@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-# Cura PostProcessingPlugin
-# Author: Mathias Lyngklip Kjeldgaard, Alexander Gee, Kimmo Toivanen, Inigo Martinez
-# Date: July 31, 2019
-# Modified: Nov 30, 2021
-# Description: This plugin displays progress on the LCD. It can output the estimated time remaining and the completion percentage.
-from ..Script import Script
-import re
-import datetime
-class DisplayProgressOnLCD(Script):
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__()
- def getSettingDataString(self):
- return """{
- "name": "Display Progress On LCD",
- "key": "DisplayProgressOnLCD",
- "metadata": {},
- "version": 2,
- "settings":
- {
- "time_remaining":
- {
- "label": "Time Remaining",
- "description": "Select to write remaining time to the display.Select to write remaining time on the display using M117 status line message (almost all printers) or using M73 command (Prusa and Marlin 2 if enabled).",
- "type": "bool",
- "default_value": false
- },
- "time_remaining_method":
- {
- "label": "Time Reporting Method",
- "description": "How should remaining time be shown on the display? It could use a generic message command (M117, almost all printers), or a specialised time remaining command (M73, Prusa and Marlin 2).",
- "type": "enum",
- "options": {
- "m117":"M117 - All printers",
- "m73":"M73 - Prusa, Marlin 2",
- "m118":"M118 - Octoprint"
- },
- "enabled": "time_remaining",
- "default_value": "m117"
- },
- "update_frequency":
- {
- "label": "Update frequency",
- "description": "Update remaining time for every layer or periodically every minute or faster.",
- "type": "enum",
- "options": {"0":"Every layer","15":"Every 15 seconds","30":"Every 30 seconds","60":"Every minute"},
- "default_value": "0",
- "enabled": "time_remaining"
- },
- "percentage":
- {
- "label": "Percentage",
- "description": "When enabled, set the completion bar percentage on the LCD using Marlin's M73 command.",
- "type": "bool",
- "default_value": false
- }
- }
- }"""
- # Get the time value from a line as a float.
- # Example line ;TIME_ELAPSED:1234.6789 or ;TIME:1337
- def getTimeValue(self, line):
- list_split = re.split(":", line) # Split at ":" so we can get the numerical value
- return float(list_split[1]) # Convert the numerical portion to a float
- def outputTime(self, lines, line_index, time_left, mode):
- # Do some math to get the time left in seconds into the right format. (HH,MM,SS)
- time_left = max(time_left, 0)
- m, s = divmod(time_left, 60)
- h, m = divmod(m, 60)
- # Create the string
- if mode == "m117":
- current_time_string = "{:d}h{:02d}m{:02d}s".format(int(h), int(m), int(s))
- # And now insert that into the GCODE
- lines.insert(line_index, "M117 Time Left {}".format(current_time_string))
- elif mode == "m118":
- current_time_string = "{:d}h{:02d}m{:02d}s".format(int(h), int(m), int(s))
- # And now insert that into the GCODE
- lines.insert(line_index, "M118 A1 P0 action:notification Time Left {}".format(current_time_string))
- else:
- mins = int(60 * h + m + s / 30)
- lines.insert(line_index, "M73 R{}".format(mins))
- def execute(self, data):
- output_time = self.getSettingValueByKey("time_remaining")
- output_time_method = self.getSettingValueByKey("time_remaining_method")
- output_frequency = int(self.getSettingValueByKey("update_frequency"))
- output_percentage = self.getSettingValueByKey("percentage")
- line_set = {}
- if output_percentage or output_time:
- total_time = -1
- previous_layer_end_percentage = 0
- previous_layer_end_time = 0
- for layer in data:
- layer_index = data.index(layer)
- lines = layer.split("\n")
- for line in lines:
- if (line.startswith(";TIME:") or line.startswith(";PRINT.TIME:")) and total_time == -1:
- # This line represents the total time required to print the gcode
- total_time = self.getTimeValue(line)
- line_index = lines.index(line)
- # In the beginning we may have 2 M73 lines, but it makes logic less complicated
- if output_time:
- self.outputTime(lines, line_index, total_time, output_time_method)
- if output_percentage:
- # Emit 0 percent to sure Marlin knows we are overriding the completion percentage
- if output_time_method == "m118":
- lines.insert(line_index, "M118 A1 P0 action:notification Data Left 0/100")
- else:
- lines.insert(line_index, "M73 P0")
- elif line.startswith(";TIME_ELAPSED:"):
- # We've found one of the time elapsed values which are added at the end of layers
- # If we have seen this line before then skip processing it. We can see lines multiple times because we are adding
- # intermediate percentages before the line being processed. This can cause the current line to shift back and be
- # encountered more than once
- if line in line_set:
- continue
- line_set[line] = True
- # If total_time was not already found then noop
- if total_time == -1:
- continue
- current_time = self.getTimeValue(line)
- line_index = lines.index(line)
- if output_time:
- if output_frequency == 0:
- # Here we calculate remaining time
- self.outputTime(lines, line_index, total_time - current_time, output_time_method)
- else:
- # Here we calculate remaining time and how many outputs are expected for the layer
- layer_time_delta = int(current_time - previous_layer_end_time)
- layer_step_delta = int((current_time - previous_layer_end_time) / output_frequency)
- # If this layer represents less than 1 step then we don't need to emit anything, continue to the next layer
- if layer_step_delta != 0:
- # Grab the index of the current line and figure out how many lines represent one second
- step = line_index / layer_time_delta
- # Move new lines further as we add new lines above it
- lines_added = 1
- # Run through layer in seconds
- for seconds in range(1, layer_time_delta + 1):
- # Time from start to decide when to update
- line_time = int(previous_layer_end_time + seconds)
- # Output every X seconds and after last layer
- if line_time % output_frequency == 0 or line_time == total_time:
- # Line to add the output
- time_line_index = int((seconds * step) + lines_added)
- # Insert remaining time into the GCODE
- self.outputTime(lines, time_line_index, total_time - line_time, output_time_method)
- # Next line will be again lower
- lines_added = lines_added + 1
- previous_layer_end_time = int(current_time)
- if output_percentage:
- # Calculate percentage value this layer ends at
- layer_end_percentage = int((current_time / total_time) * 100)
- # Figure out how many percent of the total time is spent in this layer
- layer_percentage_delta = layer_end_percentage - previous_layer_end_percentage
- # If this layer represents less than 1 percent then we don't need to emit anything, continue to the next layer
- if layer_percentage_delta != 0:
- # Grab the index of the current line and figure out how many lines represent one percent
- step = line_index / layer_percentage_delta
- for percentage in range(1, layer_percentage_delta + 1):
- # We add the percentage value here as while processing prior lines we will have inserted
- # percentage lines before the current one. Failing to do this will upset the spacing
- percentage_line_index = int((percentage * step) + percentage)
- # Due to integer truncation of the total time value in the gcode the percentage we
- # calculate may slightly exceed 100, as that is not valid we cap the value here
- output = min(percentage + previous_layer_end_percentage, 100)
- # Now insert the sanitized percentage into the GCODE
- if output_time_method == "m118":
- lines.insert(percentage_line_index, "M118 A1 P0 action:notification Data Left {}/100".format(output))
- else:
- lines.insert(percentage_line_index, "M73 P{}".format(output))
- previous_layer_end_percentage = layer_end_percentage
- # Join up the lines for this layer again and store them in the data array
- data[layer_index] = "\n".join(lines)
- return data