@@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Ultimaker B.V.
+# Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
+from memory_profiler import profile
+from UM.Qt.QtApplication import QtApplication
+from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
+from UM.Scene.Camera import Camera
+from UM.Scene.Platform import Platform
+from UM.Math.Vector import Vector
+from UM.Math.Quaternion import Quaternion
+from UM.Math.AxisAlignedBox import AxisAlignedBox
+from UM.Resources import Resources
+from UM.Scene.ToolHandle import ToolHandle
+from UM.Scene.Iterator.DepthFirstIterator import DepthFirstIterator
+from UM.Mesh.ReadMeshJob import ReadMeshJob
+from UM.Logger import Logger
+from UM.Preferences import Preferences
+from UM.JobQueue import JobQueue
+from UM.SaveFile import SaveFile
+from UM.Scene.Selection import Selection
+from UM.Scene.GroupDecorator import GroupDecorator
+import UM.Settings.Validator
+from UM.Operations.AddSceneNodeOperation import AddSceneNodeOperation
+from UM.Operations.RemoveSceneNodeOperation import RemoveSceneNodeOperation
+from UM.Operations.GroupedOperation import GroupedOperation
+from UM.Operations.SetTransformOperation import SetTransformOperation
+from cura.SetParentOperation import SetParentOperation
+from UM.Settings.SettingDefinition import SettingDefinition, DefinitionPropertyType
+from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
+from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
+from . import ExtruderManager
+from . import ExtrudersModel
+from . import PlatformPhysics
+from . import BuildVolume
+from . import CameraAnimation
+from . import PrintInformation
+from . import CuraActions
+from . import MultiMaterialDecorator
+from . import ZOffsetDecorator
+from . import CuraSplashScreen
+from . import MachineManagerModel
+from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot, QUrl, pyqtSignal, pyqtProperty, QEvent, Q_ENUMS
+from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor, QIcon
+from PyQt5.QtQml import qmlRegisterUncreatableType, qmlRegisterSingletonType, qmlRegisterType
+import platform
+import sys
+import os.path
+import numpy
+import copy
+import urllib
+if platform.system() == "Linux": # Needed for platform.linux_distribution, which is not available on Windows and OSX
+ # For Ubuntu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-qt4/+bug/941826
+ if platform.linux_distribution()[0] in ("Ubuntu", ): # TODO: Needs a "if X11_GFX == 'nvidia'" here. The workaround is only needed on Ubuntu+NVidia drivers. Other drivers are not affected, but fine with this fix.
+ import ctypes
+ from ctypes.util import find_library
+ ctypes.CDLL(find_library('GL'), ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
+ from cura.CuraVersion import CuraVersion, CuraBuildType
+except ImportError:
+ CuraVersion = "master" # [CodeStyle: Reflecting imported value]
+ CuraBuildType = ""
+class CuraApplication(QtApplication):
+ class ResourceTypes:
+ QmlFiles = Resources.UserType + 1
+ Firmware = Resources.UserType + 2
+ QualityInstanceContainer = Resources.UserType + 3
+ MaterialInstanceContainer = Resources.UserType + 4
+ VariantInstanceContainer = Resources.UserType + 5
+ UserInstanceContainer = Resources.UserType + 6
+ MachineStack = Resources.UserType + 7
+ ExtruderStack = Resources.UserType + 8
+ Q_ENUMS(ResourceTypes)
+ def __init__(self):
+ Resources.addSearchPath(os.path.join(QtApplication.getInstallPrefix(), "share", "cura", "resources"))
+ if not hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
+ Resources.addSearchPath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "..", "resources"))
+ self._open_file_queue = [] # Files to open when plug-ins are loaded.
+ # Need to do this before ContainerRegistry tries to load the machines
+ SettingDefinition.addSupportedProperty("global_only", DefinitionPropertyType.Function, default = False)
+ SettingDefinition.addSettingType("extruder", int, str, UM.Settings.Validator)
+ super().__init__(name = "cura", version = CuraVersion, buildtype = CuraBuildType)
+ self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(Resources.getPath(Resources.Images, "cura-icon.png")))
+ self.setRequiredPlugins([
+ "CuraEngineBackend",
+ "MeshView",
+ "LayerView",
+ "STLReader",
+ "SelectionTool",
+ "CameraTool",
+ "GCodeWriter",
+ "LocalFileOutputDevice"
+ ])
+ self._physics = None
+ self._volume = None
+ self._platform = None
+ self._output_devices = {}
+ self._print_information = None
+ self._i18n_catalog = None
+ self._previous_active_tool = None
+ self._platform_activity = False
+ self._scene_bounding_box = AxisAlignedBox()
+ self._job_name = None
+ self._center_after_select = False
+ self._camera_animation = None
+ self._cura_actions = None
+ self._started = False
+ self.getController().getScene().sceneChanged.connect(self.updatePlatformActivity)
+ self.getController().toolOperationStopped.connect(self._onToolOperationStopped)
+ Resources.addType(self.ResourceTypes.QmlFiles, "qml")
+ Resources.addType(self.ResourceTypes.Firmware, "firmware")
+ ## Add the 4 types of profiles to storage.
+ Resources.addStorageType(self.ResourceTypes.QualityInstanceContainer, "quality")
+ Resources.addStorageType(self.ResourceTypes.VariantInstanceContainer, "variants")
+ Resources.addStorageType(self.ResourceTypes.MaterialInstanceContainer, "materials")
+ Resources.addStorageType(self.ResourceTypes.UserInstanceContainer, "user")
+ Resources.addStorageType(self.ResourceTypes.ExtruderStack, "extruders")
+ Resources.addStorageType(self.ResourceTypes.MachineStack, "machine_instances")
+ ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addResourceType(self.ResourceTypes.QualityInstanceContainer)
+ ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addResourceType(self.ResourceTypes.VariantInstanceContainer)
+ ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addResourceType(self.ResourceTypes.MaterialInstanceContainer)
+ ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addResourceType(self.ResourceTypes.UserInstanceContainer)
+ ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addResourceType(self.ResourceTypes.ExtruderStack)
+ ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addResourceType(self.ResourceTypes.MachineStack)
+ # Add empty variant, material and quality containers.
+ # Since they are empty, they should never be serialized and instead just programmatically created.
+ # We need them to simplify the switching between materials.
+ empty_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().getEmptyInstanceContainer()
+ empty_variant_container = copy.deepcopy(empty_container)
+ empty_variant_container._id = "empty_variant"
+ empty_variant_container.addMetaDataEntry("type", "variant")
+ ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addContainer(empty_variant_container)
+ empty_material_container = copy.deepcopy(empty_container)
+ empty_material_container._id = "empty_material"
+ empty_material_container.addMetaDataEntry("type", "material")
+ ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addContainer(empty_material_container)
+ empty_quality_container = copy.deepcopy(empty_container)
+ empty_quality_container._id = "empty_quality"
+ empty_quality_container.addMetaDataEntry("type", "quality")
+ ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addContainer(empty_quality_container)
+ ContainerRegistry.getInstance().load()
+ Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("cura/active_mode", "simple")
+ Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("cura/recent_files", "")
+ Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("cura/categories_expanded", "")
+ Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("cura/jobname_prefix", True)
+ Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("view/center_on_select", True)
+ Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("mesh/scale_to_fit", True)
+ Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("mesh/scale_tiny_meshes", True)
+ Preferences.getInstance().setDefault("local_file/last_used_type", "text/x-gcode")
+ Preferences.getInstance().setDefault("general/visible_settings", """
+ machine_settings
+ resolution
+ layer_height
+ shell
+ wall_thickness
+ top_bottom_thickness
+ infill
+ infill_sparse_density
+ material
+ material_print_temperature
+ material_bed_temperature
+ material_diameter
+ material_flow
+ retraction_enable
+ speed
+ speed_print
+ speed_travel
+ travel
+ cooling
+ cool_fan_enabled
+ support
+ support_enable
+ support_type
+ support_roof_density
+ platform_adhesion
+ adhesion_type
+ brim_width
+ raft_airgap
+ layer_0_z_overlap
+ raft_surface_layers
+ meshfix
+ blackmagic
+ print_sequence
+ dual
+ experimental
+ """.replace("\n", ";").replace(" ", ""))
+ JobQueue.getInstance().jobFinished.connect(self._onJobFinished)
+ self.applicationShuttingDown.connect(self.saveSettings)
+ self._recent_files = []
+ files = Preferences.getInstance().getValue("cura/recent_files").split(";")
+ for f in files:
+ if not os.path.isfile(f):
+ continue
+ self._recent_files.append(QUrl.fromLocalFile(f))
+ ## Cura has multiple locations where instance containers need to be saved, so we need to handle this differently.
+ #
+ # Note that the AutoSave plugin also calls this method.
+ def saveSettings(self):
+ if not self._started: # Do not do saving during application start
+ return
+ for instance in ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers():
+ if not instance.isDirty():
+ continue
+ try:
+ data = instance.serialize()
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ continue
+ except Exception:
+ Logger.logException("e", "An exception occurred when serializing container %s", instance.getId())
+ continue
+ file_name = urllib.parse.quote_plus(instance.getId()) + ".inst.cfg"
+ instance_type = instance.getMetaDataEntry("type")
+ path = None
+ if instance_type == "material":
+ path = Resources.getStoragePath(self.ResourceTypes.MaterialInstanceContainer, file_name)
+ elif instance_type == "quality":
+ path = Resources.getStoragePath(self.ResourceTypes.QualityInstanceContainer, file_name)
+ elif instance_type == "user":
+ path = Resources.getStoragePath(self.ResourceTypes.UserInstanceContainer, file_name)
+ elif instance_type == "variant":
+ path = Resources.getStoragePath(self.ResourceTypes.VariantInstanceContainer, file_name)
+ if path:
+ with SaveFile(path, "wt", -1, "utf-8") as f:
+ f.write(data)
+ for stack in ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainerStacks():
+ if not stack.isDirty():
+ continue
+ try:
+ data = stack.serialize()
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ continue
+ except Exception:
+ Logger.logException("e", "An exception occurred when serializing container %s", instance.getId())
+ continue
+ file_name = urllib.parse.quote_plus(stack.getId()) + ".stack.cfg"
+ stack_type = stack.getMetaDataEntry("type", None)
+ path = None
+ if not stack_type or stack_type == "machine":
+ path = Resources.getStoragePath(self.ResourceTypes.MachineStack, file_name)
+ elif stack_type == "extruder":
+ path = Resources.getStoragePath(self.ResourceTypes.ExtruderStack, file_name)
+ if path:
+ with SaveFile(path, "wt", -1, "utf-8") as f:
+ f.write(data)
+ @pyqtSlot(result = QUrl)
+ def getDefaultPath(self):
+ return QUrl.fromLocalFile(os.path.expanduser("~/"))
+ ## Handle loading of all plugin types (and the backend explicitly)
+ # \sa PluginRegistery
+ def _loadPlugins(self):
+ self._plugin_registry.addType("profile_reader", self._addProfileReader)
+ self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation(os.path.join(QtApplication.getInstallPrefix(), "lib", "cura"))
+ if not hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
+ self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "..", "plugins"))
+ self._plugin_registry.loadPlugin("ConsoleLogger")
+ self._plugin_registry.loadPlugin("CuraEngineBackend")
+ self._plugin_registry.loadPlugins()
+ if self.getBackend() == None:
+ raise RuntimeError("Could not load the backend plugin!")
+ self._plugins_loaded = True
+ def addCommandLineOptions(self, parser):
+ super().addCommandLineOptions(parser)
+ parser.add_argument("file", nargs="*", help="Files to load after starting the application.")
+ parser.add_argument("--debug", dest="debug-mode", action="store_true", default=False, help="Enable detailed crash reports.")
+ def run(self):
+ self._i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("cura");
+ i18nCatalog.setTagReplacements({
+ "filename": "font color=\"black\"",
+ "message": "font color=UM.Theme.colors.message_text;",
+ })
+ self.showSplashMessage(self._i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:progress", "Setting up scene..."))
+ controller = self.getController()
+ controller.setActiveView("SolidView")
+ controller.setCameraTool("CameraTool")
+ controller.setSelectionTool("SelectionTool")
+ t = controller.getTool("TranslateTool")
+ if t:
+ t.setEnabledAxis([ToolHandle.XAxis, ToolHandle.YAxis,ToolHandle.ZAxis])
+ Selection.selectionChanged.connect(self.onSelectionChanged)
+ root = controller.getScene().getRoot()
+ self._platform = Platform(root)
+ self._volume = BuildVolume.BuildVolume(root)
+ self.getRenderer().setBackgroundColor(QColor(245, 245, 245))
+ self._physics = PlatformPhysics.PlatformPhysics(controller, self._volume)
+ camera = Camera("3d", root)
+ camera.setPosition(Vector(-80, 250, 700))
+ camera.setPerspective(True)
+ camera.lookAt(Vector(0, 0, 0))
+ controller.getScene().setActiveCamera("3d")
+ self.getController().getTool("CameraTool").setOrigin(Vector(0, 100, 0))
+ self._camera_animation = CameraAnimation.CameraAnimation()
+ self._camera_animation.setCameraTool(self.getController().getTool("CameraTool"))
+ self.showSplashMessage(self._i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:progress", "Loading interface..."))
+ qmlRegisterSingletonType(MachineManagerModel.MachineManagerModel, "Cura", 1, 0, "MachineManager",
+ MachineManagerModel.createMachineManagerModel)
+ self.setMainQml(Resources.getPath(self.ResourceTypes.QmlFiles, "Cura.qml"))
+ self._qml_import_paths.append(Resources.getPath(self.ResourceTypes.QmlFiles))
+ self.initializeEngine()
+ if self._engine.rootObjects:
+ self.closeSplash()
+ for file in self.getCommandLineOption("file", []):
+ self._openFile(file)
+ for file_name in self._open_file_queue: #Open all the files that were queued up while plug-ins were loading.
+ self._openFile(file_name)
+ self._started = True
+ self.exec_()
+ ## Handle Qt events
+ def event(self, event):
+ if event.type() == QEvent.FileOpen:
+ if self._plugins_loaded:
+ self._openFile(event.file())
+ else:
+ self._open_file_queue.append(event.file())
+ return super().event(event)
+ ## Get print information (duration / material used)
+ def getPrintInformation(self):
+ return self._print_information
+ ## Registers objects for the QML engine to use.
+ #
+ # \param engine The QML engine.
+ def registerObjects(self, engine):
+ engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("Printer", self)
+ self._print_information = PrintInformation.PrintInformation()
+ engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("PrintInformation", self._print_information)
+ self._cura_actions = CuraActions.CuraActions(self)
+ engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("CuraActions", self._cura_actions)
+ qmlRegisterUncreatableType(CuraApplication, "Cura", 1, 0, "ResourceTypes", "Just an Enum type")
+ qmlRegisterType(ExtrudersModel.ExtrudersModel, "Cura", 1, 0, "ExtrudersModel")
+ qmlRegisterSingletonType(QUrl.fromLocalFile(Resources.getPath(CuraApplication.ResourceTypes.QmlFiles, "Actions.qml")), "Cura", 1, 0, "Actions")
+ engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("ExtruderManager", ExtruderManager.ExtruderManager.getInstance())
+ for path in Resources.getAllResourcesOfType(CuraApplication.ResourceTypes.QmlFiles):
+ type_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
+ if type_name in ("Cura", "Actions"):
+ continue
+ qmlRegisterType(QUrl.fromLocalFile(path), "Cura", 1, 0, type_name)
+ def onSelectionChanged(self):
+ if Selection.hasSelection():
+ if not self.getController().getActiveTool():
+ if self._previous_active_tool:
+ self.getController().setActiveTool(self._previous_active_tool)
+ self._previous_active_tool = None
+ else:
+ self.getController().setActiveTool("TranslateTool")
+ if Preferences.getInstance().getValue("view/center_on_select"):
+ self._center_after_select = True
+ else:
+ if self.getController().getActiveTool():
+ self._previous_active_tool = self.getController().getActiveTool().getPluginId()
+ self.getController().setActiveTool(None)
+ else:
+ self._previous_active_tool = None
+ def _onToolOperationStopped(self, event):
+ if self._center_after_select:
+ self._center_after_select = False
+ self._camera_animation.setStart(self.getController().getTool("CameraTool").getOrigin())
+ self._camera_animation.setTarget(Selection.getSelectedObject(0).getWorldPosition())
+ self._camera_animation.start()
+ requestAddPrinter = pyqtSignal()
+ activityChanged = pyqtSignal()
+ sceneBoundingBoxChanged = pyqtSignal()
+ @pyqtProperty(bool, notify = activityChanged)
+ def getPlatformActivity(self):
+ return self._platform_activity
+ @pyqtProperty(str, notify = sceneBoundingBoxChanged)
+ def getSceneBoundingBoxString(self):
+ return self._i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info", "%(width).1f x %(depth).1f x %(height).1f mm") % {'width' : self._scene_bounding_box.width.item(), 'depth': self._scene_bounding_box.depth.item(), 'height' : self._scene_bounding_box.height.item()}
+ def updatePlatformActivity(self, node = None):
+ count = 0
+ scene_bounding_box = None
+ for node in DepthFirstIterator(self.getController().getScene().getRoot()):
+ if type(node) is not SceneNode or not node.getMeshData():
+ continue
+ count += 1
+ if not scene_bounding_box:
+ scene_bounding_box = copy.deepcopy(node.getBoundingBox())
+ else:
+ scene_bounding_box += node.getBoundingBox()
+ if not scene_bounding_box:
+ scene_bounding_box = AxisAlignedBox()
+ if repr(self._scene_bounding_box) != repr(scene_bounding_box):
+ self._scene_bounding_box = scene_bounding_box
+ self.sceneBoundingBoxChanged.emit()
+ self._platform_activity = True if count > 0 else False
+ self.activityChanged.emit()
+ # Remove all selected objects from the scene.
+ @pyqtSlot()
+ def deleteSelection(self):
+ if not self.getController().getToolsEnabled():
+ return
+ op = GroupedOperation()
+ nodes = Selection.getAllSelectedObjects()
+ for node in nodes:
+ op.addOperation(RemoveSceneNodeOperation(node))
+ op.push()
+ pass
+ ## Remove an object from the scene.
+ # Note that this only removes an object if it is selected.
+ @pyqtSlot("quint64")
+ def deleteObject(self, object_id):
+ if not self.getController().getToolsEnabled():
+ return
+ node = self.getController().getScene().findObject(object_id)
+ if not node and object_id != 0: # Workaround for tool handles overlapping the selected object
+ node = Selection.getSelectedObject(0)
+ if node:
+ if node.getParent():
+ group_node = node.getParent()
+ if not group_node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
+ op = RemoveSceneNodeOperation(node)
+ else:
+ while group_node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup"):
+ group_node = group_node.getParent()
+ op = RemoveSceneNodeOperation(group_node)
+ op.push()
+ ## Create a number of copies of existing object.
+ @pyqtSlot("quint64", int)
+ def multiplyObject(self, object_id, count):
+ node = self.getController().getScene().findObject(object_id)
+ if not node and object_id != 0: # Workaround for tool handles overlapping the selected object
+ node = Selection.getSelectedObject(0)
+ if node:
+ op = GroupedOperation()
+ for _ in range(count):
+ if node.getParent() and node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup"):
+ new_node = copy.deepcopy(node.getParent()) #Copy the group node.
+ new_node.callDecoration("setConvexHull",None)
+ op.addOperation(AddSceneNodeOperation(new_node,node.getParent().getParent()))
+ else:
+ new_node = copy.deepcopy(node)
+ new_node.callDecoration("setConvexHull", None)
+ op.addOperation(AddSceneNodeOperation(new_node, node.getParent()))
+ op.push()
+ ## Center object on platform.
+ @pyqtSlot("quint64")
+ def centerObject(self, object_id):
+ node = self.getController().getScene().findObject(object_id)
+ if not node and object_id != 0: # Workaround for tool handles overlapping the selected object
+ node = Selection.getSelectedObject(0)
+ if not node:
+ return
+ if node.getParent() and node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup"):
+ node = node.getParent()
+ if node:
+ op = SetTransformOperation(node, Vector())
+ op.push()
+ ## Delete all nodes containing mesh data in the scene.
+ @pyqtSlot()
+ def deleteAll(self):
+ if not self.getController().getToolsEnabled():
+ return
+ nodes = []
+ for node in DepthFirstIterator(self.getController().getScene().getRoot()):
+ if type(node) is not SceneNode:
+ continue
+ if not node.getMeshData() and not node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
+ continue # Node that doesnt have a mesh and is not a group.
+ if node.getParent() and node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup"):
+ continue # Grouped nodes don't need resetting as their parent (the group) is resetted)
+ nodes.append(node)
+ if nodes:
+ op = GroupedOperation()
+ for node in nodes:
+ op.addOperation(RemoveSceneNodeOperation(node))
+ op.push()
+ ## Reset all translation on nodes with mesh data.
+ @pyqtSlot()
+ def resetAllTranslation(self):
+ nodes = []
+ for node in DepthFirstIterator(self.getController().getScene().getRoot()):
+ if type(node) is not SceneNode:
+ continue
+ if not node.getMeshData() and not node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
+ continue # Node that doesnt have a mesh and is not a group.
+ if node.getParent() and node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup"):
+ continue # Grouped nodes don't need resetting as their parent (the group) is resetted)
+ nodes.append(node)
+ if nodes:
+ op = GroupedOperation()
+ for node in nodes:
+ node.removeDecorator(ZOffsetDecorator.ZOffsetDecorator)
+ op.addOperation(SetTransformOperation(node, Vector(0,0,0)))
+ op.push()
+ ## Reset all transformations on nodes with mesh data.
+ @pyqtSlot()
+ def resetAll(self):
+ nodes = []
+ for node in DepthFirstIterator(self.getController().getScene().getRoot()):
+ if type(node) is not SceneNode:
+ continue
+ if not node.getMeshData() and not node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
+ continue # Node that doesnt have a mesh and is not a group.
+ if node.getParent() and node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup"):
+ continue # Grouped nodes don't need resetting as their parent (the group) is resetted)
+ nodes.append(node)
+ if nodes:
+ op = GroupedOperation()
+ for node in nodes:
+ # Ensure that the object is above the build platform
+ node.removeDecorator(ZOffsetDecorator.ZOffsetDecorator)
+ op.addOperation(SetTransformOperation(node, Vector(0,0,0), Quaternion(), Vector(1, 1, 1)))
+ op.push()
+ ## Reload all mesh data on the screen from file.
+ @pyqtSlot()
+ def reloadAll(self):
+ nodes = []
+ for node in DepthFirstIterator(self.getController().getScene().getRoot()):
+ if type(node) is not SceneNode or not node.getMeshData():
+ continue
+ nodes.append(node)
+ if not nodes:
+ return
+ for node in nodes:
+ if not node.getMeshData():
+ continue
+ file_name = node.getMeshData().getFileName()
+ if file_name:
+ job = ReadMeshJob(file_name)
+ job._node = node
+ job.finished.connect(self._reloadMeshFinished)
+ job.start()
+ ## Get logging data of the backend engine
+ # \returns \type{string} Logging data
+ @pyqtSlot(result = str)
+ def getEngineLog(self):
+ log = ""
+ for entry in self.getBackend().getLog():
+ log += entry.decode()
+ return log
+ recentFilesChanged = pyqtSignal()
+ @pyqtProperty("QVariantList", notify = recentFilesChanged)
+ def recentFiles(self):
+ return self._recent_files
+ @pyqtSlot("QStringList")
+ def setExpandedCategories(self, categories):
+ categories = list(set(categories))
+ categories.sort()
+ joined = ";".join(categories)
+ if joined != Preferences.getInstance().getValue("cura/categories_expanded"):
+ Preferences.getInstance().setValue("cura/categories_expanded", joined)
+ self.expandedCategoriesChanged.emit()
+ expandedCategoriesChanged = pyqtSignal()
+ @pyqtProperty("QStringList", notify = expandedCategoriesChanged)
+ def expandedCategories(self):
+ return Preferences.getInstance().getValue("cura/categories_expanded").split(";")
+ @pyqtSlot()
+ def mergeSelected(self):
+ self.groupSelected()
+ try:
+ group_node = Selection.getAllSelectedObjects()[0]
+ except Exception as e:
+ Logger.log("d", "mergeSelected: Exception:", e)
+ return
+ multi_material_decorator = MultiMaterialDecorator.MultiMaterialDecorator()
+ group_node.addDecorator(multi_material_decorator)
+ # Reset the position of each node
+ for node in group_node.getChildren():
+ new_position = node.getMeshData().getCenterPosition()
+ new_position = new_position.scale(node.getScale())
+ node.setPosition(new_position)
+ # Use the previously found center of the group bounding box as the new location of the group
+ group_node.setPosition(group_node.getBoundingBox().center)
+ @pyqtSlot()
+ def groupSelected(self):
+ # Create a group-node
+ group_node = SceneNode()
+ group_decorator = GroupDecorator()
+ group_node.addDecorator(group_decorator)
+ group_node.setParent(self.getController().getScene().getRoot())
+ group_node.setSelectable(True)
+ center = Selection.getSelectionCenter()
+ group_node.setPosition(center)
+ group_node.setCenterPosition(center)
+ # Move selected nodes into the group-node
+ Selection.applyOperation(SetParentOperation, group_node)
+ # Deselect individual nodes and select the group-node instead
+ for node in group_node.getChildren():
+ Selection.remove(node)
+ Selection.add(group_node)
+ @pyqtSlot()
+ def ungroupSelected(self):
+ selected_objects = Selection.getAllSelectedObjects().copy()
+ for node in selected_objects:
+ if node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
+ op = GroupedOperation()
+ group_parent = node.getParent()
+ children = node.getChildren().copy()
+ for child in children:
+ # Set the parent of the children to the parent of the group-node
+ op.addOperation(SetParentOperation(child, group_parent))
+ # Add all individual nodes to the selection
+ Selection.add(child)
+ child.callDecoration("setConvexHull", None)
+ op.push()
+ # Note: The group removes itself from the scene once all its children have left it,
+ # see GroupDecorator._onChildrenChanged
+ def _createSplashScreen(self):
+ return CuraSplashScreen.CuraSplashScreen()
+ def _onActiveMachineChanged(self):
+ pass
+ fileLoaded = pyqtSignal(str)
+ def _onFileLoaded(self, job):
+ node = job.getResult()
+ if node != None:
+ self.fileLoaded.emit(job.getFileName())
+ node.setSelectable(True)
+ node.setName(os.path.basename(job.getFileName()))
+ op = AddSceneNodeOperation(node, self.getController().getScene().getRoot())
+ op.push()
+ self.getController().getScene().sceneChanged.emit(node) #Force scene change.
+ def _onJobFinished(self, job):
+ if type(job) is not ReadMeshJob or not job.getResult():
+ return
+ f = QUrl.fromLocalFile(job.getFileName())
+ if f in self._recent_files:
+ self._recent_files.remove(f)
+ self._recent_files.insert(0, f)
+ if len(self._recent_files) > 10:
+ del self._recent_files[10]
+ pref = ""
+ for path in self._recent_files:
+ pref += path.toLocalFile() + ";"
+ Preferences.getInstance().setValue("cura/recent_files", pref)
+ self.recentFilesChanged.emit()
+ def _reloadMeshFinished(self, job):
+ # TODO; This needs to be fixed properly. We now make the assumption that we only load a single mesh!
+ job._node.setMeshData(job.getResult().getMeshData())
+ def _openFile(self, file):
+ job = ReadMeshJob(os.path.abspath(file))
+ job.finished.connect(self._onFileLoaded)
+ job.start()
+ def _addProfileReader(self, profile_reader):
+ # TODO: Add the profile reader to the list of plug-ins that can be used when importing profiles.
+ pass