@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
# Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
+from UM.Logger import Logger
from UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer import DefinitionContainer
from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer
from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
@@ -53,48 +55,48 @@ class CuraStackBuilder:
cls.__registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
stack = ExtruderStack(new_stack_id)
+ stack.setDefinition(definition)
+ stack.addMetaDataEntry("position", definition.getMetaDataEntry("position"))
user_container = InstanceContainer(new_stack_id + "_user")
user_container.addMetaDataEntry("type", "user")
- user_container.addMetaDataEntry("machine", new_stack_id)
+ user_container.addMetaDataEntry("extruder", new_stack_id)
- if "quality_changes" in kwargs:
- stack.setQualityChangesById(kwargs["quality_changes"])
- if "quality" in kwargs:
- stack.setQualityById(kwargs["quality"])
+ if "next_stack" in kwargs:
+ stack.setNextStack(kwargs["next_stack"])
- if "material" in kwargs:
- stack.setMaterialById(kwargs["material"])
+ # Important! The order here matters, because that allows functions like __setStackQuality to
+ # assume the material and variant have already been set.
+ if "definition_changes" in kwargs:
+ stack.setDefinitionChangesById(kwargs["definition_changes"])
if "variant" in kwargs:
- stack.setVariantById(kwargs["variant"])
+ cls.__setStackVariant(stack, kwargs["variant"])
- if "definition_changes" in kwargs:
- stack.setDefinitionChangesById(kwargs["definition_changes"])
+ if "material" in kwargs:
+ cls.__setStackMaterial(stack, kwargs["material"])
- if "definition" in kwargs:
- stack.setDefinitionById(kwargs["definition"])
+ if "quality" in kwargs:
+ cls.__setStackQuality(stack, kwargs["quality"])
- if "next_stack" in kwargs:
- stack.setNextStack(kwargs["next_stack"])
+ if "quality_changes" in kwargs:
+ stack.setQualityChangesById(kwargs["quality_changes"])
# Only add the created containers to the registry after we have set all the other
# properties. This makes the create operation more transactional, since any problems
# setting properties will not result in incomplete containers being added.
- registry.addContainer(stack)
- registry.addContainer(user_container)
+ cls.__registry.addContainer(stack)
+ cls.__registry.addContainer(user_container)
return stack
- @staticmethod
- def createGlobalStack(new_stack_id: str, definition: DefinitionContainer, **kwargs) -> GlobalStack:
- registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
+ @classmethod
+ def createGlobalStack(cls, new_stack_id: str, definition: DefinitionContainer, **kwargs) -> GlobalStack:
+ cls.__registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
stack = GlobalStack(new_stack_id)
user_container = InstanceContainer(new_stack_id + "_user")
@@ -104,23 +106,25 @@ class CuraStackBuilder:
- if "quality_changes" in kwargs:
- stack.setQualityChangesById(kwargs["quality_changes"])
+ # Important! The order here matters, because that allows functions like __setStackQuality to
+ # assume the material and variant have already been set.
+ if "definition_changes" in kwargs:
+ stack.setDefinitionChangesById(kwargs["definition_changes"])
- if "quality" in kwargs:
- stack.setQualityById(kwargs["quality"])
+ if "variant" in kwargs:
+ cls.__setStackVariant(stack, kwargs["variant"])
if "material" in kwargs:
- stack.setMaterialById(kwargs["material"])
+ cls.__setStackMaterial(stack, kwargs["material"])
- if "variant" in kwargs:
- stack.setVariantById(kwargs["variant"])
+ if "quality" in kwargs:
+ cls.__setStackQuality(stack, kwargs["quality"])
- if "definition_changes" in kwargs:
- stack.setDefinitionChangesById(kwargs["definition_changes"])
+ if "quality_changes" in kwargs:
+ stack.setQualityChangesById(kwargs["quality_changes"])
- registry.addContainer(stack)
- registry.addContainer(user_container)
+ cls.__registry.addContainer(stack)
+ cls.__registry.addContainer(user_container)
return stack
@@ -129,3 +133,182 @@ class CuraStackBuilder:
# re-get the container registry.
__registry = None # type: ContainerRegistry
+ @classmethod
+ def __setStackQuality(cls, stack: CuraContainerStack, quality_id: str, machine_definition: DefinitionContainer) -> None:
+ if quality_id != "default":
+ # Specific quality ID specified, so use that.
+ stack.setQualityById(quality_id)
+ return
+ quality = None
+ container_registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
+ search_criteria = { "type": "quality" }
+ if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality"):
+ search_criteria["definition"] = self.getQualityDefinitionId(definition)
+ if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials") and material_container:
+ search_criteria["material"] = material_container.id
+ else:
+ search_criteria["definition"] = "fdmprinter"
+ if preferred_quality_name and preferred_quality_name != "empty":
+ search_criteria["name"] = preferred_quality_name
+ else:
+ preferred_quality = definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_quality")
+ if preferred_quality:
+ search_criteria["id"] = preferred_quality
+ containers = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
+ if containers:
+ return containers[0]
+ if "material" in search_criteria:
+ # First check if we can solve our material not found problem by checking if we can find quality containers
+ # that are assigned to the parents of this material profile.
+ try:
+ inherited_files = material_container.getInheritedFiles()
+ except AttributeError: # Material_container does not support inheritance.
+ inherited_files = []
+ if inherited_files:
+ for inherited_file in inherited_files:
+ # Extract the ID from the path we used to load the file.
+ search_criteria["material"] = os.path.basename(inherited_file).split(".")[0]
+ containers = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
+ if containers:
+ return containers[0]
+ # We still weren't able to find a quality for this specific material.
+ # Try to find qualities for a generic version of the material.
+ material_search_criteria = { "type": "material", "material": material_container.getMetaDataEntry("material"), "color_name": "Generic"}
+ if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality"):
+ if material_container:
+ material_search_criteria["definition"] = material_container.getDefinition().id
+ if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants"):
+ material_search_criteria["variant"] = material_container.getMetaDataEntry("variant")
+ else:
+ material_search_criteria["definition"] = self.getQualityDefinitionId(definition)
+ if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants") and variant_container:
+ material_search_criteria["variant"] = self.getQualityVariantId(definition, variant_container)
+ else:
+ material_search_criteria["definition"] = "fdmprinter"
+ material_containers = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(**material_search_criteria)
+ # Try all materials to see if there is a quality profile available.
+ for material_container in material_containers:
+ search_criteria["material"] = material_container.getId()
+ containers = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
+ if containers:
+ return containers[0]
+ if "name" in search_criteria or "id" in search_criteria:
+ # If a quality by this name can not be found, try a wider set of search criteria
+ search_criteria.pop("name", None)
+ search_criteria.pop("id", None)
+ containers = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
+ if containers:
+ return containers[0]
+ # Notify user that we were unable to find a matching quality
+ message = Message(catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Unable to find a quality profile for this combination. Default settings will be used instead."))
+ message.show()
+ return self._empty_quality_container
+ @classmethod
+ def __setStackMaterial(cls, stack: CuraContainerStack, material_id: str, machine_definition: DefinitionContainer) -> None:
+ if not machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials"):
+ # Machine does not use materials, never try to set it.
+ return
+ if material_id != "default":
+ # Specific material ID specified, so use that.
+ stack.setMaterialById(material_id)
+ return
+ # If material_id is "default", find a default material to use for this stack.
+ # First add any material. Later, overwrite with preference if the preference is valid.
+ material = None
+ search_criteria = { "type": "material" }
+ if machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_materials"):
+ search_criteria["definition"] = cls.__findInstanceContainerDefinitionId(machine_definition)
+ if machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants"):
+ search_criteria["variant"] = stack.variant.id
+ else:
+ search_criteria["definition"] = "fdmprinter"
+ preferred_material = machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_material")
+ if preferred_material:
+ search_criteria["id"] = preferred_material
+ materials = cls.__registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
+ if not materials:
+ Logger.log("w", "The preferred material \"{material}\" could not be found for stack {stack}", material = preferred_material, stack = stack.id)
+ search_criteria.pop("variant", None)
+ search_criteria.pop("id", None)
+ materials = cls.__registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
+ if materials:
+ stack.setMaterial(materials[0])
+ else:
+ Logger.log("w", "Could not find a valid material for stack {stack}", stack = stack.id)
+ @classmethod
+ def __setStackVariant(cls, stack: CuraContainerStack, variant_id: str, machine_definition: DefinitionContainer) -> None:
+ if not machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants"):
+ # If the machine does not use variants, we should never set a variant.
+ return
+ if variant_id != "default":
+ # If we specify a specific variant ID, use that and do nothing else.
+ stack.setVariantById(variant_id)
+ return
+ # When the id is "default", look up the variant based on machine definition etc.
+ # First add any variant. Later, overwrite with preference if the preference is valid.
+ variant = None
+ definition_id = cls.__findInstanceContainerDefinitionId(machine_definition.id)
+ variants = cls.__registry.findInstanceContainers(definition = definition_id, type = "variant")
+ if variants:
+ variant = variants[0]
+ preferred_variant_id = machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_variant")
+ if preferred_variant_id:
+ preferred_variants = cls.__registry.findInstanceContainers(id = preferred_variant_id, definition = definition_id, type = "variant")
+ if len(preferred_variants) >= 1:
+ variant = preferred_variants[0]
+ else:
+ Logger.log("w", "The preferred variant \"{variant}\" of stack {stack} does not exist or is not a variant.", variant = preferred_variant_id, stack = stack.id)
+ # And leave it at the default variant.
+ if variant:
+ stack.setVariant(variant)
+ else:
+ Logger.log("w", "Could not find a valid default variant for stack {stack}", stack = stack.id)
+ ## Find the ID that should be used when searching for instance containers for a specified definition.
+ #
+ # This handles the situation where the definition specifies we should use a different definition when
+ # searching for instance containers.
+ #
+ # \param machine_definition The definition to find the "quality definition" for.
+ #
+ # \return The ID of the definition container to use when searching for instance containers.
+ @classmethod
+ def __findInstanceContainerDefinitionId(cls, machine_definition: DefinitionContainer) -> str:
+ quality_definition = machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("quality_definition")
+ if not quality_definition:
+ return machine_definition.id
+ definitions = cls.__registry.findDefinitionContainers(id = quality_definition)
+ if not definitions:
+ Logger.log("w", "Unable to find parent definition {parent} for machine {machine}", parent = quality_definition, machine = machine_definition.id)
+ return machine_definition.id
+ return cls.__findInstanceContainerDefinitionId(definitions[0])