@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+import QtQuick 2.7
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.3
+// The expandable component has 3 major sub components:
+// * The headerItem; Always visible and should hold some info about what happens if the component is expanded
+// * The popupItem; The content that needs to be shown if the component is expanded.
+// * The Button; The actual button that expands the popup.
+ // The headerItem holds the QML item that is always displayed.
+ property alias headerItem: headerItemLoader.sourceComponent
+ // The popupItem holds the QML item that is shown when the "open" button is pressed
+ property var popupItem
+ // The background color of the popup
+ property color popupBackgroundColor: "white"
+ // How much spacing is needed around the popupItem
+ property alias padding: popup.padding
+ onPopupItemChanged:
+ {
+ // Since we want the size of the popup to be set by the size of the content,
+ // we need to do it like this.
+ popup.width = popupItem.width + 2 * popup.padding
+ popup.height = popupItem.height + 2 * popup.padding
+ popup.contentItem = popupItem
+ }
+ implicitHeight: 100
+ implicitWidth: 400
+ Loader
+ {
+ id: headerItemLoader
+ anchors
+ {
+ left: parent.left
+ right: collapseButton.left
+ top: parent.top
+ bottom: parent.bottom
+ }
+ }
+ Button
+ {
+ id: collapseButton
+ anchors
+ {
+ right: parent.right
+ top: parent.top
+ bottom: parent.bottom
+ }
+ text: popup.visible ? "close" : "open"
+ onClicked: popup.visible ? popup.close() : popup.open()
+ }
+ Popup
+ {
+ id: popup
+ // Ensure that the popup is located directly below the headerItem
+ y: headerItemLoader.height
+ // Make the popup right aligned with the rest.
+ x: -width + collapseButton.width + headerItemLoader.width
+ closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnPressOutsideParent
+ background: Rectangle
+ {
+ id: background
+ color: popupBackgroundColor
+ }
+ }