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Merge branch 'master' into fix_filtering_output_mimetypes

Kostas Karmas 4 лет назад

+ 1 - 1

@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Thank you for using Cura!
 (What should happen after the above steps have been followed.)
 **Project file**
-(For slicing bugs, provide a project which clearly shows the bug, by going to File->Save. For big files you may need to use WeTransfer or similar file sharing sites.)
+(For slicing bugs, provide a project which clearly shows the bug, by going to File->Save Project. For big files you may need to use WeTransfer or similar file sharing sites. G-code files are not project files!)
 **Log file**
 (See https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura#logging-issues to find the log file to upload, or copy a relevant snippet from it.)

+ 1 - 1

@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ DEFAULT_CURA_DEBUG_MODE = False
 # Each release has a fixed SDK version coupled with it. It doesn't make sense to make it configurable because, for
 # example Cura 3.2 with SDK version 6.1 will not work. So the SDK version is hard-coded here and left out of the
 # CuraVersion.py.in template.
-CuraSDKVersion = "7.3.0"
+CuraSDKVersion = "7.4.0"
     from cura.CuraVersion import CuraAppName  # type: ignore

+ 4 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
 from typing import Optional
+from UM.Decorators import deprecated
 from UM.Scene.Iterator.DepthFirstIterator import DepthFirstIterator
 from UM.Logger import Logger
 from UM.Math.Polygon import Polygon
@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ class Arrange:
     build_volume = None  # type: Optional[BuildVolume]
+    @deprecated("Use the functions in Nest2dArrange instead", "4.8")
     def __init__(self, x, y, offset_x, offset_y, scale = 0.5):
         self._scale = scale  # convert input coordinates to arrange coordinates
         world_x, world_y = int(x * self._scale), int(y * self._scale)
@@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ class Arrange:
         self._is_empty = True
+    @deprecated("Use the functions in Nest2dArrange instead", "4.8")
     def create(cls, scene_root = None, fixed_nodes = None, scale = 0.5, x = 350, y = 250, min_offset = 8) -> "Arrange":
         """Helper to create an :py:class:`cura.Arranging.Arrange.Arrange` instance
@@ -101,6 +104,7 @@ class Arrange:
         self._last_priority = 0
+    @deprecated("Use the functions in Nest2dArrange instead", "4.8")
     def findNodePlacement(self, node: SceneNode, offset_shape_arr: ShapeArray, hull_shape_arr: ShapeArray, step = 1) -> bool:
         """Find placement for a node (using offset shape) and place it (using hull shape)

+ 15 - 80

@@ -1,23 +1,16 @@
 # Copyright (c) 2019 Ultimaker B.V.
 # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
-from PyQt5.QtCore import QCoreApplication
+from typing import List
 from UM.Application import Application
 from UM.Job import Job
-from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
-from UM.Math.Vector import Vector
-from UM.Operations.TranslateOperation import TranslateOperation
-from UM.Operations.GroupedOperation import GroupedOperation
 from UM.Logger import Logger
 from UM.Message import Message
+from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
 from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
-i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
+from cura.Arranging.Nest2DArrange import arrange
-from cura.Scene.ZOffsetDecorator import ZOffsetDecorator
-from cura.Arranging.Arrange import Arrange
-from cura.Arranging.ShapeArray import ShapeArray
-from typing import List
+i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
 class ArrangeObjectsJob(Job):
@@ -30,80 +23,22 @@ class ArrangeObjectsJob(Job):
     def run(self):
         status_message = Message(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Finding new location for objects"),
                                  lifetime = 0,
-                                 dismissable=False,
+                                 dismissable = False,
                                  progress = 0,
                                  title = i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Finding Location"))
-        global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
-        machine_width = global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_width", "value")
-        machine_depth = global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_depth", "value")
-        arranger = Arrange.create(x = machine_width, y = machine_depth, fixed_nodes = self._fixed_nodes, min_offset = self._min_offset)
-        # Build set to exclude children (those get arranged together with the parents).
-        included_as_child = set()
-        for node in self._nodes:
-            included_as_child.update(node.getAllChildren())
-        # Collect nodes to be placed
-        nodes_arr = []  # fill with (size, node, offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr)
-        for node in self._nodes:
-            if node in included_as_child:
-                continue
-            offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr = ShapeArray.fromNode(node, min_offset = self._min_offset, include_children = True)
-            if offset_shape_arr is None:
-                Logger.log("w", "Node [%s] could not be converted to an array for arranging...", str(node))
-                continue
-            nodes_arr.append((offset_shape_arr.arr.shape[0] * offset_shape_arr.arr.shape[1], node, offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr))
-        # Sort the nodes with the biggest area first.
-        nodes_arr.sort(key=lambda item: item[0])
-        nodes_arr.reverse()
-        # Place nodes one at a time
-        start_priority = 0
-        last_priority = start_priority
-        last_size = None
-        grouped_operation = GroupedOperation()
-        found_solution_for_all = True
-        not_fit_count = 0
-        for idx, (size, node, offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr) in enumerate(nodes_arr):
-            # For performance reasons, we assume that when a location does not fit,
-            # it will also not fit for the next object (while what can be untrue).
-            if last_size == size:  # This optimization works if many of the objects have the same size
-                start_priority = last_priority
-            else:
-                start_priority = 0
-            best_spot = arranger.bestSpot(hull_shape_arr, start_prio = start_priority)
-            x, y = best_spot.x, best_spot.y
-            node.removeDecorator(ZOffsetDecorator)
-            if node.getBoundingBox():
-                center_y = node.getWorldPosition().y - node.getBoundingBox().bottom
-            else:
-                center_y = 0
-            if x is not None:  # We could find a place
-                last_size = size
-                last_priority = best_spot.priority
-                arranger.place(x, y, offset_shape_arr)  # take place before the next one
-                grouped_operation.addOperation(TranslateOperation(node, Vector(x, center_y, y), set_position = True))
-            else:
-                Logger.log("d", "Arrange all: could not find spot!")
-                found_solution_for_all = False
-                grouped_operation.addOperation(TranslateOperation(node, Vector(200, center_y, -not_fit_count * 20), set_position = True))
-                not_fit_count += 1
-            status_message.setProgress((idx + 1) / len(nodes_arr) * 100)
-            Job.yieldThread()
-            QCoreApplication.processEvents()
-        grouped_operation.push()
+        found_solution_for_all = None
+        try:
+            found_solution_for_all = arrange(self._nodes, Application.getInstance().getBuildVolume(), self._fixed_nodes)
+        except:  # If the thread crashes, the message should still close
+            Logger.logException("e", "Unable to arrange the objects on the buildplate. The arrange algorithm has crashed.")
-        if not found_solution_for_all:
-            no_full_solution_message = Message(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"),
-                                               title = i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Can't Find Location"))
+        if found_solution_for_all is not None and not found_solution_for_all:
+            no_full_solution_message = Message(
+                    i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status",
+                                       "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"),
+                    title = i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Can't Find Location"))

+ 144 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+import numpy
+from pynest2d import Point, Box, Item, NfpConfig, nest
+from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Tuple
+from UM.Application import Application
+from UM.Logger import Logger
+from UM.Math.Matrix import Matrix
+from UM.Math.Polygon import Polygon
+from UM.Math.Quaternion import Quaternion
+from UM.Math.Vector import Vector
+from UM.Operations.AddSceneNodeOperation import AddSceneNodeOperation
+from UM.Operations.GroupedOperation import GroupedOperation
+from UM.Operations.RotateOperation import RotateOperation
+from UM.Operations.TranslateOperation import TranslateOperation
+    from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
+    from cura.BuildVolume import BuildVolume
+def findNodePlacement(nodes_to_arrange: List["SceneNode"], build_volume: "BuildVolume", fixed_nodes: Optional[List["SceneNode"]] = None, factor = 10000) -> Tuple[bool, List[Item]]:
+    """
+    Find placement for a set of scene nodes, but don't actually move them just yet.
+    :param nodes_to_arrange: The list of nodes that need to be moved.
+    :param build_volume: The build volume that we want to place the nodes in. It gets size & disallowed areas from this.
+    :param fixed_nodes: List of nods that should not be moved, but should be used when deciding where the others nodes
+                        are placed.
+    :param factor: The library that we use is int based. This factor defines how accurate we want it to be.
+    :return: tuple (found_solution_for_all, node_items)
+        WHERE
+        found_solution_for_all: Whether the algorithm found a place on the buildplate for all the objects
+        node_items: A list of the nodes return by libnest2d, which contain the new positions on the buildplate
+    """
+    machine_width = build_volume.getWidth()
+    machine_depth = build_volume.getDepth()
+    build_plate_bounding_box = Box(machine_width * factor, machine_depth * factor)
+    if fixed_nodes is None:
+        fixed_nodes = []
+    # Add all the items we want to arrange
+    node_items = []
+    for node in nodes_to_arrange:
+        hull_polygon = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
+        if not hull_polygon or hull_polygon.getPoints is None:
+            Logger.log("w", "Object {} cannot be arranged because it has no convex hull.".format(node.getName()))
+            continue
+        converted_points = []
+        for point in hull_polygon.getPoints():
+            converted_points.append(Point(point[0] * factor, point[1] * factor))
+        item = Item(converted_points)
+        node_items.append(item)
+    # Use a tiny margin for the build_plate_polygon (the nesting doesn't like overlapping disallowed areas)
+    half_machine_width = 0.5 * machine_width - 1
+    half_machine_depth = 0.5 * machine_depth - 1
+    build_plate_polygon = Polygon(numpy.array([
+        [half_machine_width, -half_machine_depth],
+        [-half_machine_width, -half_machine_depth],
+        [-half_machine_width, half_machine_depth],
+        [half_machine_width, half_machine_depth]
+    ], numpy.float32))
+    disallowed_areas = build_volume.getDisallowedAreas()
+    num_disallowed_areas_added = 0
+    for area in disallowed_areas:
+        converted_points = []
+        # Clip the disallowed areas so that they don't overlap the bounding box (The arranger chokes otherwise)
+        clipped_area = area.intersectionConvexHulls(build_plate_polygon)
+        if clipped_area.getPoints() is not None:  # numpy array has to be explicitly checked against None
+            for point in clipped_area.getPoints():
+                converted_points.append(Point(point[0] * factor, point[1] * factor))
+            disallowed_area = Item(converted_points)
+            disallowed_area.markAsDisallowedAreaInBin(0)
+            node_items.append(disallowed_area)
+            num_disallowed_areas_added += 1
+    for node in fixed_nodes:
+        converted_points = []
+        hull_polygon = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
+        if hull_polygon is not None and hull_polygon.getPoints() is not None:  # numpy array has to be explicitly checked against None
+            for point in hull_polygon.getPoints():
+                converted_points.append(Point(point[0] * factor, point[1] * factor))
+            item = Item(converted_points)
+            item.markAsFixedInBin(0)
+            node_items.append(item)
+            num_disallowed_areas_added += 1
+    config = NfpConfig()
+    config.accuracy = 1.0
+    num_bins = nest(node_items, build_plate_bounding_box, 10000, config)
+    # Strip the fixed items (previously placed) and the disallowed areas from the results again.
+    node_items = list(filter(lambda item: not item.isFixed(), node_items))
+    found_solution_for_all = num_bins == 1
+    return found_solution_for_all, node_items
+def arrange(nodes_to_arrange: List["SceneNode"], build_volume: "BuildVolume", fixed_nodes: Optional[List["SceneNode"]] = None, factor = 10000, add_new_nodes_in_scene: bool = False) -> bool:
+    """
+    Find placement for a set of scene nodes, and move them by using a single grouped operation.
+    :param nodes_to_arrange: The list of nodes that need to be moved.
+    :param build_volume: The build volume that we want to place the nodes in. It gets size & disallowed areas from this.
+    :param fixed_nodes: List of nods that should not be moved, but should be used when deciding where the others nodes
+                        are placed.
+    :param factor: The library that we use is int based. This factor defines how accuracte we want it to be.
+    :param add_new_nodes_in_scene: Whether to create new scene nodes before applying the transformations and rotations
+    :return: found_solution_for_all: Whether the algorithm found a place on the buildplate for all the objects
+    """
+    scene_root = Application.getInstance().getController().getScene().getRoot()
+    found_solution_for_all, node_items = findNodePlacement(nodes_to_arrange, build_volume, fixed_nodes, factor)
+    not_fit_count = 0
+    grouped_operation = GroupedOperation()
+    for node, node_item in zip(nodes_to_arrange, node_items):
+        if add_new_nodes_in_scene:
+            grouped_operation.addOperation(AddSceneNodeOperation(node, scene_root))
+        if node_item.binId() == 0:
+            # We found a spot for it
+            rotation_matrix = Matrix()
+            rotation_matrix.setByRotationAxis(node_item.rotation(), Vector(0, -1, 0))
+            grouped_operation.addOperation(RotateOperation(node, Quaternion.fromMatrix(rotation_matrix)))
+            grouped_operation.addOperation(TranslateOperation(node, Vector(node_item.translation().x() / factor, 0,
+                                                                           node_item.translation().y() / factor)))
+        else:
+            # We didn't find a spot
+            grouped_operation.addOperation(
+                TranslateOperation(node, Vector(200, node.getWorldPosition().y, -not_fit_count * 20), set_position = True))
+            not_fit_count += 1
+    grouped_operation.push()
+    return found_solution_for_all

+ 13 - 2

@@ -180,12 +180,21 @@ class BuildVolume(SceneNode):
     def setWidth(self, width: float) -> None:
         self._width = width
+    def getWidth(self) -> float:
+        return self._width
     def setHeight(self, height: float) -> None:
         self._height = height
+    def getHeight(self) -> float:
+        return self._height
     def setDepth(self, depth: float) -> None:
         self._depth = depth
+    def getDepth(self) -> float:
+        return self._depth
     def setShape(self, shape: str) -> None:
         if shape:
             self._shape = shape
@@ -782,7 +791,9 @@ class BuildVolume(SceneNode):
                     if self._global_container_stack.getProperty("prime_tower_brim_enable", "value") and self._global_container_stack.getProperty("adhesion_type", "value") != "raft":
                         brim_size = self._calculateBedAdhesionSize(used_extruders, "brim")
-                        prime_tower_areas[extruder_id][area_index] = prime_tower_area.getMinkowskiHull(Polygon.approximatedCircle(brim_size))
+                        # Use 2x the brim size, since we need 1x brim size distance due to the object brim and another
+                        # times the brim due to the brim of the prime tower
+                        prime_tower_areas[extruder_id][area_index] = prime_tower_area.getMinkowskiHull(Polygon.approximatedCircle(2 * brim_size, num_segments = 24))
                 if not prime_tower_collision:
@@ -834,7 +845,7 @@ class BuildVolume(SceneNode):
                 prime_tower_y += brim_size
             radius = prime_tower_size / 2
-            prime_tower_area = Polygon.approximatedCircle(radius)
+            prime_tower_area = Polygon.approximatedCircle(radius, num_segments = 24)
             prime_tower_area = prime_tower_area.translate(prime_tower_x - radius, prime_tower_y - radius)
             prime_tower_area = prime_tower_area.getMinkowskiHull(Polygon.approximatedCircle(0))

+ 33 - 26

@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ from UM.Scene.Camera import Camera
 from UM.Scene.GroupDecorator import GroupDecorator
 from UM.Scene.Iterator.DepthFirstIterator import DepthFirstIterator
 from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
+from UM.Scene.SceneNodeSettings import SceneNodeSettings
 from UM.Scene.Selection import Selection
 from UM.Scene.ToolHandle import ToolHandle
 from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ from cura.API.Account import Account
 from cura.Arranging.Arrange import Arrange
 from cura.Arranging.ArrangeObjectsAllBuildPlatesJob import ArrangeObjectsAllBuildPlatesJob
 from cura.Arranging.ArrangeObjectsJob import ArrangeObjectsJob
-from cura.Arranging.ShapeArray import ShapeArray
+from cura.Arranging.Nest2DArrange import arrange
 from cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker import MachineErrorChecker
 from cura.Machines.Models.BuildPlateModel import BuildPlateModel
 from cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel import CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel
@@ -801,6 +802,8 @@ class CuraApplication(QtApplication):
         self._setLoadingHint(self._i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:progress", "Initializing build volume..."))
         root = self.getController().getScene().getRoot()
         self._volume = BuildVolume.BuildVolume(self, root)
+        # Ensure that the old style arranger still works.
         Arrange.build_volume = self._volume
         # initialize info objects
@@ -1379,6 +1382,7 @@ class CuraApplication(QtApplication):
     def arrangeAll(self) -> None:
         nodes_to_arrange = []
         active_build_plate = self.getMultiBuildPlateModel().activeBuildPlate
+        locked_nodes = []
         for node in DepthFirstIterator(self.getController().getScene().getRoot()):
             if not isinstance(node, SceneNode):
@@ -1400,8 +1404,12 @@ class CuraApplication(QtApplication):
                 # Skip nodes that are too big
                 bounding_box = node.getBoundingBox()
                 if bounding_box is None or bounding_box.width < self._volume.getBoundingBox().width or bounding_box.depth < self._volume.getBoundingBox().depth:
-                    nodes_to_arrange.append(node)
-        self.arrange(nodes_to_arrange, fixed_nodes = [])
+                    # Arrange only the unlocked nodes and keep the locked ones in place
+                    if UM.Util.parseBool(node.getSetting(SceneNodeSettings.LockPosition)):
+                        locked_nodes.append(node)
+                    else:
+                        nodes_to_arrange.append(node)
+        self.arrange(nodes_to_arrange, locked_nodes)
     def arrange(self, nodes: List[SceneNode], fixed_nodes: List[SceneNode]) -> None:
         """Arrange a set of nodes given a set of fixed nodes
@@ -1514,13 +1522,10 @@ class CuraApplication(QtApplication):
         # Move each node to the same position.
         for mesh, node in zip(meshes, group_node.getChildren()):
-            transformation = node.getLocalTransformation()
-            transformation.setTranslation(zero_translation)
-            transformed_mesh = mesh.getTransformed(transformation)
+            node.setTransformation(Matrix())
             # Align the object around its zero position
             # and also apply the offset to center it inside the group.
-            node.setPosition(-transformed_mesh.getZeroPosition() - offset)
+            node.setPosition(-mesh.getZeroPosition() - offset)
         # Use the previously found center of the group bounding box as the new location of the group
@@ -1815,17 +1820,21 @@ class CuraApplication(QtApplication):
         for node_ in DepthFirstIterator(root):
             if node_.callDecoration("isSliceable") and node_.callDecoration("getBuildPlateNumber") == target_build_plate:
-        machine_width = global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_width", "value")
-        machine_depth = global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_depth", "value")
-        arranger = Arrange.create(x = machine_width, y = machine_depth, fixed_nodes = fixed_nodes)
-        min_offset = 8
         default_extruder_position = self.getMachineManager().defaultExtruderPosition
         default_extruder_id = self._global_container_stack.extruderList[int(default_extruder_position)].getId()
         select_models_on_load = self.getPreferences().getValue("cura/select_models_on_load")
-        for original_node in nodes:
+        nodes_to_arrange = []  # type: List[CuraSceneNode]
+        fixed_nodes = []
+        for node_ in DepthFirstIterator(self.getController().getScene().getRoot()):
+            # Only count sliceable objects
+            if node_.callDecoration("isSliceable"):
+                fixed_nodes.append(node_)
+        for original_node in nodes:
             # Create a CuraSceneNode just if the original node is not that type
             if isinstance(original_node, CuraSceneNode):
                 node = original_node
@@ -1833,8 +1842,8 @@ class CuraApplication(QtApplication):
                 node = CuraSceneNode()
-                #Setting meshdata does not apply scaling.
-                if(original_node.getScale() != Vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)):
+                # Setting meshdata does not apply scaling.
+                if original_node.getScale() != Vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0):
@@ -1865,19 +1874,15 @@ class CuraApplication(QtApplication):
             if file_extension != "3mf":
                 if node.callDecoration("isSliceable"):
-                    # Only check position if it's not already blatantly obvious that it won't fit.
-                    if node.getBoundingBox() is None or self._volume.getBoundingBox() is None or node.getBoundingBox().width < self._volume.getBoundingBox().width or node.getBoundingBox().depth < self._volume.getBoundingBox().depth:
-                        # Find node location
-                        offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr = ShapeArray.fromNode(node, min_offset = min_offset)
+                    # Ensure that the bottom of the bounding box is on the build plate
+                    if node.getBoundingBox():
+                        center_y = node.getWorldPosition().y - node.getBoundingBox().bottom
+                    else:
+                        center_y = 0
-                        # If a model is to small then it will not contain any points
-                        if offset_shape_arr is None and hull_shape_arr is None:
-                            Message(self._i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "The selected model was too small to load."),
-                                    title = self._i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Warning")).show()
-                            return
+                    node.translate(Vector(0, center_y, 0))
-                        # Step is for skipping tests to make it a lot faster. it also makes the outcome somewhat rougher
-                        arranger.findNodePlacement(node, offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr, step = 10)
+                    nodes_to_arrange.append(node)
             # This node is deep copied from some other node which already has a BuildPlateDecorator, but the deepcopy
             # of BuildPlateDecorator produces one that's associated with build plate -1. So, here we need to check if
@@ -1897,6 +1902,8 @@ class CuraApplication(QtApplication):
             if select_models_on_load:
+        arrange(nodes_to_arrange, self.getBuildVolume(), fixed_nodes)
     def addNonSliceableExtension(self, extension):

+ 20 - 54

@@ -4,20 +4,15 @@
 import copy
 from typing import List
-from PyQt5.QtCore import QCoreApplication
+from UM.Application import Application
 from UM.Job import Job
-from UM.Operations.GroupedOperation import GroupedOperation
 from UM.Message import Message
+from UM.Scene.Iterator.DepthFirstIterator import DepthFirstIterator
 from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
 from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
-i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
+from cura.Arranging.Nest2DArrange import arrange
-from cura.Arranging.Arrange import Arrange
-from cura.Arranging.ShapeArray import ShapeArray
-from UM.Application import Application
-from UM.Operations.AddSceneNodeOperation import AddSceneNodeOperation
+i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
 class MultiplyObjectsJob(Job):
@@ -28,28 +23,27 @@ class MultiplyObjectsJob(Job):
         self._min_offset = min_offset
     def run(self) -> None:
-        status_message = Message(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Multiplying and placing objects"), lifetime=0,
-                                 dismissable=False, progress=0, title = i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Placing Objects"))
+        status_message = Message(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Multiplying and placing objects"), lifetime = 0,
+                                 dismissable = False, progress = 0,
+                                 title = i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Placing Objects"))
         scene = Application.getInstance().getController().getScene()
-        total_progress = len(self._objects) * self._count
-        current_progress = 0
         global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
         if global_container_stack is None:
             return  # We can't do anything in this case.
-        machine_width = global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_width", "value")
-        machine_depth = global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_depth", "value")
         root = scene.getRoot()
-        scale = 0.5
-        arranger = Arrange.create(x = machine_width, y = machine_depth, scene_root = root, scale = scale, min_offset = self._min_offset)
         processed_nodes = []  # type: List[SceneNode]
         nodes = []
-        not_fit_count = 0
-        found_solution_for_all = False
+        fixed_nodes = []
+        for node_ in DepthFirstIterator(root):
+            # Only count sliceable objects
+            if node_.callDecoration("isSliceable"):
+                fixed_nodes.append(node_)
         for node in self._objects:
             # If object is part of a group, multiply group
             current_node = node
@@ -60,31 +54,8 @@ class MultiplyObjectsJob(Job):
-            node_too_big = False
-            if node.getBoundingBox().width < machine_width or node.getBoundingBox().depth < machine_depth:
-                offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr = ShapeArray.fromNode(current_node, min_offset = self._min_offset, scale = scale)
-            else:
-                node_too_big = True
-            found_solution_for_all = True
-            arranger.resetLastPriority()
             for _ in range(self._count):
-                # We do place the nodes one by one, as we want to yield in between.
                 new_node = copy.deepcopy(node)
-                solution_found = False
-                if not node_too_big:
-                    if offset_shape_arr is not None and hull_shape_arr is not None:
-                        solution_found = arranger.findNodePlacement(new_node, offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr)
-                    else:
-                        # The node has no shape, so no need to arrange it. The solution is simple: Do nothing. 
-                        solution_found = True
-                if node_too_big or not solution_found:
-                    found_solution_for_all = False
-                    new_location = new_node.getPosition()
-                    new_location = new_location.set(z = - not_fit_count * 20)
-                    new_node.setPosition(new_location)
-                    not_fit_count += 1
                 # Same build plate
                 build_plate_number = current_node.callDecoration("getBuildPlateNumber")
@@ -93,20 +64,15 @@ class MultiplyObjectsJob(Job):
                     child.callDecoration("setBuildPlateNumber", build_plate_number)
-                current_progress += 1
-                status_message.setProgress((current_progress / total_progress) * 100)
-                QCoreApplication.processEvents()
-                Job.yieldThread()
-            QCoreApplication.processEvents()
-            Job.yieldThread()
+        found_solution_for_all = True
         if nodes:
-            operation = GroupedOperation()
-            for new_node in nodes:
-                operation.addOperation(AddSceneNodeOperation(new_node, current_node.getParent()))
-            operation.push()
+            found_solution_for_all = arrange(nodes, Application.getInstance().getBuildVolume(), fixed_nodes,
+                                             factor = 10000, add_new_nodes_in_scene = True)
         if not found_solution_for_all:
-            no_full_solution_message = Message(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"), title = i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Placing Object"))
+            no_full_solution_message = Message(
+                i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Unable to find a location within the build volume for all objects"),
+                title = i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Placing Object"))

+ 7 - 3

@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2019 Ultimaker B.V.
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
 # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
 from datetime import datetime
 import json
 import random
 from hashlib import sha512
 from base64 import b64encode
-from typing import Optional
+from typing import Optional, Any, Dict, Tuple
 import requests
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ from cura.OAuth2.Models import AuthenticationResponse, UserProfile, OAuth2Settin
 catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
 class AuthorizationHelpers:
     """Class containing several helpers to deal with the authorization flow."""
@@ -121,10 +122,13 @@ class AuthorizationHelpers:
         if not user_data or not isinstance(user_data, dict):
             Logger.log("w", "Could not parse user data from token: %s", user_data)
             return None
         return UserProfile(
             user_id = user_data["user_id"],
             username = user_data["username"],
-            profile_image_url = user_data.get("profile_image_url", "")
+            profile_image_url = user_data.get("profile_image_url", ""),
+            organization_id = user_data.get("organization", {}).get("organization_id", ""),
+            subscriptions = user_data.get("subscriptions", [])

+ 4 - 2

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2019 Ultimaker B.V.
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
 # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
-from typing import Optional, Dict, Any
+from typing import Optional, Dict, Any, List
 class BaseModel:
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ class UserProfile(BaseModel):
     user_id = None  # type: Optional[str]
     username = None  # type: Optional[str]
     profile_image_url = None  # type: Optional[str]
+    organization_id = None  # type: Optional[str]
+    subscriptions = None  # type: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]]
 class AuthenticationResponse(BaseModel):

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