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Make GlobalStack a subclass of CuraContainerStack

Arjen Hiemstra 8 лет назад
1 измененных файлов с 2 добавлено и 218 удалено
  1. 2 218

+ 2 - 218

@@ -15,111 +15,14 @@ from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
 from UM.Settings.Interfaces import ContainerInterface
 from . import Exceptions
+from .CuraContainerStack import CuraContainerStack
-class GlobalStack(ContainerStack):
+class GlobalStack(CuraContainerStack):
     def __init__(self, container_id: str, *args, **kwargs):
         super().__init__(container_id, *args, **kwargs)
-        self._empty_instance_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().getEmptyInstanceContainer()
-        self._containers = [self._empty_instance_container for i in range(len(_ContainerIndexes.IndexTypeMap))]
         self._extruders = []
-        self.containersChanged.connect(self._onContainersChanged)
-    pyqtContainersChanged = pyqtSignal()
-    def setUserChanges(self, new_user_changes: InstanceContainer) -> None:
-        self.replaceContainer(_ContainerIndexes.UserChanges, new_user_changes)
-    @pyqtProperty(InstanceContainer, fset = setUserChanges, notify = pyqtContainersChanged)
-    def userChanges(self) -> InstanceContainer:
-        return self._containers[_ContainerIndexes.UserChanges]
-    def setQualityChanges(self, new_quality_changes: InstanceContainer) -> None:
-        self.replaceContainer(_ContainerIndexes.QualityChanges, new_quality_changes)
-    def setQualityChangesById(self, new_quality_changes_id: str) -> None:
-        quality_changes = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = new_quality_changes_id)
-        if quality_changes:
-            self.setQualityChanges(quality_changes[0])
-        else:
-            raise Exceptions.InvalidContainerError("Could not find container with id {id}".format(id = new_quality_changes_id))
-    @pyqtProperty(InstanceContainer, fset = setQualityChanges, notify = pyqtContainersChanged)
-    def qualityChanges(self) -> InstanceContainer:
-        return self._containers[_ContainerIndexes.QualityChanges]
-    def setQuality(self, new_quality: InstanceContainer) -> None:
-        self.replaceContainer(_ContainerIndexes.Quality, new_quality)
-    def setQualityById(self, new_quality_id: str) -> None:
-        quality = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = new_quality_id)
-        if quality:
-            self.setQuality(quality[0])
-        else:
-            raise Exceptions.InvalidContainerError("Could not find container with id {id}".format(id = new_quality_id))
-    @pyqtProperty(InstanceContainer, fset = setQuality, notify = pyqtContainersChanged)
-    def quality(self) -> InstanceContainer:
-        return self._containers[_ContainerIndexes.Quality]
-    def setMaterial(self, new_material: InstanceContainer) -> None:
-        self.replaceContainer(_ContainerIndexes.Material, new_material)
-    def setMaterialById(self, new_material_id: str) -> None:
-        material = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = new_material_id)
-        if material:
-            self.setMaterial(material[0])
-        else:
-            raise Exceptions.InvalidContainerError("Could not find container with id {id}".format(id = new_material_id))
-    @pyqtProperty(InstanceContainer, fset = setMaterial, notify = pyqtContainersChanged)
-    def material(self) -> InstanceContainer:
-        return self._containers[_ContainerIndexes.Material]
-    def setVariant(self, new_variant: InstanceContainer) -> None:
-        self.replaceContainer(_ContainerIndexes.Variant, new_variant)
-    def setVariantById(self, new_variant_id: str) -> None:
-        variant = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = new_variant_id)
-        if variant:
-            self.setVariant(variant[0])
-        else:
-            raise Exceptions.InvalidContainerError("Could not find container with id {id}".format(id = new_variant_id))
-    @pyqtProperty(InstanceContainer, fset = setVariant, notify = pyqtContainersChanged)
-    def variant(self) -> InstanceContainer:
-        return self._containers[_ContainerIndexes.Variant]
-    def setDefinitionChanges(self, new_definition_changes: InstanceContainer) -> None:
-        self.replaceContainer(_ContainerIndexes.DefinitionChanges, new_definition_changes)
-    def setDefinitionChangesById(self, new_definition_changes_id: str) -> None:
-        new_definition_changes = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = new_definition_changes_id)
-        if new_definition_changes:
-            self.setDefinitionChanges(new_definition_changes[0])
-        else:
-            raise Exceptions.InvalidContainerError("Could not find container with id {id}".format(id = new_definition_changes_id))
-    @pyqtProperty(InstanceContainer, fset = setDefinitionChanges, notify = pyqtContainersChanged)
-    def definitionChanges(self) -> InstanceContainer:
-        return self._containers[_ContainerIndexes.DefinitionChanges]
-    def setDefinition(self, new_definition: DefinitionContainer) -> None:
-        self.replaceContainer(_ContainerIndexes.Definition, new_definition)
-    def setDefinitionById(self, new_definition_id: str) -> None:
-        new_definition = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findDefinitionContainers(id = new_definition_id)
-        if new_definition:
-            self.setDefinition(new_definition[0])
-        else:
-            raise Exceptions.InvalidContainerError("Could not find container with id {id}".format(id = new_definition_id))
-    @pyqtProperty(DefinitionContainer, fset = setDefinition, notify = pyqtContainersChanged)
-    def definition(self) -> DefinitionContainer:
-        return self._containers[_ContainerIndexes.Definition]
     def extruders(self) -> list:
         return self._extruders
@@ -131,22 +34,6 @@ class GlobalStack(ContainerStack):
-    ##  Check whether the specified setting has a 'user' value.
-    #
-    #   A user value here is defined as the setting having a value in either
-    #   the UserChanges or QualityChanges container.
-    #
-    #   \return True if the setting has a user value, False if not.
-    @pyqtSlot(str, result = bool)
-    def hasUserValue(self, key: str) -> bool:
-        if self._containers[_ContainerIndexes.UserChanges].hasProperty(key, "value"):
-            return True
-        if self._containers[_ContainerIndexes.QualityChanges].hasProperty(key, "value"):
-            return True
-        return False
     ##  Overridden from ContainerStack
     def getProperty(self, key: str, property_name: str) -> Any:
@@ -158,85 +45,11 @@ class GlobalStack(ContainerStack):
         return super().getProperty(key, property_name)
-    def setProperty(self, key: str, property_name: str, new_value: Any, target_container: str = "user") -> None:
-        container_index = _ContainerIndexes.indexForType(target_container)
-        if container_index != -1:
-            self._containers[container_index].setProperty(key, property_name, new_value)
-        else:
-            raise IndexError("Invalid target container {type}".format(type = target_container))
     ##  Overridden from ContainerStack
     def setNextStack(self, next_stack: ContainerStack) -> None:
         raise Exceptions.InvalidOperationError("Global stack cannot have a next stack!")
-    ##  Overridden from ContainerStack
-    #
-    #   Since we have a fixed order of containers in the stack, we want to enforce this.
-    @override(ContainerStack)
-    def addContainer(self, container: ContainerInterface) -> None:
-        raise Exceptions.InvalidOperationError("Cannot add a container to Global stack")
-    ##  Overridden from ContainerStack
-    @override(ContainerStack)
-    def insertContainer(self, index: int, container: ContainerInterface) -> None:
-        raise Exceptions.InvalidOperationError("Cannot insert a container into Global stack")
-    ##  Overridden from ContainerStack
-    @override(ContainerStack)
-    def removeContainer(self, index: int) -> None:
-        raise Exceptions.InvalidOperationError("Cannot remove a container from Global stack")
-    ##  Overridden from ContainerStack
-    @override(ContainerStack)
-    def replaceContainer(self, index: int, container: ContainerInterface, postpone_emit: bool = False) -> None:
-        expected_type = _ContainerIndexes.IndexTypeMap[index]
-        if expected_type == "definition":
-            if not isinstance(container, DefinitionContainer):
-                raise Exceptions.InvalidContainerError("Cannot replace container at index {index} with a container that is not a DefinitionContainer".format(index = index))
-        elif container != self._empty_instance_container and container.getMetaDataEntry("type") != expected_type:
-            raise Exceptions.InvalidContainerError("Cannot replace container at index {index} with a container that is not of {type} type".format(index = index, type = expected_type))
-        super().replaceContainer(index, container, postpone_emit)
-    ##  Overridden from ContainerStack
-    @override(ContainerStack)
-    def deserialize(self, contents: str) -> None:
-        super().deserialize(contents)
-        new_containers = self._containers.copy()
-        print("containers before", new_containers)
-        while(len(new_containers) < len(_ContainerIndexes.IndexTypeMap)):
-            new_containers.append(self._empty_instance_container)
-        # Validate and ensure the list of containers matches with what we expect
-        for index, type_name in _ContainerIndexes.IndexTypeMap.items():
-            try:
-                container = new_containers[index]
-            except IndexError:
-                container = None
-            if type_name == "definition":
-                if not container or not isinstance(container, DefinitionContainer):
-                    definition = self.findContainer(container_type = DefinitionContainer, category = "*")
-                    if not definition:
-                        raise InvalidContainerStackError("Stack {id} does not have a definition!".format(id = self._id))
-                    new_containers[index] = definition
-                continue
-            if not container or container.getMetaDataEntry("type") != type_name:
-                actual_container = self.findContainer(type = type_name)
-                if actual_container:
-                    new_containers[index] = actual_container
-                else:
-                    new_containers[index] = self._empty_instance_container
-        print("containers after", new_containers)
-        self._containers = new_containers
-    def _onContainersChanged(self, container):
-        self.pyqtContainersChanged.emit()
 ## private:
 global_stack_mime = MimeType(
@@ -247,32 +60,3 @@ global_stack_mime = MimeType(
 ContainerRegistry.addContainerTypeByName(GlobalStack, "global_stack", global_stack_mime.name)
-class _ContainerIndexes:
-    UserChanges = 0
-    QualityChanges = 1
-    Quality = 2
-    Material = 3
-    Variant = 4
-    DefinitionChanges = 5
-    Definition = 6
-    # Simple hash map to map from index to "type" metadata entry
-    IndexTypeMap = {
-        UserChanges: "user",
-        QualityChanges: "quality_changes",
-        Quality: "quality",
-        Material: "material",
-        Variant: "variant",
-        DefinitionChanges: "definition_changes",
-        Definition: "definition",
-    }
-    @classmethod
-    def indexForType(cls, type_name: str) -> int:
-        for key, value in cls.IndexTypeMap.items():
-            if value == type_name:
-                return key
-        return -1