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Changed documentation style to doxygen

Jaime van Kessel 6 years ago

+ 20 - 34

@@ -13,25 +13,22 @@ from UM.Logger import Logger
 from cura.OAuth2.Models import AuthenticationResponse, UserProfile, OAuth2Settings
+#   Class containing several helpers to deal with the authorization flow.
 class AuthorizationHelpers:
-    """Class containing several helpers to deal with the authorization flow."""
     def __init__(self, settings: "OAuth2Settings") -> None:
         self._settings = settings
         self._token_url = "{}/token".format(self._settings.OAUTH_SERVER_URL)
+    #   The OAuth2 settings object.
     def settings(self) -> "OAuth2Settings":
-        """Get the OAuth2 settings object."""
         return self._settings
+    #   Request the access token from the authorization server.
+    #   \param authorization_code: The authorization code from the 1st step.
+    #   \param verification_code: The verification code needed for the PKCE extension.
+    #   \return: An AuthenticationResponse object.
     def getAccessTokenUsingAuthorizationCode(self, authorization_code: str, verification_code: str)-> "AuthenticationResponse":
-        """
-        Request the access token from the authorization server.
-        :param authorization_code: The authorization code from the 1st step.
-        :param verification_code: The verification code needed for the PKCE extension.
-        :return: An AuthenticationResponse object.
-        """
         return self.parseTokenResponse(, data={
             "client_id": self._settings.CLIENT_ID,
             "redirect_uri": self._settings.CALLBACK_URL,
@@ -41,12 +38,10 @@ class AuthorizationHelpers:
             "scope": self._settings.CLIENT_SCOPES
+    #   Request the access token from the authorization server using a refresh token.
+    #   \param refresh_token:
+    #   \return: An AuthenticationResponse object.
     def getAccessTokenUsingRefreshToken(self, refresh_token: str) -> AuthenticationResponse:
-        """
-        Request the access token from the authorization server using a refresh token.
-        :param refresh_token:
-        :return: An AuthenticationResponse object.
-        """
         return self.parseTokenResponse(, data={
             "client_id": self._settings.CLIENT_ID,
             "redirect_uri": self._settings.CALLBACK_URL,
@@ -56,12 +51,10 @@ class AuthorizationHelpers:
+    #   Parse the token response from the authorization server into an AuthenticationResponse object.
+    #   \param token_response: The JSON string data response from the authorization server.
+    #   \return: An AuthenticationResponse object.
     def parseTokenResponse(token_response: requests.models.Response) -> AuthenticationResponse:
-        """
-        Parse the token response from the authorization server into an AuthenticationResponse object.
-        :param token_response: The JSON string data response from the authorization server.
-        :return: An AuthenticationResponse object.
-        """
         token_data = None
@@ -82,12 +75,10 @@ class AuthorizationHelpers:
+    #   Calls the authentication API endpoint to get the token data.
+    #   \param access_token: The encoded JWT token.
+    #   \return: Dict containing some profile data.
     def parseJWT(self, access_token: str) -> Optional["UserProfile"]:
-        """
-        Calls the authentication API endpoint to get the token data.
-        :param access_token: The encoded JWT token.
-        :return: Dict containing some profile data.
-        """
         token_request = requests.get("{}/check-token".format(self._settings.OAUTH_SERVER_URL), headers = {
             "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(access_token)
@@ -105,20 +96,15 @@ class AuthorizationHelpers:
+    #   Generate a 16-character verification code.
+    #   \param code_length: How long should the code be?
     def generateVerificationCode(code_length: int = 16) -> str:
-        """
-        Generate a 16-character verification code.
-        :param code_length:
-        :return:
-        """
         return "".join(random.choice("0123456789ABCDEF") for i in range(code_length))
+    #   Generates a base64 encoded sha512 encrypted version of a given string.
+    #   \param verification_code:
+    #   \return: The encrypted code in base64 format.
     def generateVerificationCodeChallenge(verification_code: str) -> str:
-        """
-        Generates a base64 encoded sha512 encrypted version of a given string.
-        :param verification_code:
-        :return: The encrypted code in base64 format.
-        """
         encoded = sha512(verification_code.encode()).digest()
         return b64encode(encoded, altchars = b"_-").decode()

+ 7 - 16

@@ -12,12 +12,9 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
     from cura.OAuth2.AuthorizationHelpers import AuthorizationHelpers
+#   This handler handles all HTTP requests on the local web server.
+#     It also requests the access token for the 2nd stage of the OAuth flow.
 class AuthorizationRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
-    """
-    This handler handles all HTTP requests on the local web server.
-    It also requests the access token for the 2nd stage of the OAuth flow.
-    """
     def __init__(self, request, client_address, server) -> None:
         super().__init__(request, client_address, server)
@@ -27,8 +24,6 @@ class AuthorizationRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         self.verification_code = None  # type: Optional[str]
     def do_GET(self) -> None:
-        """Entry point for GET requests"""
         # Extract values from the query string.
         parsed_url = urlparse(self.path)
         query = parse_qs(parsed_url.query)
@@ -52,12 +47,10 @@ class AuthorizationRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
             # This will cause the server to shut down, so we do it at the very end of the request handling.
+    #   Handler for the callback URL redirect.
+    #   \param query: Dict containing the HTTP query parameters.
+    #   \return: HTTP ResponseData containing a success page to show to the user.
     def _handleCallback(self, query: Dict[Any, List]) -> Tuple[ResponseData, Optional[AuthenticationResponse]]:
-        """
-        Handler for the callback URL redirect.
-        :param query: Dict containing the HTTP query parameters.
-        :return: HTTP ResponseData containing a success page to show to the user.
-        """
         code = self._queryGet(query, "code")
         if code and self.authorization_helpers is not None and self.verification_code is not None:
             # If the code was returned we get the access token.
@@ -88,12 +81,11 @@ class AuthorizationRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         ), token_response
+    #   Handle all other non-existing server calls.
     def _handleNotFound() -> ResponseData:
-        """Handle all other non-existing server calls."""
         return ResponseData(status=HTTP_STATUS["NOT_FOUND"], content_type="text/html", data_stream=b"Not found.")
     def _sendHeaders(self, status: "ResponseStatus", content_type: str, redirect_uri: str = None) -> None:
-        """Send out the headers"""
         self.send_response(status.code, status.message)
         self.send_header("Content-type", content_type)
         if redirect_uri:
@@ -101,10 +93,9 @@ class AuthorizationRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
     def _sendData(self, data: bytes) -> None:
-        """Send out the data"""
+    #   Convenience Helper for getting values from a pre-parsed query string
     def _queryGet(query_data: Dict[Any, List], key: str, default: Optional[str]=None) -> Optional[str]:
-        """Helper for getting values from a pre-parsed query string"""
         return query_data.get(key, [default])[0]

+ 7 - 9

@@ -8,21 +8,19 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
     from cura.OAuth2.AuthorizationHelpers import AuthorizationHelpers
+#     The authorization request callback handler server.
+#     This subclass is needed to be able to pass some data to the request handler.
+#     This cannot be done on the request handler directly as the HTTPServer creates an instance of the handler after
+#     init.
 class AuthorizationRequestServer(HTTPServer):
-    """
-    The authorization request callback handler server.
-    This subclass is needed to be able to pass some data to the request handler.
-    This cannot be done on the request handler directly as the HTTPServer creates an instance of the handler after init.
-    """
+    # Set the authorization helpers instance on the request handler.
     def setAuthorizationHelpers(self, authorization_helpers: "AuthorizationHelpers") -> None:
-        """Set the authorization helpers instance on the request handler."""
         self.RequestHandlerClass.authorization_helpers = authorization_helpers  # type: ignore
+    # Set the authorization callback on the request handler.
     def setAuthorizationCallback(self, authorization_callback: Callable[["AuthenticationResponse"], Any]) -> None:
-        """Set the authorization callback on the request handler."""
         self.RequestHandlerClass.authorization_callback = authorization_callback  # type: ignore
+    # Set the verification code on the request handler.
     def setVerificationCode(self, verification_code: str) -> None:
-        """Set the verification code on the request handler."""
         self.RequestHandlerClass.verification_code = verification_code  # type: ignore

+ 16 - 22

@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ class AuthorizationService:
         self._server = LocalAuthorizationServer(self._auth_helpers, self._onAuthStateChanged, daemon=True)
+    #   Get the user profile as obtained from the JWT (JSON Web Token).
+    #   If the JWT is not yet parsed, calling this will take care of that.
+    #   \return UserProfile if a user is logged in, None otherwise.
+    #   \sa _parseJWT
     def getUserProfile(self) -> Optional["UserProfile"]:
-        """
-        Get the user data that is stored in the JWT token.
-        :return: Dict containing some user data.
-        """
         if not self._user_profile:
             # If no user profile was stored locally, we try to get it from JWT.
             self._user_profile = self._parseJWT()
@@ -52,11 +52,9 @@ class AuthorizationService:
         return self._user_profile
+    #   Tries to parse the JWT (JSON Web Token) data, which it does if all the needed data is there.
+    #   \return UserProfile if it was able to parse, None otherwise.
     def _parseJWT(self) -> Optional["UserProfile"]:
-        """
-        Tries to parse the JWT if all the needed data exists.
-        :return: UserProfile if found, otherwise None.
-        """
         if not self._auth_data or self._auth_data.access_token is None:
             # If no auth data exists, we should always log in again.
             return None
@@ -74,10 +72,8 @@ class AuthorizationService:
         return self._auth_helpers.parseJWT(self._auth_data.access_token)
+    #   Get the access token as provided by the repsonse data.
     def getAccessToken(self) -> Optional[str]:
-        """
-        Get the access token response data.
-        """
         if not self.getUserProfile():
             # We check if we can get the user profile.
             # If we can't get it, that means the access token (JWT) was invalid or expired.
@@ -88,24 +84,22 @@ class AuthorizationService:
         return self._auth_data.access_token
+    #   Try to refresh the access token. This should be used when it has expired.
     def refreshAccessToken(self) -> None:
-        """
-        Refresh the access token when it expired.
-        """
         if self._auth_data is None or self._auth_data.refresh_token is None:
             Logger.log("w", "Unable to refresh access token, since there is no refresh token.")
+    #   Delete the authentication data that we have stored locally (eg; logout)
     def deleteAuthData(self) -> None:
-        """Delete authentication data from preferences and locally."""
-        self._storeAuthData()
-        self.onAuthStateChanged.emit(logged_in=False)
+        if self._auth_data is not None:
+            self._storeAuthData()
+            self.onAuthStateChanged.emit(logged_in=False)
+    #   Start the flow to become authenticated. This will start a new webbrowser tap, prompting the user to login.
     def startAuthorizationFlow(self) -> None:
-        """Start a new OAuth2 authorization flow."""
         Logger.log("d", "Starting new OAuth2 flow...")
         # Create the tokens needed for the code challenge (PKCE) extension for OAuth2.
@@ -131,8 +125,8 @@ class AuthorizationService:
         # Start a local web server to receive the callback URL on.
+    #   Callback method for the authentication flow.
     def _onAuthStateChanged(self, auth_response: AuthenticationResponse) -> None:
-        """Callback method for an authentication flow."""
         if auth_response.success:
@@ -140,8 +134,8 @@ class AuthorizationService:
             self.onAuthenticationError.emit(logged_in=False, error_message=auth_response.err_message)
         self._server.stop()  # Stop the web server at all times.
+    #   Load authentication data from preferences.
     def _loadAuthData(self) -> None:
-        """Load authentication data from preferences if available."""
         self._cura_preferences.addPreference(self._settings.AUTH_DATA_PREFERENCE_KEY, "{}")
             preferences_data = json.loads(self._cura_preferences.getValue(self._settings.AUTH_DATA_PREFERENCE_KEY))
@@ -151,8 +145,8 @@ class AuthorizationService:
         except ValueError:
             Logger.logException("w", "Could not load auth data from preferences")
+    #   Store authentication data in preferences.
     def _storeAuthData(self, auth_data: Optional[AuthenticationResponse] = None) -> None:
-        """Store authentication data in preferences and locally."""
         self._auth_data = auth_data
         if auth_data:
             self._user_profile = self.getUserProfile()

+ 12 - 16

@@ -12,16 +12,17 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
     from cura.OAuth2.Models import AuthenticationResponse
     from cura.OAuth2.AuthorizationHelpers import AuthorizationHelpers
 class LocalAuthorizationServer:
+    # The local LocalAuthorizationServer takes care of the oauth2 callbacks.
+    # Once the flow is completed, this server should be closed down again by calling stop()
+    # \param auth_helpers: An instance of the authorization helpers class.
+    # \param auth_state_changed_callback: A callback function to be called when the authorization state changes.
+    # \param daemon: Whether the server thread should be run in daemon mode. Note: Daemon threads are abruptly stopped
+    #                   at shutdown. Their resources (e.g. open files) may never be released.
     def __init__(self, auth_helpers: "AuthorizationHelpers",
                  auth_state_changed_callback: Callable[["AuthenticationResponse"], Any],
                  daemon: bool) -> None:
-        """
-        :param auth_helpers: An instance of the authorization helpers class.
-        :param auth_state_changed_callback: A callback function to be called when the authorization state changes.
-        :param daemon: Whether the server thread should be run in daemon mode. Note: Daemon threads are abruptly stopped
-            at shutdown. Their resources (e.g. open files) may never be released.
-        """
         self._web_server = None  # type: Optional[AuthorizationRequestServer]
         self._web_server_thread = None  # type: Optional[threading.Thread]
         self._web_server_port = auth_helpers.settings.CALLBACK_PORT
@@ -29,11 +30,9 @@ class LocalAuthorizationServer:
         self._auth_state_changed_callback = auth_state_changed_callback
         self._daemon = daemon
+    # Starts the local web server to handle the authorization callback.
+    # \param verification_code: The verification code part of the OAuth2 client identification.
     def start(self, verification_code: str) -> None:
-        """
-        Starts the local web server to handle the authorization callback.
-        :param verification_code: The verification code part of the OAuth2 client identification.
-        """
         if self._web_server:
             # If the server is already running (because of a previously aborted auth flow), we don't have to start it.
             # We still inject the new verification code though.
@@ -43,12 +42,10 @@ class LocalAuthorizationServer:
         if self._web_server_port is None:
             raise Exception("Unable to start server without specifying the port.")
-        Logger.log("d", "Starting local web server to handle authorization callback on port %s",
-                   self._web_server_port)
+        Logger.log("d", "Starting local web server to handle authorization callback on port %s", self._web_server_port)
         # Create the server and inject the callback and code.
-        self._web_server = AuthorizationRequestServer(("", self._web_server_port),
-                                                      AuthorizationRequestHandler)
+        self._web_server = AuthorizationRequestServer(("", self._web_server_port), AuthorizationRequestHandler)
@@ -57,9 +54,8 @@ class LocalAuthorizationServer:
         self._web_server_thread = threading.Thread(None, self._web_server.serve_forever, daemon = self._daemon)
+    # Stops the web server if it was running. It also does some cleanup.
     def stop(self) -> None:
-        """ Stops the web server if it was running. Also deletes the objects. """
         Logger.log("d", "Stopping local oauth2 web server...")
         if self._web_server: