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Update translations

Contributes to CURA-10953
Jelle Spijker 1 year ago

+ 50 - 6

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 5.1\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-08 16:32+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 17:04+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-02-16 20:35+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Miroslav Šustek <>\n"
 "Language-Team: DenyCZ <>\n"
@@ -185,10 +185,6 @@ msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall description"
 msgid "Always retract when moving to start an outer wall."
 msgstr "Vždy zatáhnout filament, když se přesouvá k začátku vnější zdi."
-msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
-msgid "Amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes."
-msgstr "Množství ofsetu aplikovaného na všechny díry v každé vrstvě. Pozitivní hodnoty zvětšují velikost děr, záporné hodnoty snižují velikost děr."
 msgctxt "xy_offset description"
 msgid "Amount of offset applied to all polygons in each layer. Positive values can compensate for too big holes; negative values can compensate for too small holes."
 msgstr "Množství ofsetu aplikovaného na všechny polygony v každé vrstvě. Pozitivní hodnoty mohou kompenzovat příliš velké díry; záporné hodnoty mohou kompenzovat příliš malé díry."
@@ -785,6 +781,14 @@ msgctxt "support_xy_distance description"
 msgid "Distance of the support structure from the print in the X/Y directions."
 msgstr "Vzdálenost podpůrné struktury od tisku ve směru X / Y."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance description"
+msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance description"
+msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "min_infill_area description"
 msgid "Don't generate areas of infill smaller than this (use skin instead)."
 msgstr "Nevytvářejte oblasti výplně menší než tato (místo toho použijte povrch)."
@@ -833,6 +837,10 @@ msgctxt "draft_shield_enabled label"
 msgid "Enable Draft Shield"
 msgstr "Zapnout štít modelu"
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled label"
+msgid "Enable Fluid Motion"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "ironing_enabled label"
 msgid "Enable Ironing"
 msgstr "Povolit žehlení"
@@ -893,6 +901,10 @@ msgctxt "ooze_shield_enabled description"
 msgid "Enable exterior ooze shield. This will create a shell around the model which is likely to wipe a second nozzle if it's at the same height as the first nozzle."
 msgstr "Povolit vnější ochranu proti úniku. Tím se vytvoří model kolem modelu, který pravděpodobně otře druhou trysku, pokud je ve stejné výšce jako první tryska."
+msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface description"
+msgid "Enable small (up to 'Small Top/Bottom Width') regions on the topmost skinned layer (exposed to air) to be filled with walls instead of the default pattern."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "jerk_enabled description"
 msgid "Enables adjusting the jerk of print head when the velocity in the X or Y axis changes. Increasing the jerk can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality."
 msgstr "Umožňuje nastavení trhnutí tiskové hlavy, když se mění rychlost v ose X nebo Y. Zvýšení trhnutí může zkrátit dobu tisku za cenu kvality tisku."
@@ -1105,6 +1117,18 @@ msgctxt "material_flow description"
 msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
 msgstr "Kompenzace toku: množství vytlačovaného materiálu se vynásobí touto hodnotou."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Angle"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Shift Distance"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Small Distance"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "material_flush_purge_length label"
 msgid "Flush Purge Length"
 msgstr "Délka proplachování"
@@ -1391,6 +1415,10 @@ msgctxt "bridge_skin_support_threshold description"
 msgid "If a skin region is supported for less than this percentage of its area, print it using the bridge settings. Otherwise it is printed using the normal skin settings."
 msgstr "Pokud je oblast povrchu podporována pro méně než toto procento její plochy, vytiskněte ji pomocí nastavení můstku. V opačném případě se vytiskne pomocí běžných nastavení vzhledu."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle description"
+msgid "If a toolpath-segment deviates more than this angle from the general motion it is smoothed."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "bridge_enable_more_layers description"
 msgid "If enabled, the second and third layers above the air are printed using the following settings. Otherwise, those layers are printed using the normal settings."
 msgstr "Pokud je povoleno, druhá a třetí vrstva nad vzduchem se vytisknou pomocí následujících nastavení. V opačném případě se tyto vrstvy tisknou pomocí běžných nastavení."
@@ -3027,6 +3055,10 @@ msgctxt "cool_min_temperature label"
 msgid "Small Layer Printing Temperature"
 msgstr "Teplota tisku malých vrstev"
+msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface label"
+msgid "Small Top/Bottom On Surface"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "small_skin_width label"
 msgid "Small Top/Bottom Width"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3040,7 +3072,7 @@ msgid "Small features will be printed at this percentage of their normal print s
 msgstr "Drobné části budou vytištěny v procentech jejich normální rychlosti tisku. Pomalejší tisk může pomoci s přilnavostí a přesností."
 msgctxt "small_skin_width description"
-msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions."
+msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions. Off for the topmost (air-exposed) layer by default (see 'Small Top/Bottom On Surface')."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "brim_smart_ordering label"
@@ -4963,6 +4995,10 @@ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
 msgstr "Při kontrole, kde je model nad a pod podpěrou, proveďte kroky dané výšky. Nižší hodnoty se budou řezat pomaleji, zatímco vyšší hodnoty mohou způsobit tisk normální podpory na místech, kde mělo být rozhraní podpory."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled description"
+msgid "When enabled tool paths are corrected for printers with smooth motion planners. Small movements that deviate from the general tool path direction are smoothed to improve fluid motions."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "infill_enable_travel_optimization description"
 msgid "When enabled, the order in which the infill lines are printed is optimized to reduce the distance travelled. The reduction in travel time achieved very much depends on the model being sliced, infill pattern, density, etc. Note that, for some models that have many small areas of infill, the time to slice the model may be greatly increased."
 msgstr "Je-li tato funkce povolena, je pořadí, ve kterém jsou vyplněny řádky výplně, optimalizováno, aby se snížila ujetá vzdálenost. Zkrácení doby cestování dosažené velmi záleží na modelu, který je nakrájen, vzor výplně, hustota atd. U některých modelů, které mají mnoho malých oblastí výplně, může být doba krájení modelu značně prodloužena."
@@ -4983,6 +5019,10 @@ msgctxt "hole_xy_offset_max_diameter description"
 msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is gradually applied on small holes (small holes are expanded more). When set to zero the Hole Horizontal Expansion will be applied to all holes. Holes larger than the Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter are not expanded."
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
+msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is the amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes. When this setting is enabled it can be further tuned with Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow description"
 msgid "When printing bridge skin regions, the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
 msgstr "Při tisku oblastí povrchu můstku je množství vytlačovaného materiálu násobeno touto hodnotou."
@@ -5363,6 +5403,10 @@ msgstr "cestování"
 #~ msgid "Adjusts the density of the spaghetti infill. Note that the Infill Density only controls the line spacing of the filling pattern, not the amount of extrusion for spaghetti infill."
 #~ msgstr "Upravuje hustotu výplně špaget. Mějte na paměti, že hustota výplně řídí pouze rozteč linií výplňového vzoru, nikoli velikost výtluku pro výplň špaget."
+#~ msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
+#~ msgid "Amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes."
+#~ msgstr "Množství ofsetu aplikovaného na všechny díry v každé vrstvě. Pozitivní hodnoty zvětšují velikost děr, záporné hodnoty snižují velikost děr."
 #~ msgctxt "machine_use_extruder_offset_to_offset_coords description"
 #~ msgid "Apply the extruder offset to the coordinate system."
 #~ msgstr "Naneste odsazení extrudéru na souřadnicový systém."

+ 257 - 167

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-07-06 14:20+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 17:10+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -154,13 +154,6 @@ msgctxt "@heading"
 msgid "-- incomplete --"
 msgstr ""
-#, python-brace-format
-msgctxt "info:{0} gets replaced by a number of printers"
-msgid "... and {0} other"
-msgid_plural "... and {0} others"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
 msgctxt "@action:label"
 msgid "1mm Transmittance (%)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -532,7 +525,7 @@ msgid "Arrange All Models"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
-msgid "Arrange Selection"
+msgid "Arrange All Models in a grid"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@label:button"
@@ -599,10 +592,6 @@ msgctxt "@action:label"
 msgid "Base (mm)"
 msgstr ""
-msgctxt "@tooltip:button"
-msgid "Become a 3D printing expert with UltiMaker e-learning."
-msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:view"
 msgid "Bottom View"
 msgstr ""
@@ -926,6 +915,10 @@ msgctxt "@action:menu"
 msgid "Copy all changed values to all extruders"
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
+msgid "Copy to clipboard"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@action:menu"
 msgid "Copy value to all extruders"
 msgstr ""
@@ -985,6 +978,27 @@ msgctxt "@info:text"
 msgid "Could not upload the data to the printer."
 msgstr ""
+#, python-brace-format
+msgctxt "@info:plugin_failed"
+msgid ""
+"Couldn't start EnginePlugin: {self._plugin_id}\n"
+"No permission to execute process."
+msgstr ""
+#, python-brace-format
+msgctxt "@info:plugin_failed"
+msgid ""
+"Couldn't start EnginePlugin: {self._plugin_id}\n"
+"Operating system is blocking it (antivirus?)"
+msgstr ""
+#, python-brace-format
+msgctxt "@info:plugin_failed"
+msgid ""
+"Couldn't start EnginePlugin: {self._plugin_id}\n"
+"Resource is temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@title:window"
 msgid "Crash Report"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1116,6 +1130,10 @@ msgctxt "@label:header"
 msgid "Custom profiles"
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
+msgid "Cut"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
 msgid "Cutting mesh"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1347,7 +1365,7 @@ msgid "Enable Extruder"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Enable printing a brim or raft. This will add a flat area around or under your object which is easy to cut off afterwards."
+msgid "Enable printing a brim or raft. This will add a flat area around or under your object which is easy to cut off afterwards. Disabling it results in a skirt around object by default."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@label"
@@ -1362,6 +1380,10 @@ msgctxt "@label"
 msgid "End-to-end solution for fused filament 3D printing."
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@info:title"
+msgid "EnginePlugin"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@label"
 msgid "Engineering"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1386,10 +1408,6 @@ msgctxt "@title:groupbox"
 msgid "Error traceback"
 msgstr ""
-msgctxt "@error:zip"
-msgid "Error writing 3mf file."
-msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@label"
 msgid "Estimated time left"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1738,6 +1756,10 @@ msgctxt "@label Description for application component"
 msgid "Graphical user interface"
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@label"
+msgid "Grid Placement"
+msgstr ""
 #, python-brace-format
 msgctxt "@label"
 msgid "Group #{group_nr}"
@@ -1771,10 +1793,6 @@ msgctxt "@label"
 msgid "Helpers"
 msgstr ""
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Hex"
-msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@label"
 msgid "Hide all connected printers"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1915,10 +1933,6 @@ msgctxt "@button"
 msgid "Install"
 msgstr ""
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Install Materials"
-msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@header"
 msgid "Install Materials"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1927,16 +1941,28 @@ msgctxt "@window:title"
 msgid "Install Package"
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@action:button"
+msgid "Install Packages"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@header"
+msgid "Install Packages"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@header"
 msgid "Install Plugins"
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@action:button"
+msgid "Install missing packages"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Install missing Materials"
+msgid "Install missing packages"
 msgstr ""
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Install missing material"
+msgctxt "@label"
+msgid "Install missing packages from project file."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@button"
@@ -2075,6 +2101,10 @@ msgctxt "@button"
 msgid "Learn more about adding printers to Cura"
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@label"
+msgid "Learn more about project packages."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:view"
 msgid "Left Side View"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2271,10 +2301,6 @@ msgctxt "@label"
 msgid "Material estimation"
 msgstr ""
-msgctxt "@info:title"
-msgid "Material profiles not installed"
-msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@title:header"
 msgid "Material profiles successfully synced with the following printers:"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2369,6 +2395,10 @@ msgid_plural "Multiply Selected Models"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
+msgctxt "@info"
+msgid "Multiply selected item and place them in a grid of build plate."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@info:status"
 msgid "Multiplying and placing objects"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2433,6 +2463,10 @@ msgctxt "@button"
 msgid "Next"
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@info:title"
+msgid "Nightly build"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@info"
 msgid "No"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2712,6 +2746,10 @@ msgctxt "@info:status"
 msgid "Parsing G-code"
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@action:inmenu menubar:edit"
+msgid "Paste from clipboard"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@label"
 msgid "Pause"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3205,6 +3243,10 @@ msgctxt "@button"
 msgid "Refresh List"
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@button"
+msgid "Refreshing..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@label"
 msgid "Release Notes"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3648,6 +3690,10 @@ msgctxt "@option:check"
 msgid "Show summary dialog when saving project"
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@tooltip:button"
+msgid "Show your support for Cura with a donation."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@button"
 msgid "Sign Out"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3731,6 +3777,14 @@ msgid ""
 "Click to make these settings visible."
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@info:status"
+msgid "Some of the packages used in the project file are currently not installed in Cura, this might produce undesirable print results. We highly recommend installing the all required packages from the Marketplace."
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@info:title"
+msgid "Some required packages are not installed"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of a profile"
 msgid "Some setting-values defined in <b>%1</b> were overridden."
 msgstr ""
@@ -3762,6 +3816,14 @@ msgctxt "@label:listbox"
 msgid "Speed"
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
+msgid "Sponsor Cura"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@label:button"
+msgid "Sponsor Cura"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@option:radio"
 msgid "Stable and Beta releases"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4044,14 +4106,6 @@ msgctxt "@label:label Ultimaker Marketplace is a brand name, don't translate"
 msgid "The material package associated with the Cura project could not be found on the Ultimaker Marketplace. Use the partial material profile definition stored in the Cura project file at your own risk."
 msgstr ""
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "The material used in this project is currently not installed in Cura.<br/>Install the material profile and reopen the project."
-msgstr ""
-msgctxt "@info:status"
-msgid "The material used in this project relies on some material definitions not available in Cura, this might produce undesirable print results. We highly recommend installing the full material package from the Marketplace."
-msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
 msgid "The maximum distance of each pixel from \"Base.\""
 msgstr ""
@@ -4064,10 +4118,6 @@ msgctxt "@tooltip"
 msgid "The nozzle inserted in this extruder."
 msgstr ""
-msgctxt "@error:zip"
-msgid "The operating system does not allow saving a project file to this location or with this file name."
-msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@label"
 msgid ""
 "The pattern of the infill material of the print:\n"
@@ -4083,6 +4133,10 @@ msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
 msgid "The percentage of light penetrating a print with a thickness of 1 millimeter. Lowering this value increases the contrast in dark regions and decreases the contrast in light regions of the image."
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@label:label Ultimaker Marketplace is a brand name, don't translate"
+msgid "The plugin associated with the Cura project could not be found on the Ultimaker Marketplace. As the plugin may be required to slice the project it might not be possible to correctly slice the file."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@info:title"
 msgid "The print job was successfully submitted"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4234,6 +4288,10 @@ msgctxt "@action:label"
 msgid "This profile uses the defaults specified by the printer, so it has no settings/overrides in the list below."
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@label"
+msgid "This project contains materials or plugins that are currently not installed in Cura.<br/>Install the missing packages and reopen the project."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@label"
 msgid ""
 "This setting has a value that is different from the profile.\n"
@@ -4270,6 +4328,10 @@ msgctxt "@label"
 msgid "This setting is resolved from conflicting extruder-specific values:"
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "@info:warning"
+msgid "This version is not intended for production use. If you encounter any issues, please report them on our GitHub page, mentioning the full version {self.getVersion()}"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@label"
 msgid "Time estimation"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4412,6 +4474,18 @@ msgctxt "@info:status"
 msgid "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"
 msgstr ""
+#, python-brace-format
+msgctxt "@info:plugin_failed"
+msgid "Unable to find local EnginePlugin server executable for: {self._plugin_id}"
+msgstr ""
+#, python-brace-format
+msgctxt "@info:plugin_failed"
+msgid ""
+"Unable to kill running EnginePlugin: {self._plugin_id}\n"
+"Access is denied."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "@info"
 msgid "Unable to reach the UltiMaker account server."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4879,243 +4953,243 @@ msgctxt "@info:generic"
 msgid "{} plugins failed to download"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides support for importing profiles from g-code files."
+msgid "Extension that allows for user created scripts for post processing"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "G-code Profile Reader"
+msgid "Post Processing"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides support for reading 3MF files."
+msgid "Provides a normal solid mesh view."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "3MF Reader"
+msgid "Solid View"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides removable drive hotplugging and writing support."
+msgid "Provides support for importing profiles from legacy Cura versions."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Removable Drive Output Device Plugin"
+msgid "Legacy Cura Profile Reader"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Accepts G-Code and sends them to a printer. Plugin can also update firmware."
+msgid "Provides the X-Ray view."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "USB printing"
+msgid "X-Ray View"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Manages extensions to the application and allows browsing extensions from the UltiMaker website."
+msgid "Provides the preview of sliced layerdata."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Marketplace"
+msgid "Simulation View"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides support for writing 3MF files."
+msgid "Provides support for reading AMF files."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "3MF Writer"
+msgid "AMF Reader"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc.)."
+msgid "Provides a preview stage in Cura."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "UltiMaker machine actions"
+msgid "Preview Stage"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Logs certain events so that they can be used by the crash reporter"
+msgid "Connects to the Digital Library, allowing Cura to open files from and save files to the Digital Library."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Sentry Logger"
+msgid "Ultimaker Digital Library"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Checks for firmware updates."
+msgid "Provides a machine actions for updating firmware."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Firmware Update Checker"
+msgid "Firmware Updater"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides a monitor stage in Cura."
+msgid "Enables ability to generate printable geometry from 2D image files."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Monitor Stage"
+msgid "Image Reader"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Reads g-code from a compressed archive."
+msgid "Backup and restore your configuration."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Compressed G-code Reader"
+msgid "Cura Backups"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides support for writing Ultimaker Format Packages."
+msgid "Manages extensions to the application and allows browsing extensions from the UltiMaker website."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "UFP Writer"
+msgid "Marketplace"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides a normal solid mesh view."
+msgid "Provides support for reading X3D files."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Solid View"
+msgid "X3D Reader"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides a machine actions for updating firmware."
+msgid "Provides support for writing 3MF files."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Firmware Updater"
+msgid "3MF Writer"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides support for reading model files."
+msgid "Checks for firmware updates."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Trimesh Reader"
+msgid "Firmware Update Checker"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Writes g-code to a compressed archive."
+msgid "Provides support for reading model files."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Compressed G-code Writer"
+msgid "Trimesh Reader"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides support for reading Ultimaker Format Packages."
+msgid "Allows loading and displaying G-code files."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "UFP Reader"
+msgid "G-code Reader"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Extension that allows for user created scripts for post processing"
+msgid "Provides machine actions for Ultimaker machines (such as bed leveling wizard, selecting upgrades, etc.)."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Post Processing"
+msgid "UltiMaker machine actions"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Allows loading and displaying G-code files."
+msgid "Writes g-code to a compressed archive."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "G-code Reader"
+msgid "Compressed G-code Writer"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Submits anonymous slice info. Can be disabled through preferences."
+msgid "Provides a way to change machine settings (such as build volume, nozzle size, etc.)."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Slice info"
+msgid "Machine Settings Action"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides a prepare stage in Cura."
+msgid "Provides support for importing profiles from g-code files."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Prepare Stage"
+msgid "G-code Profile Reader"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides support for reading AMF files."
+msgid "Provides the link to the CuraEngine slicing backend."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "AMF Reader"
+msgid "CuraEngine Backend"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides support for reading X3D files."
+msgid "Provides a prepare stage in Cura."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "X3D Reader"
+msgid "Prepare Stage"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides a preview stage in Cura."
+msgid "Provides support for writing Ultimaker Format Packages."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Preview Stage"
+msgid "UFP Writer"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides support for importing Cura profiles."
+msgid "Logs certain events so that they can be used by the crash reporter"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Cura Profile Reader"
+msgid "Sentry Logger"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Connects to the Digital Library, allowing Cura to open files from and save files to the Digital Library."
+msgid "Provides removable drive hotplugging and writing support."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Ultimaker Digital Library"
+msgid "Removable Drive Output Device Plugin"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides the link to the CuraEngine slicing backend."
+msgid "Provides the Per Model Settings."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "CuraEngine Backend"
+msgid "Per Model Settings Tool"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides the preview of sliced layerdata."
+msgid "Writes g-code to a file."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Simulation View"
+msgid "G-code Writer"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides the X-Ray view."
+msgid "Accepts G-Code and sends them to a printer. Plugin can also update firmware."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "X-Ray View"
+msgid "USB printing"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides the Per Model Settings."
+msgid "Submits anonymous slice info. Can be disabled through preferences."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Per Model Settings Tool"
+msgid "Slice info"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
@@ -5127,147 +5201,147 @@ msgid "Cura Profile Writer"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides support for importing profiles from legacy Cura versions."
+msgid "CuraEngine plugin for gradually smoothing the flow to limit high-flow jumps"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Legacy Cura Profile Reader"
+msgid "CuraEngineGradualFlow"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Writes g-code to a file."
+msgid "Manages network connections to UltiMaker networked printers."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "G-code Writer"
+msgid "UltiMaker Network Connection"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.4 to Cura 4.5."
+msgid "Provides a monitor stage in Cura."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 4.4 to 4.5"
+msgid "Monitor Stage"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.9 to Cura 4.10."
+msgid "Provides support for reading 3MF files."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 4.9 to 4.10"
+msgid "3MF Reader"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.1 to Cura 4.2."
+msgid "Provides capabilities to read and write XML-based material profiles."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 4.1 to 4.2"
+msgid "Material Profiles"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.11 to Cura 4.12."
+msgid "Provides support for reading Ultimaker Format Packages."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 4.11 to 4.12"
+msgid "UFP Reader"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 5.3 to Cura 5.4."
+msgid "Checks models and print configuration for possible printing issues and give suggestions."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 5.3 to 5.4"
+msgid "Model Checker"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 3.3 to Cura 3.4."
+msgid "Provides support for importing Cura profiles."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 3.3 to 3.4"
+msgid "Cura Profile Reader"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 3.2 to Cura 3.3."
+msgid "Creates an eraser mesh to block the printing of support in certain places"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 3.2 to 3.3"
+msgid "Support Eraser"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.3 to Cura 4.4."
+msgid "Reads g-code from a compressed archive."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 4.3 to 4.4"
+msgid "Compressed G-code Reader"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.7 to Cura 4.8."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.1 to Cura 4.2."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 4.7 to 4.8"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 4.1 to 4.2"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 3.5 to Cura 4.0."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.2 to Cura 2.4."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 3.5 to 4.0"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 2.2 to 2.4"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.8 to Cura 4.9."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 5.3 to Cura 5.4."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 4.8 to 4.9"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 5.3 to 5.4"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 3.4 to Cura 3.5."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 5.4 to Cura 5.5."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 3.4 to 3.5"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 5.4 to 5.5"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.6 to Cura 2.7."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.13 to Cura 5.0."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 2.6 to 2.7"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 4.13 to 5.0"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.13 to Cura 5.0."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.6 to Cura 2.7."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 4.13 to 5.0"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 2.6 to 2.7"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.1 to Cura 2.2."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.11 to Cura 4.12."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 2.1 to 2.2"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 4.11 to 4.12"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.7 to Cura 3.0."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 5.2 to Cura 5.3."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 2.7 to 3.0"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 5.2 to 5.3"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
@@ -5278,6 +5352,14 @@ msgctxt "name"
 msgid "Version Upgrade 4.6.2 to 4.7"
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "description"
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.1 to Cura 2.2."
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "name"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 2.1 to 2.2"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
 msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 3.0 to Cura 3.1."
 msgstr ""
@@ -5287,27 +5369,27 @@ msgid "Version Upgrade 3.0 to 3.1"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.0 to Cura 4.1."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.3 to Cura 4.4."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 4.0 to 4.1"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 4.3 to 4.4"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 5.2 to Cura 5.3."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.9 to Cura 4.10."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 5.2 to 5.3"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 4.9 to 4.10"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.5 to Cura 2.6."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.5 to Cura 4.6."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 2.5 to 2.6"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 4.5 to 4.6"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
@@ -5319,82 +5401,90 @@ msgid "Version Upgrade 4.2 to 4.3"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.6.0 to Cura 4.6.2."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.7 to Cura 4.8."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 4.6.0 to 4.6.2"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 4.7 to 4.8"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.5 to Cura 4.6."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.0 to Cura 4.1."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 4.5 to 4.6"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 4.0 to 4.1"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.2 to Cura 2.4."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 3.2 to Cura 3.3."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Version Upgrade 2.2 to 2.4"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 3.2 to 3.3"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Checks models and print configuration for possible printing issues and give suggestions."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 3.5 to Cura 4.0."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Model Checker"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 3.5 to 4.0"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides a way to change machine settings (such as build volume, nozzle size, etc.)."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.5 to Cura 2.6."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Machine Settings Action"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 2.5 to 2.6"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Enables ability to generate printable geometry from 2D image files."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.4 to Cura 4.5."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Image Reader"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 4.4 to 4.5"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Creates an eraser mesh to block the printing of support in certain places"
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 2.7 to Cura 3.0."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Support Eraser"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 2.7 to 3.0"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Manages network connections to UltiMaker networked printers."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 3.4 to Cura 3.5."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "UltiMaker Network Connection"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 3.4 to 3.5"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Provides capabilities to read and write XML-based material profiles."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.6.0 to Cura 4.6.2."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Material Profiles"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 4.6.0 to 4.6.2"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "description"
-msgid "Backup and restore your configuration."
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 4.8 to Cura 4.9."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "name"
-msgid "Cura Backups"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 4.8 to 4.9"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "description"
+msgid "Upgrades configurations from Cura 3.3 to Cura 3.4."
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "name"
+msgid "Version Upgrade 3.3 to 3.4"
 msgstr ""

+ 50 - 6

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-08 16:32+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 17:04+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE\n"
@@ -180,10 +180,6 @@ msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall description"
 msgid "Always retract when moving to start an outer wall."
 msgstr "Stets zurückziehen, wenn eine Bewegung für den Beginn einer Außenwand erfolgt."
-msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
-msgid "Amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes."
-msgstr "Versatz, der auf die Löcher in jeder Schicht angewandt wird. Bei positiven Werten werden die Löcher vergrößert; bei negativen Werten werden die Löcher verkleinert."
 msgctxt "xy_offset description"
 msgid "Amount of offset applied to all polygons in each layer. Positive values can compensate for too big holes; negative values can compensate for too small holes."
 msgstr "Der Abstand, der auf die Polygone in den einzelnen Schichten angewendet wird. Positive Werte können zu große Löcher kompensieren; negative Werte können zu kleine Löcher kompensieren."
@@ -780,6 +776,14 @@ msgctxt "support_xy_distance description"
 msgid "Distance of the support structure from the print in the X/Y directions."
 msgstr "Der Abstand der Stützstruktur zum gedruckten Objekt in der X- und Y-Richtung."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance description"
+msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance description"
+msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "min_infill_area description"
 msgid "Don't generate areas of infill smaller than this (use skin instead)."
 msgstr "Keine Füllungsbereiche generieren, die kleiner als dieser sind (stattdessen Außenhaut verwenden)."
@@ -828,6 +832,10 @@ msgctxt "draft_shield_enabled label"
 msgid "Enable Draft Shield"
 msgstr "Windschutz aktivieren"
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled label"
+msgid "Enable Fluid Motion"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "ironing_enabled label"
 msgid "Enable Ironing"
 msgstr "Glätten aktivieren"
@@ -888,6 +896,10 @@ msgctxt "ooze_shield_enabled description"
 msgid "Enable exterior ooze shield. This will create a shell around the model which is likely to wipe a second nozzle if it's at the same height as the first nozzle."
 msgstr "Aktiviert den äußeren Sickerschutz. Damit wird eine Hülle um das Modell erstellt, die eine zweite Düse abstreift, wenn diese auf derselben Höhe wie die erste Düse steht."
+msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface description"
+msgid "Enable small (up to 'Small Top/Bottom Width') regions on the topmost skinned layer (exposed to air) to be filled with walls instead of the default pattern."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "jerk_enabled description"
 msgid "Enables adjusting the jerk of print head when the velocity in the X or Y axis changes. Increasing the jerk can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality."
 msgstr "Ermöglicht die Justierung der Ruckfunktion des Druckkopfes bei Änderung der Geschwindigkeit in der X- oder Y-Achse. Eine Erhöhung der Ruckfunktion kann die Druckzeit auf Kosten der Druckqualität reduzieren."
@@ -1100,6 +1112,18 @@ msgctxt "material_flow description"
 msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
 msgstr "Fluss-Kompensation: Die extrudierte Materialmenge wird mit diesem Wert multipliziert."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Angle"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Shift Distance"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Small Distance"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "material_flush_purge_length label"
 msgid "Flush Purge Length"
 msgstr "Ausspüldauer"
@@ -1388,6 +1412,10 @@ msgctxt "bridge_skin_support_threshold description"
 msgid "If a skin region is supported for less than this percentage of its area, print it using the bridge settings. Otherwise it is printed using the normal skin settings."
 msgstr "Wenn ein Außenhautbereich für weniger als diesen Prozentwert seines Bereichs unterstützt wird, drucken Sie ihn mit den Brückeneinstellungen. Ansonsten erfolgt der Druck mit den normalen Außenhauteinstellungen."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle description"
+msgid "If a toolpath-segment deviates more than this angle from the general motion it is smoothed."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "bridge_enable_more_layers description"
 msgid "If enabled, the second and third layers above the air are printed using the following settings. Otherwise, those layers are printed using the normal settings."
 msgstr "Bei Aktivierung werden die zweite und dritte Schicht über der Luft mit den folgenden Einstellungen gedruckt. Ansonsten werden diese Schichten mit den normalen Einstellungen gedruckt."
@@ -3024,6 +3052,10 @@ msgctxt "cool_min_temperature label"
 msgid "Small Layer Printing Temperature"
 msgstr "Drucktemperatur für kleine Schichten"
+msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface label"
+msgid "Small Top/Bottom On Surface"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "small_skin_width label"
 msgid "Small Top/Bottom Width"
 msgstr "Kleine obere/untere Breite"
@@ -3037,7 +3069,7 @@ msgid "Small features will be printed at this percentage of their normal print s
 msgstr "Bei kleinen Details wird die Geschwindigkeit auf diesen Prozentsatz der normalen Druckgeschwindigkeit gesetzt. Durch eine niedrigere Druckgeschwindigkeit können die Haftung und die Genauigkeit verbessert werden."
 msgctxt "small_skin_width description"
-msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions."
+msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions. Off for the topmost (air-exposed) layer by default (see 'Small Top/Bottom On Surface')."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "brim_smart_ordering label"
@@ -4960,6 +4992,10 @@ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
 msgstr "Bei der Überprüfung, wo sich das Modell über und unter der Stützstruktur befindet, verwenden Sie Schritte der entsprechenden Höhe. Niedrigere Werte schneiden langsamer, während höhere Werte dazu führen können, dass die normale Stützstruktur an einigen Stellen gedruckt wird, wo sie als Stützstrukturschnittstelle gedruckt werden sollte."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled description"
+msgid "When enabled tool paths are corrected for printers with smooth motion planners. Small movements that deviate from the general tool path direction are smoothed to improve fluid motions."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "infill_enable_travel_optimization description"
 msgid "When enabled, the order in which the infill lines are printed is optimized to reduce the distance travelled. The reduction in travel time achieved very much depends on the model being sliced, infill pattern, density, etc. Note that, for some models that have many small areas of infill, the time to slice the model may be greatly increased."
 msgstr "Bei Aktivierung wird die Reihenfolge, in der die Fülllinien gedruckt werden, optimiert, um die gefahrene Distanz zu reduzieren. Diese erzielte Reduzierung der Bewegung ist sehr stark von dem zu slicenden Modell, dem Füllmuster, der Dichte usw. abhängig. Beachten Sie, dass die Dauer für das Slicen bei einigen Modellen mit vielen kleinen Füllbereichen erheblich länger ausfallen kann."
@@ -4980,6 +5016,10 @@ msgctxt "hole_xy_offset_max_diameter description"
 msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is gradually applied on small holes (small holes are expanded more). When set to zero the Hole Horizontal Expansion will be applied to all holes. Holes larger than the Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter are not expanded."
 msgstr "Bei Werten größer als Null wird die Horizontalloch-Erweiterung schrittweise auf kleine Löcher angewendet (kleine Löcher werden stärker erweitert). Beim Wert Null wird die Horizontalloch-Erweiterung auf alle Löcher angewendet. Löcher, die größer als der maximale Durchmesser der Horizontalloch-Erweiterung sind, werden nicht erweitert."
+msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
+msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is the amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes. When this setting is enabled it can be further tuned with Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow description"
 msgid "When printing bridge skin regions, the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
 msgstr "Die extrudierte Materialmenge beim Drucken von Brücken-Außenhautbereichen wird mit diesem Wert multipliziert."
@@ -5344,6 +5384,10 @@ msgctxt "travel description"
 msgid "travel"
 msgstr "Bewegungen"
+#~ msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
+#~ msgid "Amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes."
+#~ msgstr "Versatz, der auf die Löcher in jeder Schicht angewandt wird. Bei positiven Werten werden die Löcher vergrößert; bei negativen Werten werden die Löcher verkleinert."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option compensate"
 #~ msgid "Compensate"
 #~ msgstr "Kompensieren"

+ 55 - 7

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-08 16:32+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 17:04+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE\n"
@@ -180,10 +180,6 @@ msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall description"
 msgid "Always retract when moving to start an outer wall."
 msgstr "Retraer siempre al desplazarse para empezar una pared exterior."
-msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
-msgid "Amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes."
-msgstr "Cantidad de desplazamiento aplicado a todos los orificios en cada capa. Los valores positivos aumentan el tamaño de los orificios y los valores negativos reducen el tamaño de los mismos."
 msgctxt "xy_offset description"
 msgid "Amount of offset applied to all polygons in each layer. Positive values can compensate for too big holes; negative values can compensate for too small holes."
 msgstr "Cantidad de desplazamiento aplicado a todos los polígonos de cada capa. Los valores positivos pueden compensar agujeros demasiado grandes; los valores negativos pueden compensar agujeros demasiado pequeños."
@@ -780,6 +776,14 @@ msgctxt "support_xy_distance description"
 msgid "Distance of the support structure from the print in the X/Y directions."
 msgstr "Distancia de la estructura del soporte desde la impresión en las direcciones X/Y."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance description"
+msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance description"
+msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "min_infill_area description"
 msgid "Don't generate areas of infill smaller than this (use skin instead)."
 msgstr "No genere áreas con un relleno inferior a este (utilice forro)."
@@ -828,6 +832,10 @@ msgctxt "draft_shield_enabled label"
 msgid "Enable Draft Shield"
 msgstr "Habilitar parabrisas"
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled label"
+msgid "Enable Fluid Motion"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "ironing_enabled label"
 msgid "Enable Ironing"
 msgstr "Habilitar alisado"
@@ -888,6 +896,10 @@ msgctxt "ooze_shield_enabled description"
 msgid "Enable exterior ooze shield. This will create a shell around the model which is likely to wipe a second nozzle if it's at the same height as the first nozzle."
 msgstr "Activar la placa de rezumado exterior. Esto crea un perímetro alrededor del modelo que suele limpiar una segunda tobera si se encuentra a la misma altura que la primera."
+msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface description"
+msgid "Enable small (up to 'Small Top/Bottom Width') regions on the topmost skinned layer (exposed to air) to be filled with walls instead of the default pattern."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "jerk_enabled description"
 msgid "Enables adjusting the jerk of print head when the velocity in the X or Y axis changes. Increasing the jerk can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality."
 msgstr "Permite ajustar el impulso del cabezal de impresión cuando la velocidad del eje X o Y cambia. Aumentar el impulso puede reducir el tiempo de impresión a costa de la calidad de impresión."
@@ -1100,6 +1112,18 @@ msgctxt "material_flow description"
 msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
 msgstr "Compensación de flujo: la cantidad de material extruido se multiplica por este valor."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Angle"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Shift Distance"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Small Distance"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "material_flush_purge_length label"
 msgid "Flush Purge Length"
 msgstr "Longitud de purga de descarga"
@@ -1388,6 +1412,10 @@ msgctxt "bridge_skin_support_threshold description"
 msgid "If a skin region is supported for less than this percentage of its area, print it using the bridge settings. Otherwise it is printed using the normal skin settings."
 msgstr "Si un área de forro es compatible con un porcentaje inferior de su área, se imprime utilizando los ajustes de puente. De lo contrario, se imprimirá utilizando los ajustes de forro habituales."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle description"
+msgid "If a toolpath-segment deviates more than this angle from the general motion it is smoothed."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "bridge_enable_more_layers description"
 msgid "If enabled, the second and third layers above the air are printed using the following settings. Otherwise, those layers are printed using the normal settings."
 msgstr "Si esta opción está habilitada, la segunda y tercera capa por encima del aire se imprimen utilizando los siguientes ajustes. De lo contrario, estas capas se imprimen utilizando los ajustes habituales."
@@ -3024,6 +3052,10 @@ msgctxt "cool_min_temperature label"
 msgid "Small Layer Printing Temperature"
 msgstr "Temperatura de impresión de capas pequeñas"
+msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface label"
+msgid "Small Top/Bottom On Surface"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "small_skin_width label"
 msgid "Small Top/Bottom Width"
 msgstr "Anchura superior/​inferior pequeña"
@@ -3037,8 +3069,8 @@ msgid "Small features will be printed at this percentage of their normal print s
 msgstr "Las pequeñas partes se imprimirán a este porcentaje de su velocidad de impresión normal. Una impresión más lenta puede mejorar la adhesión y la precisión."
 msgctxt "small_skin_width description"
-msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions."
-msgstr "Las regiones superiores/inferiores pequeñas se rellenan con paredes en lugar del patrón superior/inferior predeterminado. Esto ayuda a evitar movimientos bruscos."
+msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions. Off for the topmost (air-exposed) layer by default (see 'Small Top/Bottom On Surface')."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "brim_smart_ordering label"
 msgid "Smart Brim"
@@ -4960,6 +4992,10 @@ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
 msgstr "A la hora de comprobar si existe un modelo por encima y por debajo del soporte, tome las medidas de la altura determinada. Reducir los valores hará que se segmente más despacio, mientras que valores más altos pueden provocar que el soporte normal se imprima en lugares en los que debería haber una interfaz de soporte."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled description"
+msgid "When enabled tool paths are corrected for printers with smooth motion planners. Small movements that deviate from the general tool path direction are smoothed to improve fluid motions."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "infill_enable_travel_optimization description"
 msgid "When enabled, the order in which the infill lines are printed is optimized to reduce the distance travelled. The reduction in travel time achieved very much depends on the model being sliced, infill pattern, density, etc. Note that, for some models that have many small areas of infill, the time to slice the model may be greatly increased."
 msgstr "Cuando está habilitado, se optimiza el orden en el que se imprimen las líneas de relleno para reducir la distancia de desplazamiento. La reducción del tiempo de desplazamiento obtenido depende en gran parte del modelo que se está fragmentando, el patrón de relleno, la densidad, etc. Tenga en cuenta que, para algunos modelos que tienen pequeñas áreas de relleno, el tiempo para fragmentar el modelo se puede aumentar en gran medida."
@@ -4980,6 +5016,10 @@ msgctxt "hole_xy_offset_max_diameter description"
 msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is gradually applied on small holes (small holes are expanded more). When set to zero the Hole Horizontal Expansion will be applied to all holes. Holes larger than the Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter are not expanded."
 msgstr "Cuando es mayor que cero, la expansión horizontal de los orificios se aplica gradualmente en orificios pequeños (los orificios pequeños se expanden más). Cuando se establezca en cero, la expansión horizontal de los orificios se aplicará a todos ellos. Los orificios mayores que el diámetro máximo de expansión horizontal de los orificios no se expanden."
+msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
+msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is the amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes. When this setting is enabled it can be further tuned with Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow description"
 msgid "When printing bridge skin regions, the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
 msgstr "Cuando se imprimen las áreas de forro del puente; la cantidad de material extruido se multiplica por este valor."
@@ -5344,6 +5384,10 @@ msgctxt "travel description"
 msgid "travel"
 msgstr "desplazamiento"
+#~ msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
+#~ msgid "Amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes."
+#~ msgstr "Cantidad de desplazamiento aplicado a todos los orificios en cada capa. Los valores positivos aumentan el tamaño de los orificios y los valores negativos reducen el tamaño de los mismos."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option compensate"
 #~ msgid "Compensate"
 #~ msgstr "Compensar"
@@ -5420,6 +5464,10 @@ msgstr "desplazamiento"
 #~ msgid "Retract"
 #~ msgstr "Retraer"
+#~ msgctxt "small_skin_width description"
+#~ msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions."
+#~ msgstr "Las regiones superiores/inferiores pequeñas se rellenan con paredes en lugar del patrón superior/inferior predeterminado. Esto ayuda a evitar movimientos bruscos."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed description"
 #~ msgid "Speed at which the nozzle moves when extruding material. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "Velocidad a la que la tobera se desplaza durante la extrusión de material. Solo se aplica a la impresión de alambre."

+ 43 - 3

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-08 16:32+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 17:04+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE\n"
@@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ msgid "Hole Horizontal Expansion"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
-msgid "Amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes."
+msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is the amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes. When this setting is enabled it can be further tuned with Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "hole_xy_offset_max_diameter label"
@@ -1249,7 +1249,15 @@ msgid "Small Top/Bottom Width"
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "small_skin_width description"
-msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions."
+msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions. Off for the topmost (air-exposed) layer by default (see 'Small Top/Bottom On Surface')."
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface label"
+msgid "Small Top/Bottom On Surface"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface description"
+msgid "Enable small (up to 'Small Top/Bottom Width') regions on the topmost skinned layer (exposed to air) to be filled with walls instead of the default pattern."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic label"
@@ -4436,6 +4444,38 @@ msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_extrusion_area_deviation description"
 msgid "The maximum extrusion area deviation allowed when removing intermediate points from a straight line. An intermediate point may serve as width-changing point in a long straight line. Therefore, if it is removed, it will cause the line to have a uniform width and, as a result, lose (or gain) a bit of extrusion area. If you increase this you may notice slight under- (or over-) extrusion in between straight parallel walls, as more intermediate width-changing points will be allowed to be removed. Your print will be less accurate, but the g-code will be smaller."
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled label"
+msgid "Enable Fluid Motion"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled description"
+msgid "When enabled tool paths are corrected for printers with smooth motion planners. Small movements that deviate from the general tool path direction are smoothed to improve fluid motions."
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Shift Distance"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance description"
+msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Small Distance"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance description"
+msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Angle"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle description"
+msgid "If a toolpath-segment deviates more than this angle from the general motion it is smoothed."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "blackmagic label"
 msgid "Special Modes"
 msgstr ""

+ 46 - 6

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 5.1\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-08 16:32+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 17:04+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-15 11:17+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
 "Language-Team: Finnish\n"
@@ -182,10 +182,6 @@ msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall description"
 msgid "Always retract when moving to start an outer wall."
 msgstr "Vedä aina takaisin, kun siirrytään ulkoseinämän aloittamista varten."
-msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
-msgid "Amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes."
-msgstr ""
 msgctxt "xy_offset description"
 msgid "Amount of offset applied to all polygons in each layer. Positive values can compensate for too big holes; negative values can compensate for too small holes."
 msgstr "Kaikkia monikulmioita kussakin kerroksessa koskeva siirtymien määrä. Positiivisilla arvoilla kompensoidaan liian suuria aukkoja ja negatiivisilla arvoilla kompensoidaan liian pieniä aukkoja."
@@ -782,6 +778,14 @@ msgctxt "support_xy_distance description"
 msgid "Distance of the support structure from the print in the X/Y directions."
 msgstr "Tukirakenteen etäisyys tulosteesta X-/Y-suunnissa."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance description"
+msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance description"
+msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "min_infill_area description"
 msgid "Don't generate areas of infill smaller than this (use skin instead)."
 msgstr "Älä muodosta tätä pienempiä täyttöalueita (käytä sen sijaan pintakalvoa)."
@@ -830,6 +834,10 @@ msgctxt "draft_shield_enabled label"
 msgid "Enable Draft Shield"
 msgstr "Ota vetosuojus käyttöön"
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled label"
+msgid "Enable Fluid Motion"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "ironing_enabled label"
 msgid "Enable Ironing"
 msgstr "Ota silitys käyttöön"
@@ -890,6 +898,10 @@ msgctxt "ooze_shield_enabled description"
 msgid "Enable exterior ooze shield. This will create a shell around the model which is likely to wipe a second nozzle if it's at the same height as the first nozzle."
 msgstr "Ottaa ulkoisen tihkusuojuksen käyttöön. Tämä luo mallin ympärille kuoren, joka pyyhkii todennäköisesti toisen suuttimen, jos se on samalla korkeudella kuin ensimmäinen suutin."
+msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface description"
+msgid "Enable small (up to 'Small Top/Bottom Width') regions on the topmost skinned layer (exposed to air) to be filled with walls instead of the default pattern."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "jerk_enabled description"
 msgid "Enables adjusting the jerk of print head when the velocity in the X or Y axis changes. Increasing the jerk can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality."
 msgstr "Ottaa tulostuspään nykäisyn säädön käyttöön X- tai Y-akselin nopeuden muuttuessa. Nykäisyn suurentaminen saattaa vähentää tulostusaikaa tulostuslaadun kustannuksella."
@@ -1102,6 +1114,18 @@ msgctxt "material_flow description"
 msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
 msgstr "Virtauksen kompensointi: pursotetun materiaalin määrä kerrotaan tällä arvolla."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Angle"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Shift Distance"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Small Distance"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "material_flush_purge_length label"
 msgid "Flush Purge Length"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1386,6 +1410,10 @@ msgctxt "bridge_skin_support_threshold description"
 msgid "If a skin region is supported for less than this percentage of its area, print it using the bridge settings. Otherwise it is printed using the normal skin settings."
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle description"
+msgid "If a toolpath-segment deviates more than this angle from the general motion it is smoothed."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "bridge_enable_more_layers description"
 msgid "If enabled, the second and third layers above the air are printed using the following settings. Otherwise, those layers are printed using the normal settings."
 msgstr ""
@@ -3023,6 +3051,10 @@ msgctxt "cool_min_temperature label"
 msgid "Small Layer Printing Temperature"
 msgstr "Tulostuslämpötila lopussa"
+msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface label"
+msgid "Small Top/Bottom On Surface"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "small_skin_width label"
 msgid "Small Top/Bottom Width"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3036,7 +3068,7 @@ msgid "Small features will be printed at this percentage of their normal print s
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "small_skin_width description"
-msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions."
+msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions. Off for the topmost (air-exposed) layer by default (see 'Small Top/Bottom On Surface')."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "brim_smart_ordering label"
@@ -4962,6 +4994,10 @@ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
 msgstr "Kun tarkistat tuen päällä ja alla olevaa mallia, toimi annetun korkeuden mukaisesti. Pienemmillä arvoilla viipalointi tapahtuu hitaammin, ja korkeammat arvot saattavat aiheuttaa normaalin tuen tulostumisen paikkoihin, joissa olisi pitänyt olla tukiliittymä."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled description"
+msgid "When enabled tool paths are corrected for printers with smooth motion planners. Small movements that deviate from the general tool path direction are smoothed to improve fluid motions."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "infill_enable_travel_optimization description"
 msgid "When enabled, the order in which the infill lines are printed is optimized to reduce the distance travelled. The reduction in travel time achieved very much depends on the model being sliced, infill pattern, density, etc. Note that, for some models that have many small areas of infill, the time to slice the model may be greatly increased."
 msgstr ""
@@ -4982,6 +5018,10 @@ msgctxt "hole_xy_offset_max_diameter description"
 msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is gradually applied on small holes (small holes are expanded more). When set to zero the Hole Horizontal Expansion will be applied to all holes. Holes larger than the Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter are not expanded."
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
+msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is the amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes. When this setting is enabled it can be further tuned with Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow description"
 msgid "When printing bridge skin regions, the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
 msgstr ""

+ 55 - 7

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-08 16:32+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 17:04+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE\n"
@@ -180,10 +180,6 @@ msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall description"
 msgid "Always retract when moving to start an outer wall."
 msgstr "Toujours rétracter lors du déplacement pour commencer une paroi externe."
-msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
-msgid "Amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes."
-msgstr "Le décalage appliqué à tous les trous dans chaque couche. Les valeurs positives augmentent la taille des trous ; les valeurs négatives réduisent la taille des trous."
 msgctxt "xy_offset description"
 msgid "Amount of offset applied to all polygons in each layer. Positive values can compensate for too big holes; negative values can compensate for too small holes."
 msgstr "Le décalage appliqué à tous les polygones dans chaque couche. Une valeur positive peut compenser les trous trop gros ; une valeur négative peut compenser les trous trop petits."
@@ -780,6 +776,14 @@ msgctxt "support_xy_distance description"
 msgid "Distance of the support structure from the print in the X/Y directions."
 msgstr "Distance entre le support et l'impression dans les directions X/Y."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance description"
+msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance description"
+msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "min_infill_area description"
 msgid "Don't generate areas of infill smaller than this (use skin instead)."
 msgstr "Ne pas générer de zones de remplissage plus petites que cela (utiliser plutôt une couche extérieure)"
@@ -828,6 +832,10 @@ msgctxt "draft_shield_enabled label"
 msgid "Enable Draft Shield"
 msgstr "Activer le bouclier"
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled label"
+msgid "Enable Fluid Motion"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "ironing_enabled label"
 msgid "Enable Ironing"
 msgstr "Activer l'étirage"
@@ -888,6 +896,10 @@ msgctxt "ooze_shield_enabled description"
 msgid "Enable exterior ooze shield. This will create a shell around the model which is likely to wipe a second nozzle if it's at the same height as the first nozzle."
 msgstr "Activer le bouclier de suintage extérieur. Cela créera une coque autour du modèle qui est susceptible d'essuyer une deuxième buse si celle-ci est à la même hauteur que la première buse."
+msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface description"
+msgid "Enable small (up to 'Small Top/Bottom Width') regions on the topmost skinned layer (exposed to air) to be filled with walls instead of the default pattern."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "jerk_enabled description"
 msgid "Enables adjusting the jerk of print head when the velocity in the X or Y axis changes. Increasing the jerk can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality."
 msgstr "Active le réglage de la saccade de la tête d'impression lorsque la vitesse sur l'axe X ou Y change. Augmenter les saccades peut réduire la durée d'impression au détriment de la qualité d'impression."
@@ -1100,6 +1112,18 @@ msgctxt "material_flow description"
 msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
 msgstr "Compensation du débit : la quantité de matériau extrudée est multipliée par cette valeur."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Angle"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Shift Distance"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Small Distance"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "material_flush_purge_length label"
 msgid "Flush Purge Length"
 msgstr "Longueur de la purge d'insertion"
@@ -1388,6 +1412,10 @@ msgctxt "bridge_skin_support_threshold description"
 msgid "If a skin region is supported for less than this percentage of its area, print it using the bridge settings. Otherwise it is printed using the normal skin settings."
 msgstr "Si une région de couche extérieure est supportée pour une valeur inférieure à ce pourcentage de sa surface, elle sera imprimée selon les paramètres du pont. Sinon, elle sera imprimée selon les paramètres normaux de la couche extérieure."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle description"
+msgid "If a toolpath-segment deviates more than this angle from the general motion it is smoothed."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "bridge_enable_more_layers description"
 msgid "If enabled, the second and third layers above the air are printed using the following settings. Otherwise, those layers are printed using the normal settings."
 msgstr "Si cette option est activée, les deuxième et troisième couches au-dessus de la zone d'air seront imprimées selon les paramètres suivants. Sinon, ces couches seront imprimées selon les paramètres normaux."
@@ -3024,6 +3052,10 @@ msgctxt "cool_min_temperature label"
 msgid "Small Layer Printing Temperature"
 msgstr "Température d'impression en cas de petite couche"
+msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface label"
+msgid "Small Top/Bottom On Surface"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "small_skin_width label"
 msgid "Small Top/Bottom Width"
 msgstr "Petite largeur du dessus/dessous"
@@ -3037,8 +3069,8 @@ msgid "Small features will be printed at this percentage of their normal print s
 msgstr "Les petites structures seront imprimées à ce pourcentage de la vitesse d'impression normale. Une impression plus lente peut aider à l'adhésion et à la précision."
 msgctxt "small_skin_width description"
-msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions."
-msgstr "Les petites zones du dessus/dessous sont remplies de parois au lieu du motif de dessus/dessous par défaut. Ce paramètre permet d'éviter les mouvements saccadés."
+msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions. Off for the topmost (air-exposed) layer by default (see 'Small Top/Bottom On Surface')."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "brim_smart_ordering label"
 msgid "Smart Brim"
@@ -4960,6 +4992,10 @@ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
 msgstr "Lors de la vérification de l'emplacement d'un modèle au-dessus et en-dessous du support, effectuer des étapes de la hauteur définie. Des valeurs plus faibles découperont plus lentement, tandis que des valeurs plus élevées peuvent causer l'impression d'un support normal à des endroits où il devrait y avoir une interface de support."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled description"
+msgid "When enabled tool paths are corrected for printers with smooth motion planners. Small movements that deviate from the general tool path direction are smoothed to improve fluid motions."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "infill_enable_travel_optimization description"
 msgid "When enabled, the order in which the infill lines are printed is optimized to reduce the distance travelled. The reduction in travel time achieved very much depends on the model being sliced, infill pattern, density, etc. Note that, for some models that have many small areas of infill, the time to slice the model may be greatly increased."
 msgstr "Lorsque cette option est activée, l'ordre dans lequel les lignes de remplissage sont imprimées est optimisé pour réduire la distance parcourue. La réduction du temps de parcours dépend en grande partie du modèle à découper, du type de remplissage, de la densité, etc. Remarque : pour certains modèles possédant beaucoup de petites zones de remplissage, le temps de découpe du modèle peut en être considérablement augmenté."
@@ -4980,6 +5016,10 @@ msgctxt "hole_xy_offset_max_diameter description"
 msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is gradually applied on small holes (small holes are expanded more). When set to zero the Hole Horizontal Expansion will be applied to all holes. Holes larger than the Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter are not expanded."
 msgstr "Lorsque le diamètre est supérieur à zéro, l'expansion horizontale des trous est progressivement appliquée aux petits trous (ces derniers sont élargis). Lorsque le diamètre est défini sur zéro, l'expansion horizontale des trous est appliquée à tous les trous. Les trous dont le diamètre est supérieur au diamètre maximal défini pour l'expansion horizontale des trous ne sont pas élargis."
+msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
+msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is the amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes. When this setting is enabled it can be further tuned with Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow description"
 msgid "When printing bridge skin regions, the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
 msgstr "Lors de l'impression des régions de la couche extérieure du pont, la quantité de matériau extrudé est multipliée par cette valeur."
@@ -5344,6 +5384,10 @@ msgctxt "travel description"
 msgid "travel"
 msgstr "déplacement"
+#~ msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
+#~ msgid "Amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes."
+#~ msgstr "Le décalage appliqué à tous les trous dans chaque couche. Les valeurs positives augmentent la taille des trous ; les valeurs négatives réduisent la taille des trous."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option compensate"
 #~ msgid "Compensate"
 #~ msgstr "Compenser"
@@ -5420,6 +5464,10 @@ msgstr "déplacement"
 #~ msgid "Retract"
 #~ msgstr "Rétraction"
+#~ msgctxt "small_skin_width description"
+#~ msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions."
+#~ msgstr "Les petites zones du dessus/dessous sont remplies de parois au lieu du motif de dessus/dessous par défaut. Ce paramètre permet d'éviter les mouvements saccadés."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed description"
 #~ msgid "Speed at which the nozzle moves when extruding material. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "Vitesse à laquelle la buse se déplace lorsqu’elle extrude du matériau. Uniquement applicable à l'impression filaire."

+ 46 - 6

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 5.1\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-08 16:32+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 17:04+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-03-24 09:43+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Nagy Attila <>\n"
 "Language-Team: AT-VLOG\n"
@@ -185,10 +185,6 @@ msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall description"
 msgid "Always retract when moving to start an outer wall."
 msgstr "Minden esetben, mikor a külső fal nyomtatása fog történni, a pozicionáláskor szál visszahúzás fog történni."
-msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
-msgid "Amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes."
-msgstr ""
 msgctxt "xy_offset description"
 msgid "Amount of offset applied to all polygons in each layer. Positive values can compensate for too big holes; negative values can compensate for too small holes."
 msgstr "Az egyes rétegek sokszögeire alkalmazott bővítés mennyisége. A pozitív értékek kompenzálhatják a túl nagy lyukakat, míg a negatív értékek a túl kicsi lyukakat képesek kompenzálni."
@@ -785,6 +781,14 @@ msgctxt "support_xy_distance description"
 msgid "Distance of the support structure from the print in the X/Y directions."
 msgstr "A támasz szerkezete és a nyomtatvány közötti távolság X/Y irányban."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance description"
+msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance description"
+msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "min_infill_area description"
 msgid "Don't generate areas of infill smaller than this (use skin instead)."
 msgstr "Az ettől kisebb területekre nem generál kitöltést."
@@ -833,6 +837,10 @@ msgctxt "draft_shield_enabled label"
 msgid "Enable Draft Shield"
 msgstr "Huzatpajzs engedélyezése"
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled label"
+msgid "Enable Fluid Motion"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "ironing_enabled label"
 msgid "Enable Ironing"
 msgstr "Vasalás engedélyezés"
@@ -893,6 +901,10 @@ msgctxt "ooze_shield_enabled description"
 msgid "Enable exterior ooze shield. This will create a shell around the model which is likely to wipe a second nozzle if it's at the same height as the first nozzle."
 msgstr "Engedélyezi a szivárgáspajzsot. Ez létrehoz egy héjat a modell körül, úgy, hogy az nem ér a modellhez, azonban a fej visszaálláskor, az esetlegesen fúvókából kicsöppenő anyagmaradványokat 'letörli' ebben a héjban."
+msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface description"
+msgid "Enable small (up to 'Small Top/Bottom Width') regions on the topmost skinned layer (exposed to air) to be filled with walls instead of the default pattern."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "jerk_enabled description"
 msgid "Enables adjusting the jerk of print head when the velocity in the X or Y axis changes. Increasing the jerk can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality."
 msgstr "Engedéylezi a nyomtatófej X és Y tengelyen való löketének (sebesség) változásának vezérlését. Ha a löketet növeljük, az csökkenti a nyomtatási időt a minőség terhére."
@@ -1105,6 +1117,18 @@ msgctxt "material_flow description"
 msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
 msgstr "Áramláskompenzáció: az extrudált anyag mennyiségét megszorozzuk ezzel az értékkel."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Angle"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Shift Distance"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Small Distance"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "material_flush_purge_length label"
 msgid "Flush Purge Length"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1393,6 +1417,10 @@ msgctxt "bridge_skin_support_threshold description"
 msgid "If a skin region is supported for less than this percentage of its area, print it using the bridge settings. Otherwise it is printed using the normal skin settings."
 msgstr "Ha a felületi régió területe kevesebb, mint ez a megadott százalékos érték, nyomtassa a híd beállításokkal, egyébként normál felületi beállításokkal nyomtasson."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle description"
+msgid "If a toolpath-segment deviates more than this angle from the general motion it is smoothed."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "bridge_enable_more_layers description"
 msgid "If enabled, the second and third layers above the air are printed using the following settings. Otherwise, those layers are printed using the normal settings."
 msgstr "Ha engedélyezve van ez az opció, akkor a híd második és harmadik rétegét is a híd beállításával nyomtatja ki. Egyébként ezek a rétgeke már a normál beállítással nyomtatódnának ki."
@@ -3030,6 +3058,10 @@ msgctxt "cool_min_temperature label"
 msgid "Small Layer Printing Temperature"
 msgstr "Befejező nyomtatási hőmérséklet"
+msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface label"
+msgid "Small Top/Bottom On Surface"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "small_skin_width label"
 msgid "Small Top/Bottom Width"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3043,7 +3075,7 @@ msgid "Small features will be printed at this percentage of their normal print s
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "small_skin_width description"
-msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions."
+msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions. Off for the topmost (air-exposed) layer by default (see 'Small Top/Bottom On Surface')."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "brim_smart_ordering label"
@@ -4974,6 +5006,10 @@ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
 msgstr "Amikor a szeletelő ellenőrzi, hogy hol tart a támasz a modell alatt vagy fölött, szükség esetén a megadott magasságú lépéseket teszi meg. Az alacsonyabb értékek lassabb szeleteést okoznak, míg a magasabb érték a normál támasz kinyomtatását eredményezhetik olyan helyeken, ahol támasz interfészt kellene nyomtatni."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled description"
+msgid "When enabled tool paths are corrected for printers with smooth motion planners. Small movements that deviate from the general tool path direction are smoothed to improve fluid motions."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "infill_enable_travel_optimization description"
 msgid "When enabled, the order in which the infill lines are printed is optimized to reduce the distance travelled. The reduction in travel time achieved very much depends on the model being sliced, infill pattern, density, etc. Note that, for some models that have many small areas of infill, the time to slice the model may be greatly increased."
 msgstr "Ha engedélyezve van, a kitöltési sorok nyomtatási sorrendje optimalizálódik a megtett távolság csökkentése érdekében. Az elért utazási idő csökkentése nagymértékben függ a szeletelt modelltől, a kitöltési mintától, a sűrűségtől stb. Vegye figyelembe, hogy egyes modellek esetében, amelyeknek sok kis kitöltési területe van, a modell szeletelésének ideje jelentősen megnőhet."
@@ -4994,6 +5030,10 @@ msgctxt "hole_xy_offset_max_diameter description"
 msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is gradually applied on small holes (small holes are expanded more). When set to zero the Hole Horizontal Expansion will be applied to all holes. Holes larger than the Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter are not expanded."
 msgstr ""
+msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
+msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is the amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes. When this setting is enabled it can be further tuned with Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow description"
 msgid "When printing bridge skin regions, the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
 msgstr "A hídfelszínek nyomtatásakor az extrudált anyagmennyiséget meg kell szorozni ezzel az értékkel."

+ 55 - 7

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-08 16:32+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 17:04+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE\n"
@@ -180,10 +180,6 @@ msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall description"
 msgid "Always retract when moving to start an outer wall."
 msgstr "Arretra sempre quando si sposta per iniziare una parete esterna."
-msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
-msgid "Amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes."
-msgstr "Entità di offset applicato a tutti i fori di ciascuno strato. Valori positivi aumentano le dimensioni dei fori, mentre valori negativi le riducono."
 msgctxt "xy_offset description"
 msgid "Amount of offset applied to all polygons in each layer. Positive values can compensate for too big holes; negative values can compensate for too small holes."
 msgstr "Determina l'entità di offset (o estensione dello strato) applicata a tutti i poligoni su ciascuno strato. I valori positivi possono compensare fori troppo estesi; i valori negativi possono compensare fori troppo piccoli."
@@ -780,6 +776,14 @@ msgctxt "support_xy_distance description"
 msgid "Distance of the support structure from the print in the X/Y directions."
 msgstr "Indica la distanza della struttura di supporto dalla stampa, nelle direzioni X/Y."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance description"
+msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance description"
+msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "min_infill_area description"
 msgid "Don't generate areas of infill smaller than this (use skin instead)."
 msgstr "Non generare aree di riempimento inferiori a questa (piuttosto usare il rivestimento esterno)."
@@ -828,6 +832,10 @@ msgctxt "draft_shield_enabled label"
 msgid "Enable Draft Shield"
 msgstr "Abilitazione del riparo paravento"
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled label"
+msgid "Enable Fluid Motion"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "ironing_enabled label"
 msgid "Enable Ironing"
 msgstr "Abilita stiratura"
@@ -888,6 +896,10 @@ msgctxt "ooze_shield_enabled description"
 msgid "Enable exterior ooze shield. This will create a shell around the model which is likely to wipe a second nozzle if it's at the same height as the first nozzle."
 msgstr "Abilita il riparo esterno del materiale fuoriuscito. Questo crea un guscio intorno al modello per pulitura con un secondo ugello, se è alla stessa altezza del primo ugello."
+msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface description"
+msgid "Enable small (up to 'Small Top/Bottom Width') regions on the topmost skinned layer (exposed to air) to be filled with walls instead of the default pattern."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "jerk_enabled description"
 msgid "Enables adjusting the jerk of print head when the velocity in the X or Y axis changes. Increasing the jerk can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality."
 msgstr "Abilita la regolazione del jerk della testina di stampa quando la velocità nell’asse X o Y cambia. Aumentando il jerk il tempo di stampa si riduce a discapito della qualità di stampa."
@@ -1100,6 +1112,18 @@ msgctxt "material_flow description"
 msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
 msgstr "Determina la compensazione del flusso: la quantità di materiale estruso viene moltiplicata per questo valore."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Angle"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Shift Distance"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Small Distance"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "material_flush_purge_length label"
 msgid "Flush Purge Length"
 msgstr "Lunghezza di svuotamento dello scarico"
@@ -1388,6 +1412,10 @@ msgctxt "bridge_skin_support_threshold description"
 msgid "If a skin region is supported for less than this percentage of its area, print it using the bridge settings. Otherwise it is printed using the normal skin settings."
 msgstr "Se una zona di rivestimento esterno è supportata per meno di questa percentuale della sua area, effettuare la stampa utilizzando le impostazioni ponte. In caso contrario viene stampata utilizzando le normali impostazioni rivestimento esterno."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle description"
+msgid "If a toolpath-segment deviates more than this angle from the general motion it is smoothed."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "bridge_enable_more_layers description"
 msgid "If enabled, the second and third layers above the air are printed using the following settings. Otherwise, those layers are printed using the normal settings."
 msgstr "Se abilitata, il secondo e il terzo strato sopra l’aria vengono stampati utilizzando le seguenti impostazioni. In caso contrario, questi strati vengono stampati utilizzando le impostazioni normali."
@@ -3024,6 +3052,10 @@ msgctxt "cool_min_temperature label"
 msgid "Small Layer Printing Temperature"
 msgstr "Temperatura di stampa per piccoli strati"
+msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface label"
+msgid "Small Top/Bottom On Surface"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "small_skin_width label"
 msgid "Small Top/Bottom Width"
 msgstr "Larghezza superiore e inferiore delle regioni più piccole"
@@ -3037,8 +3069,8 @@ msgid "Small features will be printed at this percentage of their normal print s
 msgstr "I dettagli di piccole dimensioni verranno stampati a questa percentuale della velocità di stampa normale. Una stampa più lenta può aiutare in termini di adesione e precisione."
 msgctxt "small_skin_width description"
-msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions."
-msgstr "Le regioni più piccole superiori e inferiori vengono riempite con pareti invece che con la configurazione superiore e inferiore predefinita, evitando movimenti a scatti."
+msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions. Off for the topmost (air-exposed) layer by default (see 'Small Top/Bottom On Surface')."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "brim_smart_ordering label"
 msgid "Smart Brim"
@@ -4960,6 +4992,10 @@ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
 msgstr "Quando si controlla dove si trova il modello sopra e sotto il supporto, procedere ad intervalli di altezza prestabilita. Valori inferiori causeranno un sezionamento più lento, mentre valori più alti potrebbero causare la stampa del supporto normale in alcuni punti in cui dovrebbe esserci un'interfaccia di supporto."
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled description"
+msgid "When enabled tool paths are corrected for printers with smooth motion planners. Small movements that deviate from the general tool path direction are smoothed to improve fluid motions."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "infill_enable_travel_optimization description"
 msgid "When enabled, the order in which the infill lines are printed is optimized to reduce the distance travelled. The reduction in travel time achieved very much depends on the model being sliced, infill pattern, density, etc. Note that, for some models that have many small areas of infill, the time to slice the model may be greatly increased."
 msgstr "Quando abilitato, l’ordine di stampa delle linee di riempimento viene ottimizzato per ridurre la distanza percorsa. La riduzione del tempo di spostamento ottenuta dipende in particolare dal modello sezionato, dalla configurazione di riempimento, dalla densità, ecc. Si noti che, per alcuni modelli che hanno piccole aree di riempimento, il tempo di sezionamento del modello può aumentare notevolmente."
@@ -4980,6 +5016,10 @@ msgctxt "hole_xy_offset_max_diameter description"
 msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is gradually applied on small holes (small holes are expanded more). When set to zero the Hole Horizontal Expansion will be applied to all holes. Holes larger than the Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter are not expanded."
 msgstr "Quando è maggiore di zero, l'Espansione orizzontale dei fori viene applicata gradualmente sui fori piccoli (i fori piccoli vengono espansi maggiormente). Quando l'opzione è impostata su zero, l'espansione orizzontale sarà applicata a tutti i fori. I fori più grandi del diametro massimo di espansione orizzontale non saranno espansi."
+msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
+msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is the amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes. When this setting is enabled it can be further tuned with Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow description"
 msgid "When printing bridge skin regions, the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
 msgstr "Quando si stampano le zone di rivestimento esterno ponte, la quantità di materiale estruso viene moltiplicata per questo valore."
@@ -5344,6 +5384,10 @@ msgctxt "travel description"
 msgid "travel"
 msgstr "spostamenti"
+#~ msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
+#~ msgid "Amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes."
+#~ msgstr "Entità di offset applicato a tutti i fori di ciascuno strato. Valori positivi aumentano le dimensioni dei fori, mentre valori negativi le riducono."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option compensate"
 #~ msgid "Compensate"
 #~ msgstr "Compensazione"
@@ -5420,6 +5464,10 @@ msgstr "spostamenti"
 #~ msgid "Retract"
 #~ msgstr "Retrazione"
+#~ msgctxt "small_skin_width description"
+#~ msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions."
+#~ msgstr "Le regioni più piccole superiori e inferiori vengono riempite con pareti invece che con la configurazione superiore e inferiore predefinita, evitando movimenti a scatti."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed description"
 #~ msgid "Speed at which the nozzle moves when extruding material. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "Indica la velocità a cui l'ugello si muove durante l'estrusione del materiale. Applicabile solo alla funzione Wire Printing."

+ 55 - 7

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-08 16:32+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 17:04+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE\n"
@@ -180,10 +180,6 @@ msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall description"
 msgid "Always retract when moving to start an outer wall."
 msgstr "移動して外側のウォールをプリントする際、毎回引き戻しをします。"
-msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
-msgid "Amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes."
-msgstr "各穴のすべてのポリゴンに適用されるオフセットの量。正の値は穴のサイズを大きくします。負の値は穴のサイズを小さくします。"
 msgctxt "xy_offset description"
 msgid "Amount of offset applied to all polygons in each layer. Positive values can compensate for too big holes; negative values can compensate for too small holes."
 msgstr "各レイヤーのすべてのポリゴンに適用されるオフセットの量。正の値は大きすぎる穴を補うことができます。負の値は小さすぎる穴を補うことができます。"
@@ -780,6 +776,14 @@ msgctxt "support_xy_distance description"
 msgid "Distance of the support structure from the print in the X/Y directions."
 msgstr "印刷物からX/Y方向へのサポート材との距離。"
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance description"
+msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance description"
+msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "min_infill_area description"
 msgid "Don't generate areas of infill smaller than this (use skin instead)."
 msgstr "これより小さいインフィルの領域を生成しないでください (代わりにスキンを使用してください)。"
@@ -828,6 +832,10 @@ msgctxt "draft_shield_enabled label"
 msgid "Enable Draft Shield"
 msgstr "ドラフトシールドを有効にする"
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled label"
+msgid "Enable Fluid Motion"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "ironing_enabled label"
 msgid "Enable Ironing"
 msgstr "アイロン有効"
@@ -888,6 +896,10 @@ msgctxt "ooze_shield_enabled description"
 msgid "Enable exterior ooze shield. This will create a shell around the model which is likely to wipe a second nozzle if it's at the same height as the first nozzle."
 msgstr "モデルの周りに壁(ooze shield)を作る。これを生成することで、一つ目のノズルの高さと2つ目のノズルが同じ高さであったとき、2つ目のノズルを綺麗にします。"
+msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface description"
+msgid "Enable small (up to 'Small Top/Bottom Width') regions on the topmost skinned layer (exposed to air) to be filled with walls instead of the default pattern."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "jerk_enabled description"
 msgid "Enables adjusting the jerk of print head when the velocity in the X or Y axis changes. Increasing the jerk can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality."
 msgstr "X または Y 軸の速度が変更する際、プリントヘッドのジャークを調整することができます。ジャークを増やすことは、印刷時間を短縮できますがプリントの質を損ねます。"
@@ -1100,6 +1112,18 @@ msgctxt "material_flow description"
 msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
 msgstr "流れの補修: 押出されるマテリアルの量は、この値から乗算されます。"
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Angle"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Shift Distance"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance label"
+msgid "Fluid Motion Small Distance"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "material_flush_purge_length label"
 msgid "Flush Purge Length"
 msgstr "フラッシュパージ長さ"
@@ -1388,6 +1412,10 @@ msgctxt "bridge_skin_support_threshold description"
 msgid "If a skin region is supported for less than this percentage of its area, print it using the bridge settings. Otherwise it is printed using the normal skin settings."
 msgstr "対象領域に対してこのパーセンテージ未満のスキン領域がサポートされている場合、ブリッジ設定で印刷します。それ以外の場合は、通常のスキン設定で印刷します。"
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle description"
+msgid "If a toolpath-segment deviates more than this angle from the general motion it is smoothed."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "bridge_enable_more_layers description"
 msgid "If enabled, the second and third layers above the air are printed using the following settings. Otherwise, those layers are printed using the normal settings."
 msgstr "有効な場合、空気上部の第二および第三レイヤーは以下の設定で印刷されます。それ以外の場合は、それらのレイヤーは通常の設定で印刷されます。"
@@ -3026,6 +3054,10 @@ msgctxt "cool_min_temperature label"
 msgid "Small Layer Printing Temperature"
 msgstr "小さいレイヤーのプリント温度"
+msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface label"
+msgid "Small Top/Bottom On Surface"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "small_skin_width label"
 msgid "Small Top/Bottom Width"
 msgstr "小さい上下幅"
@@ -3039,8 +3071,8 @@ msgid "Small features will be printed at this percentage of their normal print s
 msgstr "小型形体は通常のプリント速度に対してこの割合でプリントされます。低速でプリントすると、接着と精度が向上します。"
 msgctxt "small_skin_width description"
-msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions."
-msgstr "小さい上下領域が、デフォルトの上下パターンではなく、ウォールで埋められます。これにより、不安定な動きを回避することができます。"
+msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions. Off for the topmost (air-exposed) layer by default (see 'Small Top/Bottom On Surface')."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "brim_smart_ordering label"
 msgid "Smart Brim"
@@ -4964,6 +4996,10 @@ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
 msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
 msgstr "サポートの上下にモデルがあるかどうか確認するには、特定のサポートの高さを見ます。低い値はスライスに時間がかかり、高い値にするとサポートのインターフェイスがある場所に通常のサポートを印刷する可能性があります。"
+msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled description"
+msgid "When enabled tool paths are corrected for printers with smooth motion planners. Small movements that deviate from the general tool path direction are smoothed to improve fluid motions."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "infill_enable_travel_optimization description"
 msgid "When enabled, the order in which the infill lines are printed is optimized to reduce the distance travelled. The reduction in travel time achieved very much depends on the model being sliced, infill pattern, density, etc. Note that, for some models that have many small areas of infill, the time to slice the model may be greatly increased."
 msgstr "有効化すると、移動距離が減少するようにインフィルラインをプリントする順序が最適化されます。移動時間の削減は、スライスするモデル、インフィルパターン、密度などに大きく依存します。特に、インフィルを行う小さなエリアが多数あるモデルの場合、モデルをスライスする時間が大きく増えることがあります。"
@@ -4984,6 +5020,10 @@ msgctxt "hole_xy_offset_max_diameter description"
 msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is gradually applied on small holes (small holes are expanded more). When set to zero the Hole Horizontal Expansion will be applied to all holes. Holes larger than the Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter are not expanded."
 msgstr "0より大きい場合、穴の水平展開が小さい穴に対して徐々に適用されます(小さい穴はさらに展開されます)。0に設定すると、すべての穴に穴の水平展開が適用されます。穴の水平展開の最大直径より大きい穴は展開されません。"
+msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
+msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is the amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes. When this setting is enabled it can be further tuned with Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow description"
 msgid "When printing bridge skin regions, the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
 msgstr "ブリッジスキン領域を印刷するときは、材料の吐出量をこの値で乗算します。"
@@ -5348,6 +5388,10 @@ msgctxt "travel description"
 msgid "travel"
 msgstr "移動"
+#~ msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
+#~ msgid "Amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes."
+#~ msgstr "各穴のすべてのポリゴンに適用されるオフセットの量。正の値は穴のサイズを大きくします。負の値は穴のサイズを小さくします。"
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option compensate"
 #~ msgid "Compensate"
 #~ msgstr "補正"
@@ -5422,6 +5466,10 @@ msgstr "移動"
 #~ msgid "Retract"
 #~ msgstr "引き戻し"
+#~ msgctxt "small_skin_width description"
+#~ msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions."
+#~ msgstr "小さい上下領域が、デフォルトの上下パターンではなく、ウォールで埋められます。これにより、不安定な動きを回避することができます。"
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed description"
 #~ msgid "Speed at which the nozzle moves when extruding material. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "マテリアルを押し出すときにノズルが動く速度。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"

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