Browse Source

Hopefully last missing translations for 5.6

part of CURA-11300
Remco Burema 1 year ago

+ 5 - 5

@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ msgstr "Temperatur Druckabmessung"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_brim_enable description"
 msgid "By enabling this setting, your prime-tower will get a brim, even if the model doesn't. If you want a sturdier base for a high tower, you can increase the base height."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Durch Aktivieren dieser Einstellung erhält Ihr Prime-Turm einen Rand, auch wenn das Modell keinen hat. Wenn Sie eine stabilere Basis für einen hohen Turm möchten, können Sie die Basis-Höhe erhöhen."
 msgctxt "center_object label"
 msgid "Center Object"
@@ -2530,7 +2530,7 @@ msgstr "Größe der Prime-Turm-Basis"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Base Slope"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Neigung der Prime-Turm-Basis"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_flow label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Flow"
@@ -3986,7 +3986,7 @@ msgstr "Die Dicke der ersten Schicht in mm. Eine dicke erste Schicht erleichtert
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_height description"
 msgid "The height of the prime tower base. Increasing this value will result in a more sturdy prime tower because the base will be wider. If this setting is too low, the prime tower will not have a sturdy base."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Die Höhe der Prime-Turm-Basis. Eine Erhöhung dieses Wertes führt zu einem stabileren Prime-Turm, da die Basis breiter wird. Ist dieser Wert zu niedrig, hat der Prime-Turm keine stabile Basis."
 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
@@ -4062,7 +4062,7 @@ msgstr "Die Länge des Materials, das während der Einzugsbewegung eingezogen wi
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude description"
 msgid "The magnitude factor used for the slope of the prime tower base. If you increase this value, the base will become slimmer. If you decrease it, the base will become thicker."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Der Größenfaktor, der für die Neigung der Prime-Turm-Basis verwendet wird. Wenn Sie diesen Wert erhöhen, wird die Basis schlanker. Wenn Sie ihn verringern, wird die Basis dicker."
 msgctxt "machine_buildplate_type description"
 msgid "The material of the build plate installed on the printer."
@@ -4698,7 +4698,7 @@ msgstr "Die Breite der Balken in der ineinandergreifenden Struktur."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower brim/base. A larger base enhances adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Die Breite des Prime-Turm-Randes/Basis. Eine größere Basis verbessert die Haftung auf der Bauplatte, verringert jedoch auch den effektiven Druckbereich."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower."

+ 5 - 5

@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ msgstr "Temperatura de volumen de impresión"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_brim_enable description"
 msgid "By enabling this setting, your prime-tower will get a brim, even if the model doesn't. If you want a sturdier base for a high tower, you can increase the base height."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Al habilitar esta configuración, tu torre de cebado tendrá un borde, incluso si el modelo no lo tiene. Si quieres una base más robusta para una torre alta, puedes aumentar la altura de la base."
 msgctxt "center_object label"
 msgid "Center Object"
@@ -2530,7 +2530,7 @@ msgstr "Tamaño de la base de la torre de cebado"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Base Slope"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pendiente de la Base de la Torre de Cebado"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_flow label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Flow"
@@ -3986,7 +3986,7 @@ msgstr "Altura de capa inicial en mm. Una capa inicial más gruesa se adhiere a
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_height description"
 msgid "The height of the prime tower base. Increasing this value will result in a more sturdy prime tower because the base will be wider. If this setting is too low, the prime tower will not have a sturdy base."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "La altura de la base de la torre de cebado. Aumentar este valor resultará en una torre de cebado más robusta porque la base será más ancha. Si esta configuración es demasiado baja, la torre de cebado no tendrá una base resistente."
 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
@@ -4062,7 +4062,7 @@ msgstr "Longitud del material retraído durante un movimiento de retracción."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude description"
 msgid "The magnitude factor used for the slope of the prime tower base. If you increase this value, the base will become slimmer. If you decrease it, the base will become thicker."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El factor de magnitud utilizado para la pendiente de la base de la torre de cebado. Si aumentas este valor, la base se volverá más delgada. Si lo disminuyes, la base se volverá más gruesa."
 msgctxt "machine_buildplate_type description"
 msgid "The material of the build plate installed on the printer."
@@ -4698,7 +4698,7 @@ msgstr "El ancho de los haces de la estructura entrelazada."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower brim/base. A larger base enhances adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El ancho del borde/base de la torre de cebado. Una base más grande mejora la adhesión a la placa de construcción, pero también reduce el área efectiva de impresión."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower."

+ 5 - 5

@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ msgstr "Température du volume d'impression"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_brim_enable description"
 msgid "By enabling this setting, your prime-tower will get a brim, even if the model doesn't. If you want a sturdier base for a high tower, you can increase the base height."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "En activant ce paramètre, votre tour principale recevra un bord même si le modèle n'en a pas. Si vous souhaitez une base plus solide pour une tour élevée, vous pouvez augmenter la hauteur de la base."
 msgctxt "center_object label"
 msgid "Center Object"
@@ -2530,7 +2530,7 @@ msgstr "Taille de la base de la tour de prime"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Base Slope"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pente de la base de la tour principale"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_flow label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Flow"
@@ -3986,7 +3986,7 @@ msgstr "La hauteur de la couche initiale en mm. Une couche initiale plus épaiss
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_height description"
 msgid "The height of the prime tower base. Increasing this value will result in a more sturdy prime tower because the base will be wider. If this setting is too low, the prime tower will not have a sturdy base."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Augmenter cette valeur rendra la tour principale plus robuste car la base sera plus large. Si ce paramètre est trop bas, la tour principale n'aura pas une base solide."
 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
@@ -4062,7 +4062,7 @@ msgstr "La longueur de matériau rétracté pendant une rétraction."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude description"
 msgid "The magnitude factor used for the slope of the prime tower base. If you increase this value, the base will become slimmer. If you decrease it, the base will become thicker."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Le facteur de magnitude utilisé pour la pente de la base de la tour principale. Si vous augmentez cette valeur, la base deviendra plus mince. Si vous la diminuez, la base deviendra plus épaisse."
 msgctxt "machine_buildplate_type description"
 msgid "The material of the build plate installed on the printer."
@@ -4698,7 +4698,7 @@ msgstr "La largeur des attaches de la structure de connexion."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower brim/base. A larger base enhances adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "La largeur du bord/de la base de la tour principale. Une base plus large améliore l'adhésion au plateau d'impression, mais réduit également la zone d'impression effective."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower."

+ 5 - 5

@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ msgstr "Temperatura volume di stampa"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_brim_enable description"
 msgid "By enabling this setting, your prime-tower will get a brim, even if the model doesn't. If you want a sturdier base for a high tower, you can increase the base height."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Attivando questa impostazione, la tua torre di primerizzazione avrà un bordo, anche se il modello non lo prevede. Se desideri una base più robusta per una torre alta, puoi aumentare l'altezza della base."
 msgctxt "center_object label"
 msgid "Center Object"
@@ -2530,7 +2530,7 @@ msgstr "Dimensione della Base della Torre di Primerizzazione"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Base Slope"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pendenza della Base della Torre di Primerizzazione"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_flow label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Flow"
@@ -3986,7 +3986,7 @@ msgstr "Indica l’altezza dello strato iniziale in mm. Uno strato iniziale più
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_height description"
 msgid "The height of the prime tower base. Increasing this value will result in a more sturdy prime tower because the base will be wider. If this setting is too low, the prime tower will not have a sturdy base."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "L'altezza della base della torre di primerizzazione. Aumentando questo valore si otterrà una torre di primerizzazione più robusta perché la base sarà più ampia. Se questa impostazione è troppo bassa, la torre di primerizzazione non avrà una base solida."
 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
@@ -4062,7 +4062,7 @@ msgstr "La lunghezza del materiale retratto durante il movimento di retrazione."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude description"
 msgid "The magnitude factor used for the slope of the prime tower base. If you increase this value, the base will become slimmer. If you decrease it, the base will become thicker."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Il fattore di magnitudo usato per la pendenza della base della torre di primerizzazione. Aumentando questo valore, la base diventerà più sottile. Diminuendolo, la base diventerà più spessa."
 msgctxt "machine_buildplate_type description"
 msgid "The material of the build plate installed on the printer."
@@ -4698,7 +4698,7 @@ msgstr "La larghezza delle travi della struttura ad incastro."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower brim/base. A larger base enhances adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "La larghezza del bordo/base della torre di primerizzazione. Una base più ampia migliora l'aderenza alla piastra di costruzione, ma riduce anche l'area di stampa effettiva."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower."

+ 5 - 5

@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ msgstr "造形温度"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_brim_enable description"
 msgid "By enabling this setting, your prime-tower will get a brim, even if the model doesn't. If you want a sturdier base for a high tower, you can increase the base height."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "この設定を有効にすると、モデルにはない場合でもプライムタワーにブリムが付きます。高いタワーのためにより頑丈なベースが必要な場合は、ベースの高さを増やすことができます。"
 msgctxt "center_object label"
 msgid "Center Object"
@@ -2530,7 +2530,7 @@ msgstr "プライムタワーベースのサイズ"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Base Slope"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "プライムタワーベースの傾斜"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_flow label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Flow"
@@ -3990,7 +3990,7 @@ msgstr "初期レイヤーの高さ(mm)。厚い初期層はビルドプレ
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_height description"
 msgid "The height of the prime tower base. Increasing this value will result in a more sturdy prime tower because the base will be wider. If this setting is too low, the prime tower will not have a sturdy base."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "プライムタワーベースの高さです。この値を増やすと、ベースが広くなるためプライムタワーがより頑丈になります。この設定が低すぎると、プライムタワーは頑丈なベースを持たなくなります。"
 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
@@ -4066,7 +4066,7 @@ msgstr "引き戻されるマテリアルの長さ。"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude description"
 msgid "The magnitude factor used for the slope of the prime tower base. If you increase this value, the base will become slimmer. If you decrease it, the base will become thicker."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "プライムタワーベースの傾斜に使用される倍率係数です。この値を増やすと、ベースが細くなります。減らすと、ベースが厚くなります。"
 msgctxt "machine_buildplate_type description"
 msgid "The material of the build plate installed on the printer."
@@ -4702,7 +4702,7 @@ msgstr "インターロック構造ビームの幅。"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower brim/base. A larger base enhances adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "プライムタワーブリム/ベースの幅。ベースを大きくするとビルドプレートへの接着が強化されますが、有効な印刷エリアも減少します。"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower."

+ 5 - 5

@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ msgstr "빌드 볼륨 온도"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_brim_enable description"
 msgid "By enabling this setting, your prime-tower will get a brim, even if the model doesn't. If you want a sturdier base for a high tower, you can increase the base height."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "이 설정을 활성화하면 모델에 브림이 없더라도 프라임 타워에는 브림이 생성됩니다. 높은 타워의 튼튼한 베이스가 필요하다면 베이스 높이를 늘릴 수 있습니다."
 msgctxt "center_object label"
 msgid "Center Object"
@@ -2530,7 +2530,7 @@ msgstr "프라임 타워 베이스 크기"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Base Slope"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "프라임 타워 베이스 경사"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_flow label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Flow"
@@ -3986,7 +3986,7 @@ msgstr "첫번째 레이어의 높이 (mm)입니다. 첫번째 레이어를 두
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_height description"
 msgid "The height of the prime tower base. Increasing this value will result in a more sturdy prime tower because the base will be wider. If this setting is too low, the prime tower will not have a sturdy base."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "프라임 타워 베이스의 높이입니다. 이 값을 늘리면 베이스가 넓어져 프라임 타워가 더 튼튼해집니다. 이 설정이 너무 낮으면 프라임 타워에 튼튼한 베이스가 형성되지 않습니다."
 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
@@ -4062,7 +4062,7 @@ msgstr "리트렉션 이동 중에 수축 된 재료의 길이입니다."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude description"
 msgid "The magnitude factor used for the slope of the prime tower base. If you increase this value, the base will become slimmer. If you decrease it, the base will become thicker."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "프라임 타워 베이스의 경사에 사용되는 크기 계수입니다. 이 값을 늘리면 베이스가 더 얇아집니다. 줄이면 베이스가 더 두꺼워집니다."
 msgctxt "machine_buildplate_type description"
 msgid "The material of the build plate installed on the printer."
@@ -4698,7 +4698,7 @@ msgstr "연동 구조 빔의 너비입니다."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower brim/base. A larger base enhances adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "프라임 타워 브림/베이스의 폭입니다. 베이스가 크면 빌드 플레이트에 대한 접착력이 향상되지만, 실제 인쇄 영역은 줄어듭니다."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower."

+ 5 - 5

@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ msgstr "Temperatuur werkvolume"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_brim_enable description"
 msgid "By enabling this setting, your prime-tower will get a brim, even if the model doesn't. If you want a sturdier base for a high tower, you can increase the base height."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Door deze instelling in te schakelen, krijgt uw prime toren een brim, zelfs als het model dat niet heeft. Als u een stevigere basis wilt voor een hoge toren, kunt u de basis hoogte verhogen."
 msgctxt "center_object label"
 msgid "Center Object"
@@ -2530,7 +2530,7 @@ msgstr "Grootte van de basis van de Primepijler"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Base Slope"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Basis hellingshoek van de Prime Toren"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_flow label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Flow"
@@ -3986,7 +3986,7 @@ msgstr "De hoogte van de eerste laag in mm. Met een dikkere eerste laag hecht he
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_height description"
 msgid "The height of the prime tower base. Increasing this value will result in a more sturdy prime tower because the base will be wider. If this setting is too low, the prime tower will not have a sturdy base."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "De hoogte van de basis van de prime toren. Het verhogen van deze waarde resulteert in een stevigere prime toren omdat de basis breder zal zijn. Als deze instelling te laag is, zal de prime toren geen stevige basis hebben."
 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
@@ -4062,7 +4062,7 @@ msgstr "De lengte waarover het materiaal wordt ingetrokken tijdens een intrekbew
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude description"
 msgid "The magnitude factor used for the slope of the prime tower base. If you increase this value, the base will become slimmer. If you decrease it, the base will become thicker."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "De groottefactor die gebruikt wordt voor de helling van de basis van de prime toren. Als u deze waarde verhoogt, wordt de basis slanker. Als u het verlaagt, wordt de basis dikker."
 msgctxt "machine_buildplate_type description"
 msgid "The material of the build plate installed on the printer."
@@ -4698,7 +4698,7 @@ msgstr "De breedte van de in elkaar grijpende structuurbalken."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower brim/base. A larger base enhances adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "De breedte van de brim/basis van de prime toren. Een grotere basis verbetert de hechting aan het bouwplateau, maar vermindert ook het effectieve printgebied."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower."

+ 5 - 5

@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ msgstr "Temperatura do volume de construção"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_brim_enable description"
 msgid "By enabling this setting, your prime-tower will get a brim, even if the model doesn't. If you want a sturdier base for a high tower, you can increase the base height."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ao ativar esta configuração, sua torre de primagem terá uma aba, mesmo que o modelo não tenha. Se você deseja uma base mais robusta para uma torre alta, pode aumentar a altura da base."
 msgctxt "center_object label"
 msgid "Center Object"
@@ -2530,7 +2530,7 @@ msgstr "Tamanho da Base da Torre de Primagem"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Base Slope"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Inclinação da Base da Torre de Primagem"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_flow label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Flow"
@@ -3986,7 +3986,7 @@ msgstr "A espessura da camada inicial em milímetros. Uma camada inicial mais es
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_height description"
 msgid "The height of the prime tower base. Increasing this value will result in a more sturdy prime tower because the base will be wider. If this setting is too low, the prime tower will not have a sturdy base."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "A altura da base da torre de primagem. Aumentar esse valor resultará em uma torre de primagem mais robusta, pois a base será mais larga. Se esta configuração for muito baixa, a torre de primagem não terá uma base sólida."
 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
@@ -4062,7 +4062,7 @@ msgstr "O comprimento do material retraído durante um movimento de retração."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude description"
 msgid "The magnitude factor used for the slope of the prime tower base. If you increase this value, the base will become slimmer. If you decrease it, the base will become thicker."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "O fator de magnitude usado para a inclinação da base da torre de primagem. Se você aumentar este valor, a base ficará mais fina. Se diminuir, a base ficará mais espessa."
 msgctxt "machine_buildplate_type description"
 msgid "The material of the build plate installed on the printer."
@@ -4698,7 +4698,7 @@ msgstr "A largura das vigas da estrutura de interligação."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower brim/base. A larger base enhances adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "A largura da aba/base da torre de primagem. Uma base maior melhora a aderência à placa de construção, mas também reduz a área efetiva de impressão."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower."

+ 5 - 5

@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ msgstr "Температура для объема печати"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_brim_enable description"
 msgid "By enabling this setting, your prime-tower will get a brim, even if the model doesn't. If you want a sturdier base for a high tower, you can increase the base height."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Активируя эту настройку, ваша башня подготовки получит бортик, даже если модель его не требует. Если вам нужна более устойчивая основа для высокой башни, вы можете увеличить высоту основания."
 msgctxt "center_object label"
 msgid "Center Object"
@@ -2530,7 +2530,7 @@ msgstr "Размер основания башни подготовки"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Base Slope"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Наклон основания башни подготовки"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_flow label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Flow"
@@ -3986,7 +3986,7 @@ msgstr "Высота первого слоя в миллиметрах. Боле
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_height description"
 msgid "The height of the prime tower base. Increasing this value will result in a more sturdy prime tower because the base will be wider. If this setting is too low, the prime tower will not have a sturdy base."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Высота основания башни подготовки. Увеличение этого значения приведет к созданию более устойчивой башни подготовки, так как основание будет шире. Если это значение слишком низкое, основание башни подготовки не будет достаточно устойчивым."
 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
@@ -4062,7 +4062,7 @@ msgstr "Длина нити материала, которая будет изв
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude description"
 msgid "The magnitude factor used for the slope of the prime tower base. If you increase this value, the base will become slimmer. If you decrease it, the base will become thicker."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Множитель, используемый для наклона основания башни подготовки. Если увеличить это значение, основание станет более узким. Если уменьшить - основание станет толще."
 msgctxt "machine_buildplate_type description"
 msgid "The material of the build plate installed on the printer."
@@ -4698,7 +4698,7 @@ msgstr "Ширина балок взаимосвязанной конструк
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower brim/base. A larger base enhances adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ширина бортика/основания башни подготовки. Большее основание улучшает адгезию к платформе для печати, но также уменьшает эффективную площадь печати."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower."

+ 5 - 5

@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ msgstr "Yapı Disk Bölümü Sıcaklığı"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_brim_enable description"
 msgid "By enabling this setting, your prime-tower will get a brim, even if the model doesn't. If you want a sturdier base for a high tower, you can increase the base height."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bu ayarı etkinleştirmeniz, modelinizde olmasa bile prime tower'ınıza bir brim kazandırır. Eğer yüksek bir kule için daha sağlam bir taban istiyorsanız, taban yüksekliğini artırabilirsiniz."
 msgctxt "center_object label"
 msgid "Center Object"
@@ -2530,7 +2530,7 @@ msgstr "Başlangıç Kulesi Taban Boyutu"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Base Slope"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prime Tower Taban Eğimi"
 msgctxt "prime_tower_flow label"
 msgid "Prime Tower Flow"
@@ -3986,7 +3986,7 @@ msgstr "İlk katmanın milimetre cinsinden yüksekliği. Kalın ilk katmanlar ya
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_height description"
 msgid "The height of the prime tower base. Increasing this value will result in a more sturdy prime tower because the base will be wider. If this setting is too low, the prime tower will not have a sturdy base."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prime tower tabanının yüksekliği. Bu değeri artırmak, taban daha geniş olacağı için daha sağlam bir prime tower oluşturur. Eğer bu ayar çok düşükse, prime tower sağlam bir tabana sahip olmayacaktır."
 msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
 msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
@@ -4062,7 +4062,7 @@ msgstr "Geri çekme hareketi sırasında geri çekilen malzemenin uzunluğu."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude description"
 msgid "The magnitude factor used for the slope of the prime tower base. If you increase this value, the base will become slimmer. If you decrease it, the base will become thicker."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prime tower tabanının eğiminde kullanılan büyüklük faktörü. Bu değeri artırırsanız, taban daha ince hale gelir. Azaltırsanız, taban daha kalın olur."
 msgctxt "machine_buildplate_type description"
 msgid "The material of the build plate installed on the printer."
@@ -4698,7 +4698,7 @@ msgstr "İç içe geçen yapı kirişlerinin genişliği."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_base_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower brim/base. A larger base enhances adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prime tower brim/tabanının genişliği. Daha büyük bir taban yapışmayı artırır, ancak etkili baskı alanını da azaltır."
 msgctxt "prime_tower_size description"
 msgid "The width of the prime tower."

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff