@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
self._supported_extensions = [".3mf"]
self._dialog = WorkspaceDialog()
self._3mf_mesh_reader = None
+ self._is_ucp = None
self._container_registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
# suffixes registered with the MimeTypes don't start with a dot '.'
@@ -143,16 +144,17 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
self._old_new_materials: Dict[str, str] = {}
self._machine_info = None
- self._load_profile = False
self._user_settings: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
def _clearState(self):
self._id_mapping = {}
self._old_new_materials = {}
self._machine_info = None
- self._load_profile = False
self._user_settings = {}
+ def clearOpenAsUcp(self):
+ self._is_ucp = None
def getNewId(self, old_id: str):
"""Get a unique name based on the old_id. This is different from directly calling the registry in that it caches results.
@@ -207,6 +209,16 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
return global_stack_file_list[0], extruder_stack_file_list
+ def _isProjectUcp(self, file_name) -> bool:
+ if self._is_ucp == None:
+ archive = zipfile.ZipFile(file_name, "r")
+ cura_file_names = [name for name in archive.namelist() if name.startswith("Cura/")]
+ self._is_ucp =True if USER_SETTINGS_PATH in cura_file_names else False
+ def getIsProjectUcp(self) -> bool:
+ return self._is_ucp
def preRead(self, file_name, show_dialog=True, *args, **kwargs):
"""Read some info so we can make decisions
@@ -215,7 +227,7 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
we don't want to show a dialog.
+ self._isProjectUcp(file_name)
self._3mf_mesh_reader = Application.getInstance().getMeshFileHandler().getReaderForFile(file_name)
if self._3mf_mesh_reader and self._3mf_mesh_reader.preRead(file_name) == WorkspaceReader.PreReadResult.accepted:
@@ -242,7 +254,7 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
# Read definition containers
machine_definition_id = None
- updatable_machines = None if is_ucp else []
+ updatable_machines = None if self._is_ucp else []
machine_definition_container_count = 0
extruder_definition_container_count = 0
definition_container_files = [name for name in cura_file_names if name.endswith(self._definition_container_suffix)]
@@ -609,11 +621,13 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
# Load the user specifically exported settings
- if is_ucp:
+ self._dialog.setCurrentMachineName("")
+ if self._is_ucp:
self._user_settings = json.loads(archive.open("Cura/user-settings.json").read().decode("utf-8"))
any_extruder_stack = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getExtruderStack(0)
actual_global_stack = CuraApplication.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
+ self._dialog.setCurrentMachineName(actual_global_stack.id)
for stack_name, settings in self._user_settings.items():
if stack_name == 'global':
@@ -658,15 +672,15 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
- self._dialog.setHasVisibleSelectSameProfileChanged(is_ucp)
- self._dialog.setAllowCreatemachine(not is_ucp)
+ self._dialog.setAllowCreatemachine(not self._is_ucp)
+ self._dialog.setIsUcp(self._is_ucp)
# Choosing the initially selected printer in MachineSelector
is_networked_machine = False
is_abstract_machine = False
- if global_stack and isinstance(global_stack, GlobalStack):
+ if global_stack and isinstance(global_stack, GlobalStack) and not self._is_ucp:
# The machine included in the project file exists locally already, no need to change selected printers.
is_networked_machine = global_stack.hasNetworkedConnection()
is_abstract_machine = parseBool(existing_global_stack.getMetaDataEntry("is_abstract_machine", False))
@@ -675,7 +689,7 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
elif self._dialog.updatableMachinesModel.count > 0:
# The machine included in the project file does not exist. There is another machine of the same type.
# This will always default to an abstract machine first.
- machine = self._dialog.updatableMachinesModel.getItem(0)
+ machine = self._dialog.updatableMachinesModel.getItem(self._dialog.currentMachinePositionIndex)
machine_name = machine["name"]
is_networked_machine = machine["isNetworked"]
is_abstract_machine = machine["isAbstractMachine"]
@@ -693,7 +707,6 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
- self._dialog.setSelectSameProfileChecked(self._dialog.isCompatibleMachine)
# Block until the dialog is closed.
@@ -701,8 +714,6 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
if self._dialog.getResult() == {}:
return WorkspaceReader.PreReadResult.cancelled
- self._load_profile = not is_ucp or (self._dialog.selectSameProfileChecked and self._dialog.isCompatibleMachine)
self._resolve_strategies = self._dialog.getResult()
# There can be 3 resolve strategies coming from the dialog:
@@ -717,7 +728,6 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
if key not in containers_found_dict or strategy is not None:
self._resolve_strategies[key] = "override" if containers_found_dict[key] else "new"
return WorkspaceReader.PreReadResult.accepted
@@ -825,7 +835,7 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
for stack in extruder_stacks:
stack.setNextStack(global_stack, connect_signals = False)
- if self._load_profile:
+ if not self._is_ucp:
Logger.log("d", "Workspace loading is checking definitions...")
# Get all the definition files & check if they exist. If not, add them.
definition_container_files = [name for name in cura_file_names if name.endswith(self._definition_container_suffix)]
@@ -899,7 +909,7 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
QCoreApplication.processEvents() # Ensure that the GUI does not freeze.
if global_stack:
- if self._load_profile:
+ if not self._is_ucp:
# Handle quality changes if any
@@ -907,7 +917,8 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
self._applyChangesToMachine(global_stack, extruder_stack_dict)
# Just clear the settings now, so that we can change the active machine without conflicts
- self._clearMachineSettings(global_stack, extruder_stack_dict)
+ self._clearMachineSettings(global_stack, {})
Logger.log("d", "Workspace loading is notifying rest of the code of changes...")
# Actually change the active machine.
@@ -917,9 +928,10 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
# function is running on the main thread (Qt thread), although those "changed" signals have been emitted, but
# they won't take effect until this function is done.
# To solve this, we schedule _updateActiveMachine() for later so it will have the latest data.
- if not self._load_profile:
+ if self._is_ucp:
# Now we have switched, apply the user settings
self._applyUserSettings(global_stack, extruder_stack_dict, self._user_settings)
@@ -931,6 +943,7 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
base_file_name = os.path.basename(file_name)
+ self._is_ucp = None
return nodes, self._loadMetadata(file_name)
@@ -1309,39 +1322,40 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
# Set metadata fields that are missing from the global stack
- for key, value in self._machine_info.metadata_dict.items():
- if key not in global_stack.getMetaData() and key not in _ignored_machine_network_metadata:
- global_stack.setMetaDataEntry(key, value)
- if self._quality_changes_to_apply:
- quality_changes_group_list = container_tree.getCurrentQualityChangesGroups()
- quality_changes_group = next((qcg for qcg in quality_changes_group_list if qcg.name == self._quality_changes_to_apply), None)
- if not quality_changes_group:
- Logger.log("e", "Could not find quality_changes [%s]", self._quality_changes_to_apply)
- return
- machine_manager.setQualityChangesGroup(quality_changes_group, no_dialog = True)
- else:
- self._quality_type_to_apply = self._quality_type_to_apply.lower() if self._quality_type_to_apply else None
- quality_group_dict = container_tree.getCurrentQualityGroups()
- if self._quality_type_to_apply in quality_group_dict:
- quality_group = quality_group_dict[self._quality_type_to_apply]
+ if not self._is_ucp:
+ for key, value in self._machine_info.metadata_dict.items():
+ if key not in global_stack.getMetaData() and key not in _ignored_machine_network_metadata:
+ global_stack.setMetaDataEntry(key, value)
+ if self._quality_changes_to_apply !=None:
+ quality_changes_group_list = container_tree.getCurrentQualityChangesGroups()
+ quality_changes_group = next((qcg for qcg in quality_changes_group_list if qcg.name == self._quality_changes_to_apply), None)
+ if not quality_changes_group:
+ Logger.log("e", "Could not find quality_changes [%s]", self._quality_changes_to_apply)
+ return
+ machine_manager.setQualityChangesGroup(quality_changes_group, no_dialog = True)
- Logger.log("i", "Could not find quality type [%s], switch to default", self._quality_type_to_apply)
- preferred_quality_type = global_stack.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_quality_type")
- quality_group = quality_group_dict.get(preferred_quality_type)
- if quality_group is None:
- Logger.log("e", "Could not get preferred quality type [%s]", preferred_quality_type)
- if quality_group is not None:
- machine_manager.setQualityGroup(quality_group, no_dialog = True)
- # Also apply intent if available
- available_intent_category_list = IntentManager.getInstance().currentAvailableIntentCategories()
- if self._intent_category_to_apply is not None and self._intent_category_to_apply in available_intent_category_list:
- machine_manager.setIntentByCategory(self._intent_category_to_apply)
+ self._quality_type_to_apply = self._quality_type_to_apply.lower() if self._quality_type_to_apply else None
+ quality_group_dict = container_tree.getCurrentQualityGroups()
+ if self._quality_type_to_apply in quality_group_dict:
+ quality_group = quality_group_dict[self._quality_type_to_apply]
- # if no intent is provided, reset to the default (balanced) intent
- machine_manager.resetIntents()
+ Logger.log("i", "Could not find quality type [%s], switch to default", self._quality_type_to_apply)
+ preferred_quality_type = global_stack.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_quality_type")
+ quality_group = quality_group_dict.get(preferred_quality_type)
+ if quality_group is None:
+ Logger.log("e", "Could not get preferred quality type [%s]", preferred_quality_type)
+ if quality_group is not None:
+ machine_manager.setQualityGroup(quality_group, no_dialog = True)
+ # Also apply intent if available
+ available_intent_category_list = IntentManager.getInstance().currentAvailableIntentCategories()
+ if self._intent_category_to_apply is not None and self._intent_category_to_apply in available_intent_category_list:
+ machine_manager.setIntentByCategory(self._intent_category_to_apply)
+ else:
+ # if no intent is provided, reset to the default (balanced) intent
+ machine_manager.resetIntents()
# Notify everything/one that is to notify about changes.