@@ -54,9 +54,13 @@ Item
horizontalAlignment: TextInput.AlignRight;
+ // Ensure that the cursor is at the first position. On some systems the text isn't fully visible
+ // Seems to have to do something with different dpi densities that QML doesn't quite handle.
+ // Another option would be to increase the size even further, but that gives pretty ugly results.
+ cursorPosition = 0;
if(valueLabel.text != '')
- slider.value = valueLabel.text - 1
+ slider.value = valueLabel.text - 1;
validator: IntValidator { bottom: 1; top: slider.maximumValue + 1; }
@@ -66,10 +70,6 @@ Item
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter;
width: Math.max(UM.Theme.getSize("line").width * maxValue.length + 2, 20);
- // Ensure that the cursor is at the first position. On some systems the text isnt fully visible
- // Seems to have to do something with different dpi densities that QML doesn't quite handle.
- // Another option would be to increase the size even further, but that gives pretty ugly results.
- onEditingFinished: cursorPosition = 0
style: TextFieldStyle
textColor: UM.Theme.getColor("setting_control_text");