "default": 5,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "adhesion_type",
+                        "value": "Raft"
+                    }
+                },
+                "raft_airgap": {
+                    "label": "Raft Air-gap",
+                    "description": "The gap between the final raft layer and the first layer of the object. Only the first layer is raised by this amount to lower the bonding between the raft layer and the object. Makes it easier to peel off the raft.",
+                    "unit": "mm",
+                    "type": "float",
+                    "default": 0.22,
+                    "active_if": {
+                        "setting": "adhesion_type",
+                        "value": "Raft"
                 "raft_surface_layers": {
@@ -1561,62 +1669,21 @@
                             "inherit": true
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "shield": {
-            "label": "Shielding",
-            "visible": true,
-            "icon": "category_shield",
-            "settings": {
-                "ooze_shield_enabled": {
-                    "label": "Enable Ooze Shield",
-                    "description": "Enable exterior ooze shield. This will create a shell around the object which is likely to wipe a second nozzle if it's at the same height as the first nozzle.",
+                },
+                "draft_shield_enabled": {
+                    "label": "Enable Draft Shield",
+                    "description": "Enable exterior draft shield. This will create a wall around the object which traps (hot) air and shields against gusts of wind. Especially useful for materials which warp easily.",
                     "type": "boolean",
                     "default": false
-                "ooze_shield_angle": {
-                    "label": "Ooze Shield Angle",
-                    "description": "The maximum angle a part in the ooze shield will have. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. A smaller angle leads to less failed ooze shields, but more material.",
-                    "unit": "°",
+                "draft_shield_dist": {
+                    "label": "Draft Shield X/Y Distance",
+                    "description": "Distance of the draft shield from the print, in the X/Y directions.",
+                    "unit": "mm",
                     "type": "float",
                     "min_value": 0,
-                    "max_value": 90,
-                    "default": 60,
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "ooze_shield_enabled",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                },
-                "ooze_shield_dist": {
-                    "label": "Ooze Shields Distance",
-                    "description": "Distance of the ooze shield from the print, in the X/Y directions.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "min_value": 0,
-                    "max_value_warning": 30,
-                    "default": 2,
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "ooze_shield_enabled",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                },
-                "draft_shield_enabled": {
-                    "label": "Enable Draft Shield",
-                    "description": "Enable exterior draft shield. This will create a wall around the object which traps (hot) air and shields against gusts of wind. Especially useful for materials which warp easily.",
-                    "type": "boolean",
-                    "default": false
-                },
-                "draft_shield_dist": {
-                    "label": "Draft Shield X/Y Distance",
-                    "description": "Distance of the draft shield from the print, in the X/Y directions.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "min_value": 0,
-                    "max_value_warning": 100,
-                    "default": 10,
+                    "max_value_warning": 100,
+                    "default": 10,
                     "visible": false,
                     "active_if": {
                         "setting": "draft_shield_enabled",
@@ -1656,329 +1723,8 @@
-        "support": {
-            "label": "Support",
-            "visible": true,
-            "icon": "category_support",
-            "settings": {
-                "support_enable": {
-                    "label": "Enable Support",
-                    "description": "Enable exterior support structures. This will build up supporting structures below the model to prevent the model from sagging or printing in mid air.",
-                    "type": "boolean",
-                    "default": true
-                },
-                "support_extruder_nr": {
-                    "label": "Support Extruder",
-                    "description": "The extruder train to use for printing the support. This is used in multi-extrusion.",
-                    "type": "int",
-                    "default": 0,
-                    "min_value": 0,
-                    "max_value": 16,
-                    "inherit_function": "extruder_nr",
-                    "children": {
-                        "support_extruder_nr_layer_0": {
-                            "label": "First Layer Support Extruder",
-                            "description": "The extruder train to use for printing the first layer of support. This is used in multi-extrusion.",
-                            "type": "int",
-                            "default": 0,
-                            "min_value": 0,
-                            "max_value": 16,
-                            "inherit": true
-                        },
-                        "support_roof_extruder_nr": {
-                            "label": "Hammock Extruder",
-                            "description": "The extruder train to use for printing the hammock. This is used in multi-extrusion.",
-                            "type": "int",
-                            "default": 0,
-                            "min_value": 0,
-                            "max_value": 16,
-                            "inherit": true,
-                            "active_if": {
-                                "setting": "support_roof_enable",
-                                "value": true
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                "support_type": {
-                    "label": "Placement",
-                    "description": "Where to place support structures. The placement can be restricted such that the support structures won't rest on the model, which could otherwise cause scarring.",
-                    "type": "enum",
-                    "options": [
-                        "Touching Buildplate",
-                        "Everywhere"
-                    ],
-                    "default": "Everywhere",
-                    "visible": true,
-                    "inherit_function": "'Everywhere' if support_enable else 'None'",
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "support_enable",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                },
-                "support_angle": {
-                    "label": "Overhang Angle",
-                    "description": "The maximum angle of overhangs for which support will be added. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. A smaller overhang angle leads to more support.",
-                    "unit": "°",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "min_value": 0,
-                    "max_value": 90,
-                    "default": 60,
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "support_enable",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                },
-                "support_xy_distance": {
-                    "label": "X/Y Distance",
-                    "description": "Distance of the support structure from the print, in the X/Y directions. 0.7mm typically gives a nice distance from the print so the support does not stick to the surface.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "min_value": 0,
-                    "max_value_warning": 10,
-                    "default": 0.7,
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "support_enable",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                },
-                "support_z_distance": {
-                    "label": "Z Distance",
-                    "description": "Distance from the top/bottom of the support to the print. A small gap here makes it easier to remove the support but makes the print a bit uglier. 0.15mm allows for easier separation of the support structure.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "min_value": 0,
-                    "max_value_warning": 10,
-                    "default": 0.15,
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "support_enable",
-                        "value": true
-                    },
-                    "children": {
-                        "support_top_distance": {
-                            "label": "Top Distance",
-                            "description": "Distance from the top of the support to the print.",
-                            "unit": "mm",
-                            "min_value": 0,
-                            "max_value_warning": 10,
-                            "default": 0.15,
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "visible": false
-                        },
-                        "support_bottom_distance": {
-                            "label": "Bottom Distance",
-                            "description": "Distance from the print to the bottom of the support.",
-                            "unit": "mm",
-                            "min_value": 0,
-                            "max_value_warning": 10,
-                            "default": 0.15,
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "visible": false
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                "support_conical_enabled": {
-                    "label": "Conical Support",
-                    "description": "Experimental feature: Make support areas smaller at the bottom than at the overhang.",
-                    "type": "boolean",
-                    "default": false,
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "support_enable",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                },
-                "support_conical_angle": {
-                    "label": "Cone Angle",
-                    "description": "The angle of the tilt of conical support. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. Smaller angles cause the support to be more sturdy, but consist of more material. Negative angles cause the base of the support to be wider than the top.",
-                    "unit": "°",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "min_value": -90,
-                    "max_value": 90,
-                    "default": 30,
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "support_conical_enabled",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                },
-                "support_conical_min_width": {
-                    "label": "Minimal Width",
-                    "description": "Minimal width to which conical support reduces the support areas. Small widths can cause the base of the support to not act well as fundament for support above.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "min_value": 0,
-                    "default": 3.0,
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "support_conical_enabled",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                },
-                "support_bottom_stair_step_height": {
-                    "label": "Stair Step Height",
-                    "description": "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. Small steps can cause the support to be hard to remove from the top of the model.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 2,
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "support_type",
-                        "value": "Everywhere"
-                    }
-                },
-                "support_join_distance": {
-                    "label": "Join Distance",
-                    "description": "The maximum distance between support blocks, in the X/Y directions, such that the blocks will merge into a single block.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 2,
-                    "visible": false
-                },
-                "support_offset": {
-                    "label": "Horizontal Expansion",
-                    "description": "Amount of offset applied to all support polygons in each layer. Positive values can smooth out the support areas and result in more sturdy support.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 1.0,
-                    "visible": false
-                },
-                "support_area_smoothing": {
-                    "label": "Area Smoothing",
-                    "description": "Maximal distance in the X/Y directions of a line segment which is to be smoothed out. Ragged lines are introduced by the join distance and support bridge, which cause the machine to resonate. Smoothing the support areas won't cause them to break with the constraints, except it might change the overhang.",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 0.6,
-                    "visible": false
-                },
-                "support_roof_enable": {
-                    "label": "Enable Hammock",
-                    "description": "Generate a solid support roof on which the model sits.",
-                    "type": "boolean",
-                    "default": false,
-                    "visible": true
-                },
-                "support_roof_height": {
-                    "label": "Hammock Thickness",
-                    "description": "The height of the support roofs. ",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 1,
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "support_roof_enable",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                },
-                "support_use_towers": {
-                    "label": "Use towers.",
-                    "description": "Use specialized towers to support tiny overhang areas. These towers have a larger diameter than the region they support. Near the overhang the towers' diameter decreases, forming a roof.",
-                    "type": "boolean",
-                    "default": true,
-                    "visible": true
-                },
-                "support_minimal_diameter": {
-                    "label": "Minimal Diameter",
-                    "description": "Maximal diameter in the X/Y directions of a small area which is to be supported by a specialized support tower. ",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 1,
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "support_use_towers",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                },
-                "support_tower_diameter": {
-                    "label": "Tower Diameter",
-                    "description": "The diameter of a special tower. ",
-                    "unit": "mm",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "default": 1,
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "support_use_towers",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                },
-                "support_tower_roof_angle": {
-                    "label": "Tower Roof Angle",
-                    "description": "The angle of the rooftop of a tower. Larger angles mean more pointy towers. ",
-                    "unit": "°",
-                    "type": "int",
-                    "min_value": 0,
-                    "max_value": 90,
-                    "default": 65,
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "support_use_towers",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                },
-                "support_pattern": {
-                    "label": "Pattern",
-                    "description": "Cura supports 3 distinct types of support structure. First is a grid based support structure which is quite solid and can be removed as 1 piece. The second is a line based support structure which has to be peeled off line by line. The third is a structure in between the other two; it consists of lines which are connected in an accordeon fashion.",
-                    "type": "enum",
-                    "options": [
-                        "Grid",
-                        "Lines",
-                        "ZigZag"
-                    ],
-                    "default": "ZigZag",
-                    "visible": true,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "support_enable",
-                        "value": true
-                    }
-                },
-                "support_connect_zigzags": {
-                    "label": "Connect ZigZags",
-                    "description": "Connect the ZigZags. Makes them harder to remove, but prevents stringing of disconnected zigzags.",
-                    "type": "boolean",
-                    "default": true,
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "support_pattern",
-                        "value": "ZigZag"
-                    }
-                },
-                "support_fill_rate": {
-                    "label": "Fill Amount",
-                    "description": "The amount of infill structure in the support, less infill gives weaker support which is easier to remove.",
-                    "unit": "%",
-                    "type": "float",
-                    "min_value": 0,
-                    "max_value": 100,
-                    "default": 15,
-                    "visible": false,
-                    "active_if": {
-                        "setting": "support_enable",
-                        "value": true
-                    },
-                    "children": {
-                        "support_line_distance": {
-                            "label": "Line distance",
-                            "description": "Distance between the printed support lines.",
-                            "unit": "mm",
-                            "type": "float",
-                            "min_value": 0,
-                            "default": 2.66,
-                            "visible": false,
-                            "active_if": {
-                                "setting": "support_enable",
-                                "value": true
-                            },
-                            "inherit_function": "(support_line_width * 100) / parent_value"
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        },
         "meshfix": {
-            "label": "Fixes",
+            "label": "Mesh Fixes",
             "visible": true,
             "icon": "category_fixes",
             "settings": {

+ 2 - 10

@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@
         "machine_head_shape_max_x": { "default": 18 },
         "machine_head_shape_max_y": { "default": 35 },
         "machine_nozzle_gantry_distance": { "default": 55 },
-        "machine_nozzle_offset_x_1": { "default": 18.0 },
-        "machine_nozzle_offset_y_1": { "default": 0.0 },
         "machine_gcode_flavor": { "default": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)" },
         "machine_start_gcode": {
@@ -33,13 +31,7 @@
-    "categories": {
-        "material": {
-            "settings": {
-                "material_bed_temperature": {
-                    "visible": false
-                }
-            }
-        }
+    "overrides": {
+        "material_bed_temperature": { "visible": false }

+ 32 - 148

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
     "machine_settings": {
         "machine_start_gcode": {
-            "default": "; -- START GCODE --\n;Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}\n;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {fill_density}\n;Print time: {print_time}\n;Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g\n;Filament cost: {filament_cost}\nG21                     ;set units to millimetres\nG90                     ;set to absolute positioning\nM106 S0                 ;set fan speed to zero (turned off)\nG28 X0 Y0               ;move to the X/Y origin (Home)\nG28 Z0                  ;move to the Z origin (Home)\nG1 Z15.0 F1200          ;move Z to position 15.0 mm\nG92 E0                  ;zero the extruded length\nG1 E20 F200             ;extrude 20mm of feed stock\nG92 E0                  ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F7200                ;set feedrate to 120 mm/sec\n; -- end of START GCODE --"
+            "default": "; -- START GCODE --\n;Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}\n;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {infill_density}\n;Print time: {print_time}\n;Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g\n;Filament cost: {filament_cost}\nG21                     ;set units to millimetres\nG90                     ;set to absolute positioning\nM106 S0                 ;set fan speed to zero (turned off)\nG28 X0 Y0               ;move to the X/Y origin (Home)\nG28 Z0                  ;move to the Z origin (Home)\nG1 Z15.0 F1200          ;move Z to position 15.0 mm\nG92 E0                  ;zero the extruded length\nG1 E20 F200             ;extrude 20mm of feed stock\nG92 E0                  ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F7200                ;set feedrate to 120 mm/sec\n; -- end of START GCODE --"
         "machine_end_gcode": {
             "default": "; -- END GCODE --\nM104 S0                 ;set extruder temperature to zero (turned off)\nG91                     ;set to relative positioning\nG1 E-20 F300            ;retract the filament a bit to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z10                  ;move extruder up 10 mm\nG90                     ;set to absolute positioning\nG1 X0 Y180 F1200        ;expose the platform\nM84                     ;turn off steppers\n; -- end of END GCODE --"
@@ -36,152 +36,36 @@
             "default": [0.0, 100.0, 0.0]
-    "categories": {
-        "layer_height": {
-            "settings": {
-                "layer_height": {
-                    "default": 0.2
-                },
-                "layer_height_0": {
-                    "default": 0.2,
-                    "visible": true
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "shell": {
-            "settings": {
-                "shell_thickness": {
-                    "default": 1.2,
-                    "children": {
-                        "wall_thickness": {
-                            "default": 1.2,
-                            "visible": false
-                        },
-                        "top_bottom_thickness": {
-                            "default": 0.8,
-                            "visible": false,
-                            "children": {
-                                "bottom_thickness": {
-                                    "default": 0.4,
-                                    "visible": false
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "material": {
-            "settings": {
-                "material_print_temperature": {
-                    "default": 220,
-                    "visible": true
-                },
-                "material_bed_temperature": {
-                    "default": 0,
-                    "visible": false
-                },
-                "material_diameter": {
-                    "default": 1.75,
-                    "visible": true
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "speed": {
-            "settings": {
-                "speed_print": {
-                    "default": 40.0,
-                    "children": {
-                        "speed_infill": {
-                            "default": 40.0,
-                            "visible": false
-                        },
-                        "speed_wall": {
-                            "default":35.0,
-                            "visible": false,
-                            "children": {
-                                "speed_wall_0": {
-                                    "default": 35.0,
-                                    "visible": false
-                                },
-                                "speed_wall_x": {
-                                    "default": 35.0,
-                                    "visible": false
-                                }
-                            }
-                        },
-                        "speed_topbottom": {
-                            "default": 35.0,
-                            "visible": false
-                        },
-                        "speed_support": {
-                            "default": 35.0,
-                            "visible": false
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                "speed_travel": {
-                    "default": 110.0
-                },
-                "speed_layer_0": {
-                    "default": 20.0,
-                    "visible": false
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "travel": {
-            "settings": {
-                "retraction_speed": {
-                    "default": 30.0,
-                    "visible": true,
-                    "children": {
-                        "retraction_retract_speed": {
-                            "default": 30.0,
-                            "visible": true
-                        },
-                        "retraction_prime_speed": {
-                            "default": 30.0,
-                            "visible": true
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                "retraction_amount": {
-                    "default": 2.0,
-                    "visible": true
-                },
-                "retraction_hop": {
-                    "default": 0.75,
-                    "visible": false
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "platform_adhesion": {
-            "settings": {
-                "skirt_minimal_length": {
-                    "default": 150
-                },
-                "raft_base_line_width": {
-                    "default": 0.7
-                },
-                "raft_interface_thickness": {
-                    "default": 0.2
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "support": {
-            "settings": {
-                "support_enable": {
-                    "default": true
-                },
-                "support_z_distance": {
-                    "default": 0.2,
-                    "visible": false
-                },
-                "support_fill_rate": {
-                    "default": 10,
-                    "visible": false
-                }
-            }
-        }
+    "overrides": { 
+        "layer_height": { "default": 0.2 },
+        "layer_height_0": { "default": 0.2, "visible": true },
+        "shell_thickness": { "default": 1.2 },
+        "wall_thickness": { "default": 1.2, "visible": false },
+        "top_bottom_thickness": { "default": 0.8, "visible": false },
+        "bottom_thickness": { "default": 0.4, "visible": false },
+        "material_print_temperature": { "default": 220, "visible": true },
+        "material_bed_temperature": { "default": 0, "visible": false },
+        "material_diameter": { "default": 1.75, "visible": true },
+        "speed_print": { "default": 40.0 },
+        "speed_infill": { "default": 40.0, "visible": false },
+        "speed_wall": { "default":35.0, "visible": false },
+        "speed_wall_0": { "default": 35.0, "visible": false },
+        "speed_wall_x": { "default": 35.0, "visible": false },
+        "speed_topbottom": { "default": 35.0, "visible": false },
+        "speed_support": { "default": 35.0, "visible": false },
+        "speed_travel": { "default": 110.0 },
+        "speed_layer_0": { "default": 20.0, "visible": false },
+        "retraction_speed": { "default": 30.0, "visible": true },
+        "retraction_retract_speed": { "default": 30.0, "visible": true },
+        "retraction_prime_speed": { "default": 30.0, "visible": true },
+        "retraction_amount": { "default": 2.0, "visible": true },
+        "retraction_hop": { "default": 0.75, "visible": false },
+        "skirt_minimal_length": { "default": 150 },
+        "raft_base_line_width": { "default": 0.7 },
+        "raft_interface_thickness": { "default": 0.2 },
+        "support_enable": { "default": true },
+        "support_z_distance": { "default": 0.2, "visible": false },
+        "support_infill_rate": { "default": 10, "visible": false }

+ 32 - 148

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
     "machine_settings": {
         "machine_start_gcode": {
-            "default": "; -- START GCODE --\n;Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}\n;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {fill_density}\n;Print time: {print_time}\n;Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g\n;Filament cost: {filament_cost}\nG21                     ;set units to millimetres\nG90                     ;set to absolute positioning\nM106 S0                 ;set fan speed to zero (turned off)\nG28 X0 Y0               ;move to the X/Y origin (Home)\nG28 Z0                  ;move to the Z origin (Home)\nG1 Z15.0 F1200          ;move Z to position 15.0 mm\nG92 E0                  ;zero the extruded length\nG1 E20 F200             ;extrude 20mm of feed stock\nG92 E0                  ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F7200                ;set feedrate to 120 mm/sec\n; -- end of START GCODE --"
+            "default": "; -- START GCODE --\n;Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}\n;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {infill_density}\n;Print time: {print_time}\n;Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g\n;Filament cost: {filament_cost}\nG21                     ;set units to millimetres\nG90                     ;set to absolute positioning\nM106 S0                 ;set fan speed to zero (turned off)\nG28 X0 Y0               ;move to the X/Y origin (Home)\nG28 Z0                  ;move to the Z origin (Home)\nG1 Z15.0 F1200          ;move Z to position 15.0 mm\nG92 E0                  ;zero the extruded length\nG1 E20 F200             ;extrude 20mm of feed stock\nG92 E0                  ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F7200                ;set feedrate to 120 mm/sec\n; -- end of START GCODE --"
         "machine_end_gcode": {
             "default": "; -- END GCODE --\nM104 S0                 ;set extruder temperature to zero (turned off)\nG91                     ;set to relative positioning\nG1 E-20 F300            ;retract the filament a bit to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z10                  ;move extruder up 10 mm\nG90                     ;set to absolute positioning\nG1 X0 Y180 F1200        ;expose the platform\nM84                     ;turn off steppers\n; -- end of END GCODE --"
@@ -36,152 +36,36 @@
             "default": [0.0, 100.0, 0.0]
-    "categories": {
-        "layer_height": {
-            "settings": {
-                "layer_height": {
-                    "default": 0.2
-                },
-                "layer_height_0": {
-                    "default": 0.2,
-                    "visible": true
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "shell": {
-            "settings": {
-                "shell_thickness": {
-                    "default": 1.2,
-                    "children": {
-                        "wall_thickness": {
-                            "default": 1.2,
-                            "visible": false
-                        },
-                        "top_bottom_thickness": {
-                            "default": 0.8,
-                            "visible": false,
-                            "children": {
-                                "bottom_thickness": {
-                                    "default": 0.4,
-                                    "visible": false
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "material": {
-            "settings": {
-                "material_print_temperature": {
-                    "default": 220,
-                    "visible": true
-                },
-                "material_bed_temperature": {
-                    "default": 0,
-                    "visible": false
-                },
-                "material_diameter": {
-                    "default": 1.75,
-                    "visible": true
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "speed": {
-            "settings": {
-                "speed_print": {
-                    "default": 40.0,
-                    "children": {
-                        "speed_infill": {
-                            "default": 40.0,
-                            "visible": false
-                        },
-                        "speed_wall": {
-                            "default":35.0,
-                            "visible": false,
-                            "children": {
-                                "speed_wall_0": {
-                                    "default": 35.0,
-                                    "visible": false
-                                },
-                                "speed_wall_x": {
-                                    "default": 35.0,
-                                    "visible": false
-                                }
-                            }
-                        },
-                        "speed_topbottom": {
-                            "default": 35.0,
-                            "visible": false
-                        },
-                        "speed_support": {
-                            "default": 35.0,
-                            "visible": false
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                "speed_travel": {
-                    "default": 110.0
-                },
-                "speed_layer_0": {
-                    "default": 20.0,
-                    "visible": false
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "travel": {
-            "settings": {
-                "retraction_speed": {
-                    "default": 30.0,
-                    "visible": true,
-                    "children": {
-                        "retraction_retract_speed": {
-                            "default": 30.0,
-                            "visible": true
-                        },
-                        "retraction_prime_speed": {
-                            "default": 30.0,
-                            "visible": true
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                "retraction_amount": {
-                    "default": 2.0,
-                    "visible": true
-                },
-                "retraction_hop": {
-                    "default": 0.75,
-                    "visible": false
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "platform_adhesion": {
-            "settings": {
-                "skirt_minimal_length": {
-                    "default": 150
-                },
-                "raft_base_line_width": {
-                    "default": 0.7
-                },
-                "raft_interface_thickness": {
-                    "default": 0.2
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "support": {
-            "settings": {
-                "support_enable": {
-                    "default": true
-                },
-                "support_z_distance": {
-                    "default": 0.2,
-                    "visible": false
-                },
-                "support_fill_rate": {
-                    "default": 10,
-                    "visible": false
-                }
-            }
-        }
+    "overrides": {
+        "layer_height": { "default": 0.2 },
+        "layer_height_0": { "default": 0.2, "visible": true },
+        "shell_thickness": { "default": 1.2 },
+        "wall_thickness": { "default": 1.2, "visible": false },
+        "top_bottom_thickness": { "default": 0.8, "visible": false },
+        "bottom_thickness": { "default": 0.4, "visible": false },
+        "material_print_temperature": { "default": 220, "visible": true },
+        "material_bed_temperature": { "default": 0, "visible": false },
+        "material_diameter": { "default": 1.75, "visible": true },
+        "speed_print": { "default": 40.0 },
+        "speed_infill": { "default": 40.0, "visible": false },
+        "speed_wall": { "default":35.0, "visible": false },
+        "speed_wall_0": { "default": 35.0, "visible": false },
+        "speed_wall_x": { "default": 35.0, "visible": false },
+        "speed_topbottom": { "default": 35.0, "visible": false },
+        "speed_support": { "default": 35.0, "visible": false },
+        "speed_travel": { "default": 110.0 },
+        "speed_layer_0": { "default": 20.0, "visible": false },
+        "retraction_speed": { "default": 30.0, "visible": true },
+        "retraction_retract_speed": { "default": 30.0, "visible": true },
+        "retraction_prime_speed": { "default": 30.0, "visible": true },
+        "retraction_amount": { "default": 2.0, "visible": true },
+        "retraction_hop": { "default": 0.75, "visible": false },
+        "skirt_minimal_length": { "default": 150 },
+        "raft_base_line_width": { "default": 0.7 },
+        "raft_interface_thickness": { "default": 0.2 },
+        "support_enable": { "default": true },
+        "support_z_distance": { "default": 0.2, "visible": false },
+        "support_infill_rate": { "default": 10, "visible": false }

+ 45 - 225

@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@
         "machine_head_shape_max_x": { "default": 0 },
         "machine_head_shape_max_y": { "default": 0 },
         "machine_nozzle_gantry_distance": { "default": 55 },
-        "machine_nozzle_offset_x_1": { "default": 0.0 },
-        "machine_nozzle_offset_y_1": { "default": 0.0 },
         "machine_gcode_flavor": { "default": "RepRap" },
         "machine_disallowed_areas": { "default": []},
         "machine_platform_offset": { "default": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] },
@@ -33,229 +31,51 @@
         "machine_nozzle_expansion_angle": { "default": 45 }
-    "categories": {
-        "resolution": {
-            "label": "Quality",
-            "visible": true,
-            "icon": "category_quality",
-            "settings": {
-                "layer_height": {
-                    "default": 0.2
-                },
-                "layer_height_0": {
-                    "default": 0.2,
-                    "visible": false
-                },
-                "shell_thickness": {
-                    "children": {
-                        "wall_thickness": {
-                            "children": {
-                                "wall_line_count": {
-                                    "default": 2,
-                                    "visible": true
-                                }
-                            }
-                        },
-                        "top_bottom_thickness": {
-                            "children": {
-                                "top_thickness": {
-                                    "children": {
-                                        "top_layers": {
-                                            "default": 4,
-                                            "visible": true
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                },
-                                "bottom_thickness": {
-                                    "children": {
-                                        "bottom_layers": {
-                                            "default": 4,
-                                            "visible": true
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "material": {
-            "label": "Material",
-            "visible": true,
-            "icon": "category_material",
-            "settings": {
-                "material_print_temperature": {
-                    "visible": false
-                },
-                "material_bed_temperature": {
-					"visible": false
-                },
-                "material_diameter": {
-                    "default": 1.75,
-					"visible": false
-                },
-                "material_flow": {
-					"visible": false
-                },
-                "retraction_enable": {
-                    "children": {
-                        "retraction_hop": {
-                            "default": 0.2
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "speed": {
-            "settings": {
-                "speed_print": {
-					"default": 50.0,
-                    "children": {
-                        "speed_wall": {
-                            "default": 30.0,
-                            "children": {
-                                "speed_wall_0": {
-                                    "default": 30.0
-                                },
-                                "speed_wall_x": {
-                                    "default": 30.0
-                                }
-                            }
-                        },
-                        "speed_topbottom": {
-                            "default": 50.0
-                        },
-                        "speed_support": {
-                            "default": 50.0
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                "speed_travel": {
-                    "default": 120.0
-                },
-                "speed_layer_0": {
-                    "default": 20.0,
-                    "children": {
-                        "skirt_speed": {
-                            "default": 15.0
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                "speed_slowdown_layers": {
-                    "default": 4
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "infill": {
-            "settings": {
-                "fill_sparse_density": {
-                    "default": 20.0
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "cooling": {
-            "settings": {
-                "cool_fan_enabled": {
-                    "children": {
-                        "cool_fan_speed": {
-                            "children": {
-                                "cool_fan_speed_min": {
-                                    "default": 50.0
-                                },
-                                "cool_fan_speed_max": {
-                                    "default": 100.0
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                "cool_fan_full_at_height": {
-                    "children": {
-                        "cool_fan_full_layer": {
-                            "default": 4,
-                            "visible": true
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                "cool_min_layer_time": {
-                    "default": 5.0
-                },
-                "cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max": {
-                    "default": 10.0
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "support": {
-            "settings": {
-                "support_type": {
-                    "default": "Everywhere"
-                },
-                "support_angle": {
-                    "default": 45.0,
-                    "visible": true
-                },
-                "support_xy_distance": {
-                    "default": 1
-                },
-                "support_z_distance": {
-                    "default": 0.2,
-                    "children": {
-                        "support_top_distance": {
-                            "default": 0.2
-                        },
-                        "support_bottom_distance": {
-                            "default": 0.24
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                "support_pattern": {
-                    "default": "ZigZag"
-                },
-                "support_fill_rate": {
-                    "default": 15,
-                    "visible": true
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        "platform_adhesion": {
-            "settings": {
-                "adhesion_type": {
-                    "default": "Raft"
-                },
-                "skirt_minimal_length": {
-                    "default": 100.0
-                },
-                "raft_line_spacing": {
-                    "default": 2.0
-                },
-                "raft_base_thickness": {
-                    "default": 0.3
-                },
-                "raft_base_linewidth": {
-                    "default": 2.0
-                },
-                "raft_base_speed": {
-                    "default": 15.0
-                },
-                "raft_interface_thickness": {
-                    "default": 0.24
-                },
-                "raft_interface_linewidth": {
-                    "default": 0.6
-                },
-                "raft_airgap": {
-                    "default": 0.2
-                },
-                "raft_surface_layers": {
-                    "default": 2
-                }
-            }
-        }
+    "overrides": { 
+        "layer_height": { "default": 0.2 },
+        "layer_height_0": { "default": 0.2, "visible": false },
+        "wall_line_count": { "default": 2, "visible": true },
+        "top_layers": { "default": 4, "visible": true },
+        "bottom_layers": { "default": 4, "visible": true },
+        "material_print_temperature": { "visible": false },
+        "material_bed_temperature": { "visible": false },
+        "material_diameter": { "default": 1.75, "visible": false },
+        "material_flow": { "visible": false },
+        "retraction_hop": { "default": 0.2 },
+        "speed_print": { "default": 50.0 }, 
+        "speed_wall": { "default": 30.0 }, 
+        "speed_wall_0": { "default": 30.0 },
+        "speed_wall_x": { "default": 30.0 },
+        "speed_topbottom": { "default": 50.0 },
+        "speed_support": { "default": 50.0 },
+        "speed_travel": { "default": 120.0 },
+        "speed_layer_0": { "default": 20.0 }, 
+        "skirt_speed": { "default": 15.0 },
+        "speed_slowdown_layers": { "default": 4 },
+        "infill_sparse_density": { "default": 20.0 },
+        "cool_fan_speed_min": { "default": 50.0 },
+        "cool_fan_speed_max": { "default": 100.0 },
+        "cool_fan_full_layer": { "default": 4, "visible": true },
+        "cool_min_layer_time": { "default": 5.0 },
+        "cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max": { "default": 10.0 },
+        "support_type": { "default": "Everywhere" },
+        "support_angle": { "default": 45.0, "visible": true },
+        "support_xy_distance": { "default": 1 },
+        "support_z_distance": { "default": 0.2 }, 
+        "support_top_distance": { "default": 0.2 },
+        "support_bottom_distance": { "default": 0.24 },
+        "support_pattern": { "default": "ZigZag" },
+        "support_infill_rate": { "default": 15, "visible": true },
+        "adhesion_type": { "default": "Raft" },
+        "skirt_minimal_length": { "default": 100.0 },
+        "raft_base_line_spacing": { "default": 2.0 },
+        "raft_base_thickness": { "default": 0.3 },
+        "raft_base_line_width": { "default": 2.0 },
+        "raft_base_speed": { "default": 15.0 },
+        "raft_interface_thickness": { "default": 0.24 },
+        "raft_interface_line_width": { "default": 0.6 },
+        "raft_airgap": { "default": 0.2 },
+        "raft_surface_layers": { "default": 2 }

+ 2 - 10

@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@
         "machine_head_shape_max_x": { "default": 18 },
         "machine_head_shape_max_y": { "default": 35 },
         "machine_nozzle_gantry_distance": { "default": 55 },
-        "machine_nozzle_offset_x_1": { "default": 0.0 },
-        "machine_nozzle_offset_y_1": { "default": 0.0 },
         "machine_gcode_flavor": { "default": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)" },
         "machine_start_gcode": {
@@ -32,13 +30,7 @@
-    "categories": {
-        "material": {
-            "settings": {
-                "material_bed_temperature": {
-                    "visible": true
-                }
-            }
-        }
+    "overrides": {
+        "material_bed_temperature": { "visible": true }

+ 0 - 30

@@ -22,12 +22,6 @@
                 "max_value": 16,
                 "inherit_function": "extruder_nr"
-            "machine_nozzle_offset_x": {
-                "default": 0
-            },
-            "machine_nozzle_offset_y": {
-                "default": 0
-            },
             "machine_nozzle_size": {
                 "default": 0.4
@@ -40,30 +34,6 @@
             "machine_nozzle_expansion_angle": {
                 "default": 45
-            "machine_extruder_start_code": { 
-                "default": "" 
-            },
-            "machine_extruder_start_pos_abs": { 
-                "default": false 
-            },
-            "machine_extruder_start_pos_x": { 
-                "default": 0 
-            },
-            "machine_extruder_start_pos_y": { 
-                "default": 0 
-            },
-            "machine_extruder_end_pos_abs": { 
-                "default": false 
-            },
-            "machine_extruder_end_pos_x": { 
-                "default": 0 
-            },
-            "machine_extruder_end_pos_y": { 
-                "default": 0 
-            },
-            "machine_extruder_end_code": {
-                "default": "" 
-            },
             "machine_heat_zone_length": { 
                 "default": 16

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