@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
+# Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
+import configparser #To parse the resulting config files.
+import pytest #To register tests with.
+import VersionUpgrade27to30 #The module we're testing.
+## Creates an instance of the upgrader to test with.
+def upgrader():
+ return VersionUpgrade27to30.VersionUpgrade27to30()
+test_cfg_version_good_data = [
+ {
+ "test_name": "Simple",
+ "file_data": """[general]
+version = 1
+ "version": 1000000
+ },
+ {
+ "test_name": "Other Data Around",
+ "file_data": """[nonsense]
+life = good
+version = 3
+layer_height = 0.12
+infill_sparse_density = 42
+ "version": 3000000
+ },
+ {
+ "test_name": "Negative Version", #Why not?
+ "file_data": """[general]
+version = -20
+ "version": -20000000
+ },
+ {
+ "test_name": "Setting Version",
+ "file_data": """[general]
+version = 1
+setting_version = 1
+ "version": 1000001
+ },
+ {
+ "test_name": "Negative Setting Version",
+ "file_data": """[general]
+version = 1
+setting_version = -3
+ "version": 999997
+ }
+## Tests the technique that gets the version number from CFG files.
+# \param data The parametrised data to test with. It contains a test name
+# to debug with, the serialised contents of a CFG file and the correct
+# version number in that CFG file.
+# \param upgrader The instance of the upgrade class to test.
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("data", test_cfg_version_good_data)
+def test_cfgVersionGood(data, upgrader):
+ version = upgrader.getCfgVersion(data["file_data"])
+ assert version == data["version"]
+test_cfg_version_bad_data = [
+ {
+ "test_name": "Empty",
+ "file_data": "",
+ "exception": configparser.Error #Explicitly not specified further which specific error we're getting, because that depends on the implementation of configparser.
+ },
+ {
+ "test_name": "No General",
+ "file_data": """[values]
+layer_height = 0.1337
+ "exception": configparser.Error
+ },
+ {
+ "test_name": "No Version",
+ "file_data": """[general]
+true = false
+ "exception": configparser.Error
+ },
+ {
+ "test_name": "Not a Number",
+ "file_data": """[general]
+version = not-a-text-version-number
+ "exception": ValueError
+ },
+ {
+ "test_name": "Setting Value NaN",
+ "file_data": """[general]
+version = 4
+setting_version = latest_or_something
+ "exception": ValueError
+ },
+ {
+ "test_name": "Major-Minor",
+ "file_data": """[general]
+version = 1.2
+ "exception": ValueError
+ }
+## Tests whether getting a version number from bad CFG files gives an
+# exception.
+# \param data The parametrised data to test with. It contains a test name
+# to debug with, the serialised contents of a CFG file and the class of
+# exception it needs to throw.
+# \param upgrader The instance of the upgrader to test.
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("data", test_cfg_version_bad_data)
+def test_cfgVersionBad(data, upgrader):
+ with pytest.raises(data["exception"]):
+ upgrader.getCfgVersion(data["file_data"])
+test_translate_theme_data = [
+ (
+ "Original Cura theme",
+ """[general]
+version = 4
+theme = cura
+setting_version = 2
+ "cura-light"
+ ),
+ (
+ "No theme",
+ """[general]
+version = 4
+setting_version = 2
+ None #Indicates that the theme should be absent in the new file.
+ )
+## Tests whether the theme is properly translated.
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_name, file_data, new_theme", test_translate_theme_data)
+def test_translateTheme(test_name, file_data, new_theme, upgrader):
+ #Read old file.
+ original_parser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = None)
+ original_parser.read_string(file_data)
+ #Perform the upgrade.
+ _, upgraded_stacks = upgrader.upgradePreferences(file_data, "<string>")
+ upgraded_stack = upgraded_stacks[0]
+ parser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = None)
+ parser.read_string(upgraded_stack)
+ #Check whether the theme was properly translated.
+ if not new_theme:
+ assert "theme" not in parser["general"]
+ else:
+ assert "theme" in parser["general"]
+ assert parser["general"]["theme"] == new_theme