@@ -60,18 +60,33 @@ class ExtruderStack(CuraContainerStack):
keys_to_copy = ["material_diameter", "machine_nozzle_size"] # these will be copied over to all extruders
for key in keys_to_copy:
- # Since material_diameter is not on the extruder definition, we need to add it here
- # WARNING: this might be very dangerous and should be refactored ASAP!
- definition = stack.getSettingDefinition(key)
- if definition:
- self.definition.addDefinition(definition)
# Only copy the value when this extruder doesn't have the value.
if self.definitionChanges.hasProperty(key, "value"):
- setting_value = stack.definitionChanges.getProperty(key, "value")
- if setting_value is None:
+ # WARNING: this might be very dangerous and should be refactored ASAP!
+ #
+ # We cannot add a setting definition of "material_diameter" into the extruder's definition at runtime
+ # because all other machines which uses "fdmextruder" as the extruder definition will be affected.
+ #
+ # The problem is that single extrusion machines have their default material diameter defined in the global
+ # definitions. Now we automatically create an extruder stack for those machines using "fdmextruder"
+ # definition, which doesn't have the specific "material_diameter" and "machine_nozzle_size" defined for
+ # each machine. This results in wrong values which can be found in the MachineSettings dialog.
+ #
+ # To solve this, we put "material_diameter" back into the "fdmextruder" definition because modifying it in
+ # the extruder definition will affect all machines which uses the "fdmextruder" definition. Moreover, now
+ # we also check the value defined in the machine definition. If present, the value defined in the global
+ # stack's definition changes container will be copied. Otherwise, we will check if the default values in the
+ # machine definition and the extruder definition are the same, and if not, the default value in the machine
+ # definition will be copied to the extruder stack's definition changes.
+ #
+ setting_value_in_global_def_changes = stack.definitionChanges.getProperty(key, "value")
+ setting_value_in_global_def = stack.definition.getProperty(key, "value")
+ setting_value = setting_value_in_global_def
+ if setting_value_in_global_def_changes is not None:
+ setting_value = setting_value_in_global_def_changes
+ if setting_value == self.definition.getProperty(key, "value"):
setting_definition = stack.getSettingDefinition(key)
@@ -83,8 +98,11 @@ class ExtruderStack(CuraContainerStack):
# Make sure the material diameter is up to date for the extruder stack.
if key == "material_diameter":
+ from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
+ machine_manager = CuraApplication.getInstance().getMachineManager()
position = self.getMetaDataEntry("position", "0")
- Application.getInstance().getExtruderManager().updateMaterialForDiameter(position)
+ func = lambda p = position: CuraApplication.getInstance().getExtruderManager().updateMaterialForDiameter(p)
+ machine_manager.machine_extruder_material_update_dict[stack.getId()].append(func)
# NOTE: We cannot remove the setting from the global stack's definition changes container because for
# material diameter, it needs to be applied to all extruders, but here we don't know how many extruders