Contribute to CURA-9157
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
<!-- Current Cura versions are not supported on XP or Server 2003. Even so, add 'ignorefailure=yes'. After all, worst that can happen is the user gets asked, like before. -->
- <fw:FirewallException Id="FirewallExceptLocalFrontend" Name="Cura (Frontend) Connection (LocalHost)" File="FILE_CuraEngine_exe" Port="" IgnoreFailure="yes" Scope="localSubnet" />
+ <fw:FirewallException Id="FirewallExceptLocalFrontend" Name="Cura (Frontend) Connection (LocalHost)" File="FILE_UltiMaker_Cura_exe" Port="" IgnoreFailure="yes" Scope="localSubnet" />
<Component Id="CMP_CuraEngine_exe" Directory="APPLICATIONFOLDER" Guid="*">
<File Id="FILE_CuraEngine_exe" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.CuraDir)\CuraEngine.exe" />